Documentation for Administrators

11.0.32 - 01/31/2022

Updated on


FOCUS-32525- Add 'County' Field To Human Resources > Employee > Address

This enhancement adds the 'County' Field in Human Resources > Employee > Address and in Employee Self Service > Employee Requests > Address. Once the setting is enabled in Setup > Settings > Misc., districts can utilize this new field. The county field in Human Resources > Employee > Address is controlled by profile permissions & can be granted access to view/edit in Setup > Profiles > Employee Fields.

FOCUS-32350- Deselecting a student while viewing a form results in an error.

This branch fixes an issue on Manage Integrations and Forms when deselecting a student in the Top Right resulting in an error

FOCUS-32520- Removed waived deferrals from 1098-T box 1

FOCUS-32503- Fix row duplication in 1098-T adjustments query

FOCUS-32466- Fix 1098-T upcoming year date range

FOCUS-32410- Exclude non-reinvoiced refunds in FS Report balance calculations


FOCUS-32525- Add 'County' Field To Human Resources > Employee > Address

This enhancement adds the 'County' Field in Human Resources > Employee > Address and in Employee Self Service > Employee Requests > Address. Once the setting is enabled in Setup > Settings > Misc., districts can utilize this new field. The county field in Human Resources > Employee > Address is controlled by profile permissions & can be granted access to view/edit in Setup > Profiles > Employee Fields.

FOCUS-32515- ESS Leave | Require a leave reason

When an employee enters a leave request in ESS it will require a reason code prior to submission.

FOCUS-32494- Description not appearing sometimes

This branch corrects the Human Resources Board Report, where no description was pulling if the leave description is not populated. If leave description is not populated, the report will now pull the description from the employee job status/changes description.

FOCUS-32485- Employee Jobs Screen Board Fields Error

The branch corrects an error where the screen refreshed each time data was entered in the board report section on the employee jobs screen.


FOCUS-32582- Attendance Administration - Database Error Updating Attendance

This branch resolves an issue when removing a time out value from the Attendance Administration report.

FOCUS-32540- Course Catalog - Display only year specific options in the Grading Scale column

This branch filters Grading Scale options to display only grading scales applicable for the selected school year.

FOCUS-32535- Avery Labels - Blank labels printing (empty spaces)

When printing Avery labels currently if the label is blank it still prints leaving spaces on the page. This branch will fix the problem by ignoring empty labels when processing.

FOCUS-32527- Portal - Add system preference to hide attendance info on Student Portal Blocks

This enhancement adds a new option to System Preferences > Attendance called Hide attendance on Parent/Student Portal. Checking this will hide the attendance columns on Student Portal Blocks (including Community Mobile App) and the Grades Summary page. On the Grades Summary, if you select Show All Years or Show All Schools and the results include a combination of schools/years that have this preference both on and off, the columns will still appear but will be blank for appropriate schools/years.

FOCUS-32498- API - PUT /assignments - Prefer marking_periods that are tied to the passed in category

Improving the API grade passback in determining the marking period when multiple concurrent marking periods are present.

FOCUS-32489- School Choice Report - Split Refresh Choice Data priority calculator query to smaller chunks

From the School Choice Report, the Refresh Choice Data job for larger customers was being adversely impacted by the server statement timeout limit. This branch splits the Refresh Choice Data process into smaller chunks to prevent the timeout limit. Only applicable for customers that utilize the School Choice module.

FOCUS-32460- Calculate GPA - Error in rounding down calculated GPA causes negative number being saved in the DB

This branch fixes an issue with rounding down zero to -0.0001 instead of truncating to the given scale when running Calculate GPA program.

FOCUS-32439- Reenrollment/Portal Alerts throws an exception when a request is created by a users/students that no longer exist.

Fixes an issue with portal alerts for re-enrollment requests for students who have been merged.

FOCUS-32415- Program Edit Box Missing on School Choice Setup

Only applicable for customers using the School Choice Module. This branch restores the pop-out text editor box in the additional requirements field under School Choice Setup > Programs.

FOCUS-32414- Gradebook: Force Quarters Within a Full Year or Semester Configuration to the Same Category Weights

When editing the final grade percent on a category in the Gradebook within a full year or semester Gradebook, the change effects the join records for all quarter joins on that category. However, if category percents are set as different per quarter before the full year or semester option is enabled, then the quarter percents will remain different in the database, which can cause issue for calculating the overall running Gradebook grade. This branch corrects this issue, if needed, when loading the Gradebook with the full year or semester option enabled.

