Documentation for Administrators

11.0.30 - 01/15/2022

Updated on


FOCUS-32396- Add item # to inventory adjustment error message

FOCUS-32200- Use Old Vendor Number for customers in Invoice Import

FOCUS-32034- Comparing 1099 Vendor Report against 1099-NEC Forms for Calendar Year 2020


FOCUS-32448- Tacoma - Employee Position Detail Error

FOCUS-32400- Tacoma - Wages are wrong on the Payroll > Calculation Control and Gross to Net Reports


FOCUS-32475- Teacher Portal: Error on Printing Report Cards

This branch resolves a database error when teachers were printing or previewing report cards through Teacher Portal > Grades > Print Report Cards.

FOCUS-32463- Avoid duplicating Passage

Only impacts customers using the new Focus Assessment System. This change will ensure only one instance of the passage will print on the assessment when multiple questions are tied to the passage.

FOCUS-32450- Focus Analytics: Metrics Usage

Only applicable to customers using Focus Analytics. This branch creates a new table for recording usage of the Focus Analytics screen - when a report is loaded and when the user changes pages within the report a new record will be added to the table. This will be used to track usage of the Focus Analytics tool.

FOCUS-32443- Data missing from Advanced Report

Fixed an issue where Days Absent TYD, Days Present YTD and Days Enrolled YTD columns were not populating on a published report.

FOCUS-32409- Correct Display of Results in Update Students Financial Data Scheduled Job

This branch corrects a display issue on Scheduled Jobs > Execution History for the results of the Update Students Financial Data.

FOCUS-32408- Gradebook: Prevent Error When a Grading Scale Does not Have a Letter for a Student's Current Grade

This branch fixes the white screen when students have an overall gradebook average of null

FOCUS-32383- Hide Students Added/Dropped Alert for Inclusion Teachers for Non-inclusion Students

The inclusion teacher on a section is getting alerts when new students are added/dropped in the non-inclusion section but not being added to the inclusion tab assigned. This alert should only display for the inclusion teacher if they are being added/dropped in the inclusion section.

FOCUS-32338- Match Default Student List Sorting to Student Display Name Preference in Blank Gradebook Report

When a user has the preference for student name format in lists set to display the first name first, the Blank Gradebook Report defaults to showing this format for student names, but does not respect it when sorting. This branch makes the default name displayed match the default name used for sorting.

FOCUS-32331- Database Error on Advanced Reports > Graduation Requirement report field

This branch corrects three issues if the graduation requirement field is added to an advanced report: Error running advanced report on non-FL sites. Students not included on advanced report if no grade 09 enrollment record. Students not included on advanced report if no grade level with a 09 short name.

FOCUS-32325- Contacts should print in order of Contact Priority when printing Avery labels using 'To Contacts & Student'

Currently the labels print in order of student last name but within that grouping there is no specified order. This branch will order the labels by contact priority when printing Avery Labels.

FOCUS-32318- Grades (Assignments) - Max Height for Student Note

When a parent clicks a student's grade on Portal to view the assignment grades, a teacher's student note displays at the top of the page. This branch ensures the note will not impact the display of grades on the portal.

FOCUS-32299- Absences Screen on Student Portal: Incorrect attendance value displaying when multiple web-pages created for section.

This branch fixes the issue with attendance values on a student portal. Issue occurs when teacher and co_teacher create a web page for the same section.

FOCUS-32264- Add Max Syear Column to Test Parts in Standardized Tests setup

This new feature adds a Max Syear column to Test Parts in Assessments > Standardized Tests. Adding a Max Syear in the past will remove that test part in the test part dropdown on the following assessment reports: State Performance Report, At Risk Students, Leading Indicator Report, School Status Report, Test History Breakdown, and L25 Report.

FOCUS-32229- Improve District Reports Error Handling

Improves the message that is displayed when an end-user is attempting to save a query in District Reports that returns a sql error.

FOCUS-32227- FAS Autograde Fix

FAS Module: When an FAS test is auto graded, this branch ensures the letter used is determined based on the points scored, rather than the percent.

FOCUS-32220- Change Activity Summary By Group Column Names

Focus Assessments Module: Adjust the columns Scores and Results to Total Points Scored and Percentage on the Activity Summary report.

