Documentation for Administrators

11.0.31 - 01/22/2022

Updated on


FOCUS-32519- Reorder invoice reissuance logic

Invoice re-issuance happens after the original invoice is voided, a process which deletes line items and allocations. This branch ensures when an invoice is re-issued the lines and allocations are present and valid.

FOCUS-32258- K12 Billing: Setting to bypass strip permissions

K12 Billing: This enhancement allows viewing and paying cumulative invoices for students across the district. It can be enabled by checking the new ERP setting > View All Invoices. Once enabled, when loading a student in the Billing module, all outstanding invoices for the student will appear regardless of the facility the invoice was created at.


FOCUS-32504- Tacoma - Error 59 - Wage Allocations don't match the wage amount?

Branch fixes an issue where a deduction adjustment is valid but is causing an invalid error.


FOCUS-32508- Incomplete grades give credits in post final grades

Fixes an issue where students with incomplete grades received semester credit.

FOCUS-32507- Assessment: Skip Non Readable Bubble Sheets

Focus Assessments Module: When scanning multiple bubble sheet assessment responses, if any QR codes are not readable, they will be skipped. The end-user will be notified which pages could not be skipped after the remainder of the bubble sheets have been scanned.

FOCUS-32471- Check for Visible on Student Grades permission

When a field is marked as 'Visible on Student Grades' and the user doesn't have permission to view it, it will not appear for them when viewing the Graduation Requirements report.

FOCUS-32444- Add School to Bubble Sheet Header

Focus Assessments: This feature adds the school name to the header when printing Bubble Sheets from the new Focus Assessments module.

FOCUS-32407- Online Application Visual Improvements

This branch makes the following visual improvements when an end-user is completing an online application: adjust the background color to white around the district logo, removed the blue border with rounded corners on field groups, and removed one of the extra borders on addresses & contacts groups.

FOCUS-32406- Issue with Vision Screening logging field

This branch fixes an issue for users with view only access to the logging field Vision Screening where they would see a partial Import Florida Shots button. This was the result of a field alias 'field id for immunization' that existed locally and on Import Florida Shots. Now Vision Screening logging field displays correctly for user with view only access.

FOCUS-32368- School Choice - Create choice applicant gradelevel system field & Adjust hierarchy of Projected Grade Level

This branch introduces two changes and is only applicable to customers who use the School Choice Module. First, it adds a new system student field with an alias of choice_applicant_gradelevel. This field can be used as a substitute for applicant_gradelevel. Second, it changes the hierarchy of how the projected grade level is computed on the school choice application to the following: 1. If a value is present in choice_applicant_gradelevel, use this value to populate the projected grade level on the school choice application 2. If a value is present in applicant_gradelevel, use this value to populate the projected grade level on the school choice application 3. If the student's rolling retention option is set to retained, use the student's current gradelevel as their projected gradelevel. 4. Use the next grade value in gradelevel setup to populate projected gradelevel based on the student's current gradelevel.

FOCUS-32335- API - PUT /grades - Use new gradebook letter grade calculation

This branch resolves a percent and letter grade discrepancy issue with the API and the Gradebook. Previously entering students' assignment points and percents displayed correctly but the letter grade did not. Now the new gradebook letter grade calculation is used.

FOCUS-32107- Students > Print Letters & Send Email: Absences returning wrong number

This branch fixes an issue where absences in letters were returning the wrong number. This happened when an attendance code has a short_name of 'A', it returns the sum of all absences rather than just with the correct short_name.

FOCUS-32041- Fix Current Quarter Days Enrolled to be for the marking period from which to pull data

This branch fixes the Current Quarter Days Insert Field when added to a letterhead template to respect the Marking Period In Which to Pull Data selection when generating Report Cards.

FOCUS-31977- Attendance Letters are being sent more than once when flag is set to only send one in the period

This branch fixes an issue when a workflow trigger is defined for attendance and the flag is set to send only one attendance letter in the selected period and the cron job Attendance Daily Job is run it will send multiple attendance letters. Now only one letter will send as expected.

FOCUS-31513- Implement 'Include Early Graduation in Class Rank' in Texas

Texas State Reporting Users Only: This branch implements Early Graduation in Class Rank. If the preference "Include Early Graduates in Class Rank" is enabled, the student has an inactive enrollment at this school for this year, their student record has a value in the system student field Grad/Diploma Type (students.custom_300000003), and the student field "Early Graduate" is checked, the student will be included in the Class Rank calculation.

FOCUS-31391- Database - Log the original user's ID when logged in as a different user

This branch improves audit tracking to record the user's information even while this user is impersonating someone in the following database locations: created_by_class, created_by_id, updated_by_class, and updated_by_id.

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