FOCUS-32171- Add Approval Flow for Excuse Notes

This branch adds a Note Status column to the Absence Summary page. The permission 'Show Attendance Excuse Note Alerts' has been changed to 'Approve Excuse Notes'. When there is an excuse note attached to a record in the Absence Summary it can be in 3 states; pending, approved, or denied. Pending: Awaiting admin review, appears in portal alert for admins, does not appear in portal alert for parents Approved: Attendance may be left as unexcused and will not appear in alert for parents or admins Denied: A new portal alert stating 'Student has X notes that have been returned' appears for parents When an excuse note is uploaded by an admin with permission to Approve Excuse notes the note is automatically approved. When an excuse note is uploaded by anyone else the status is automatically set to pending, regardless of previous status. When the status is changed to 'Denied' a popup appears to save an optional message visible to the parent. When clicking 'Set/Edit Message' a message can be saved for any absence with a note uploaded. When clicking the 'Save Message' button, the message is immediately saved.

FOCUS-32141- Google Classroom: Properly remove deleted classes from Google Classroom from the API

Linking to a Google Classroom then deleting that classroom within Google causes an invalid linkage. Whenever the teacher attempted to create/edit an assignment in Focus, a "Requested entity not found" error was displayed due to trying to retrieve the list of assignments from the now deleted Google Classroom. This branch detects these deleted classes and skips API calls against them. The teacher is free to select a new class in their configuration.

FOCUS-31850- Gradebook: Option to Recalculate Grades When Changing Total Points on an Assignment

When a teacher changes the points on an assignment with existing grades, the following prompt will appear asking if the Teacher wishes to maintain the existing points, or recalculate to keep the same percentages on the existing grades. "The possible points for this assignment has changed. Automatically recalculate student points earned to maintain the percent and questions correct?"

FOCUS-31424- Include all Birth date fields in the the Birthdate list

Updated the Birthdate Portal Page program to consider Focus' system, as well as, local birthdate columns when generating the list.

FOCUS-30752- Elem Scheduler Fix for students dual-enrolled

Dual enrolled students will now show at both schools on the elementary scheduler

FOCUS-28844- Gradebook: Show Full Year Average Option

There's an option for a running semester average, but not a Full year one. This enhancement adds a full year option.


FOCUS-32583- Incorrect data accessors in form approval logic

Before Branch: Approval Flow is NOT being respected. Forms are being fully approved after the first step in the approval flow and not being moved to the next user for review as expected. With Branch: Approval Flow is now being respected correctly. Form Status is pending until the form is approved by all users.

FOCUS-32581- Some SSS system permissions might not be available

This fix addressed an issue when removing the local permissions, the importer was meant to rebuild the Focus-managed SSS system permissions, but this didn't happen due to metadata still existing for deleted records.This fix clears bad metadata, runs the importer, and existing profile permission records are migrated to use the newly generated records.

FOCUS-32516- The "Edit User Only" permission might not allow users to edit their forms

Before Branch: Profiles that have View Users ONLY & Edit Users ONLY permission on SSS User Profile Permissions screen, cannot edit their SSS events; all components are disabled. With Branch: Profiles with View Users ONLY & Edit Users ONLY permission on SSS User Profile Permissions screen are now able to edit their SSS events as expected

FOCUS-32512- Remove Primary status from exceptionalities when dismissing all

Before Branch: After ALL exceptionalities have been dismissed on the ESE Tracking form and the event was locked, all records in the exceptionalities logging field were updated to reflect the dismissal (Service Type changed to D and Dismissal Date was added), but the primary checkbox did not have its primary status removed With Branch: After ALL exceptionalities have been dismissed on the ESE Tracking form and the event is locked, all records in the exceptionalities logging field are updated to reflect the dismissal: Service Type changes to D, Dismissal Date is added and the primary checkbox has its primary status removed.

FOCUS-32477- Unable to edit progress monitoring if another PM event was edited first then deleted

Only one progress monitoring event can be associated with an IEP/Amended IEP. The link between these two events is created when data is saved on a progress monitoring event. If that progress monitoring event is later deleted and a new one created, that new event will not be able to make changes to progress data because the link with the deleted event is still active. This fix removes the link to deleted PM events, and a new one is created with the progress monitoring event being edited.

FOCUS-32350- Deselecting a student while viewing a form results in an error.

This branch fixes an issue on Manage Integrations and Forms when deselecting a student in the Top Right resulting in an error

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