FOCUS-32196- Add Language Type Filter on Standards Item Bank

Focus Assessments Module: Adds a filter by Language: EN when selecting a standard upon clicking the Standards button when searching for an item on Create Assessment

FOCUS-32184- Student Schedule - SQL error on Schedule screen when Gender field was assigned to the deleted category

This branch fixes the issue with Student Schedule screen, caused by having Gender student field once assigned to the deleted category.

FOCUS-32174- Gradebook: Add Points Possible to Student View Printout

Before the branch when teachers would print a students gradebook they would not see the points possible on the printout. With the branch now the points possible will also show in the points earned as the denominator like it appears in the table. With the branch the students will also see NG/points possible when they have not been graded yet.

FOCUS-32162- Focus Messenger: Parent unable to message teacher

Focus Messenger: This branch corrects an issue where a parent could not message a teacher who also had an admin profile when the Allow students/parents to respond to Administrators preference was disabled.

FOCUS-32158- Adding job's exception messages to the exception_log table

This branch adds job's exception messages to the exception_log table and print more consistent error message for the failing jobs.

FOCUS-32132- Portal Dashboard Default

The Portal Editor will display a priority textbox (number field) if the Default Dashboard Profiles is checked. This priority number will be involved in determining which dashboard should show for a user with multiple profiles.

FOCUS-32121- Gradebook Report: When a gradebook shows only letters, related excluded report includes completion assignments

This branch removes checkbox assignments from displaying in the Excluded Grades, Gradebook Report.

FOCUS-32110- Seating Chart: Better Linking to Sections

When creating an initial chart for a section, this branch adds an option to link an existing chart layout to the section, rather than creating a new one. All charts with this layout (including the newly linked one) will see the same furniture layout, including future changes. This branch also improves the names of sections when creating charts to more closely match the section title located in the teacher's top-right menu, the section has the course number added and start/end time when section times are used instead of periods for postsecondary customers.

FOCUS-32109- Fix edit rule field error adding incident when no permission

This branch corrects an issue where if an Edit Rules & Workflow that updates a field that the end-user doesn't have edit permission for, they were presented with an error.

FOCUS-32089- Student Last Login

Updates the trigger to correctly set the Last Login value for students.

FOCUS-32078- Gradebook: Categories Scrollbar Always Visible

Currently, newer Chrome doesn't show a visible scroll bar on the categories side bar in the gradebook, even if a scroll bar is present. This branch makes the scroll bar always visible.

FOCUS-32021- Print Option on each District Assessment Report

Focus Assessments Module: Adds a print option that will display once a report is loaded on each District Assessment Report.

FOCUS-32012- View Permission to Students > Enrollment Codes

This branch prevents profiles from modifying Students > Enrollment Codes when they have view only permissions.

FOCUS-32009- Correct Select-Multiple Custom Fields set to display on Student Final Grades

This branch improves how student select-multiple fields marked as visible on students grades are displayed on Final Grades, GPA & Class Rank.

FOCUS-32007- Print Requests by Course - Not Limited by Student Group

This branch ensures when generating the Print Requests by Course using a Student Group, the list of students respects the group.

FOCUS-31981- Edit Rule Controller Fails to Validate Query because of parametrized variables.

This branch corrects an error when validating Execute SQL statements if {student_id} is included.

FOCUS-31960- Focus Assessments: Push to Test History

Focus Assessment Module: Adds support to push assessment information to student Test History. Under Grades > Assessment Setup > District Assessments > Options, end-users can now align Focus assessments to Test History tests, test parts, and score types. When a student takes an assessment, their score information will be present in Test History.

FOCUS-31882- Honor Roll Report: Add Custom Fields

This enhancements allows end-users to select additional student fields (text, numeric, dates, select-one, select-multiple, and time) to display on the Honor Roll Report.

FOCUS-31823- Daily Attendance - Daily code is calculating incorrectly for FTE periods

This branch fixes an issue with the daily attendance code being calculated incorrectly for a section with multiple periods and one of them is the FTE period (only impacts customers using Texas State Reporting).

FOCUS-31708- Add checkbox to exclude class rank in GPA Calc

This branch adds an option to exclude class rank for Calculate GPA and Pull Grades for Report Cards.

FOCUS-31665- Correction to the count of teachers who didn't take attendance yesterday in the Portal Alert.

This branch corrects an issue seen in rare cases when a period id was changed, an admin would get an inconsistency from what was displayed on the alert screen for the number of teachers who had not taken attendance yesterday.

FOCUS-31600- Email from Letter Queue

This branch adds an Email feature to Students' Letter Logging. An email option has been added to the letter queue with options to log the email that has been sent to students, primary contact and custodial contacts.

FOCUS-31471- Print Dropdown Cache's showing wrong templates.

This branch corrects an issue in the Teacher Completion Report in Focus where school clerks were seeing other schools letterhead templates in their print option dropdown and not their own.

FOCUS-31433- After Merging a Student Approving and Denying in the Enrollment Module Fails.

This branch corrects an issue where after merging two students, an end-user could not process online enrollments.

FOCUS-31358- Add student personal email as an option where student emails are sent

This branch adds a new student system field for a personal email address. (students.personal_email) This new field along with the existing Student Email - students.200000012 has updated Print Letters and Send Email and Edit Rules and Workflow triggers. Now users have the option to send an email to a primary or personal email address.

FOCUS-31310- Online application Birthdate doesn't work like Student Info Birthdate

This branch now treats the birthdate field on an online application the same as the Focus birthdate field and prevents invalid birth dates from being entered.

FOCUS-29783- Fix issues with GPA on Advanced reports

This branch ensures when adding multiple gradelevel GPA advanced report field options, the GPA information is displayed as expected.

FOCUS-29759- Mobile app - Username / Password fields not focusing on fast click iOS

This branch fixes an issue with iPhone 7 when quickly tapping either username or password field where it doesn't focus the field.

FOCUS-29676- Moodle Integration

Implements support for an API Moodle Integration. Three new screens have been added under Setup: Moodle API Setup, Moodle API Import Log, and Moodle API Error Log. Please contact your support representative for additional information.

FOCUS-21859- Show Twilio System Preference only on Default School Preferences

The following Twilio system preferences will now only be on Default School Preferences: Twilio Number, Twilio SID, and Twilio Auth Token

FOCUS-32260- Mobile App: Admins Unable to Award Positive Behavior Badges, if no Other Permissions Present

FOCUS-32238- Mass Invoice from Schedule: Effective Timeframe Input

FOCUS-32036- Add Logo to Receipt


FOCUS-32365- Fix SSS custom field options parsing for query-based fields

This fix addresses an issue where dropdown components on a form in SSS with a collection tied to it was not properly pushing null value to the SIS field. After the fix is applied the null value was pushed to SIS as expected. Test Scenario: SSS > Manage Student> Select a Student > Select a Program > Initiate: Event with form that has a dropdown with collection tied to it & trigger to push to SIS is setup > Change dropdown to Select One > Save & Validate > Return to Manage Student > Lock Event > Student Info > Select the Tab where the trigger is set to press > Scroll down to Student Field where selection was triggered to push > Note field is now NULL as expected

FOCUS-32231- Add support for auto-imaging events to a remote server

Add security selection options Allow and Deny to SSS> User Profile Permissions> System Permissions to grant or revoke access to the Auto-Image function. Ability to auto-image SSS events to a remote folder as PDF documents. All forms in the event would be included in the file output. Setup in SSS > General & SSS > Setup. The user selects the SSS event auto-image function by clicking the Auto-Image button from the Locked Events tab within each SSS Manage Students Program (ESE, Gifted Programs, Section 504, etc.). When the user clicks the Auto-Image button, display a pop-up confirmation message box notifying the user that he is about to copy imaged (PDF) event documents to the auto-image folder. The user must click the OK button to close the message box and initiate the copy or click the Cancel button to exit without copying the event documents to the auto-image folder. The image event documents file name is: {student ID}_{focus SSS program}_{event name}.pdf. {student_id}  the Focus student id {focus SSS Program}  any SSS Program, i.e., ESE, Section 504, Gifted Program {event name}  name of the SSS event File Name Example: auto image IEP Event for student 123456789 123456789_ESE_ IEP Event.pdf

FOCUS-32083- Normalize data comparison for determining if form has dropdown option selected

Sometimes an option is not properly selected if the comparison is between an integer and string. Before this fix, when previewing the Form Builder form that has 2 dropdowns where values are the same numbers in both components, the value won't copy from the original dropdown to the data-bound dropdown. After this fix, when previewing the Form Builder form that has 2 dropdowns where values are the same numbers in both components, the value is now copied from the original dropdown to the data-bound dropdown as expected.

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