Documentation for Administrators

11.0.39 - 03/27/2022

Updated on


FOCUS-33117- Total calculation not working on AP revenue invoices

System update to ensure ERP > AP > Invoices > Revenue Refund > enter allocation > shows total dollar amount.


FOCUS-33150- Making an error list for import Misc Pay

A System enhancement to create an import error list for Payroll > School Department Payroll Entry > Misc Pay

FOCUS-33149- Making an error list for import Leave

A System enhancement to create an import error list for Payroll > School Department Payroll Entry > Leave.

FOCUS-33148- Making an error list for import Overtime

A System enhancement to create an import error list for Payroll > School Department Payroll Entry > Overtime.

FOCUS-33135- Making an error list for Import Adjustments

A System enhancement to create an import error list for Payroll > Run Payroll > Adjustments.

FOCUS-33119- Better error report for import on Payroll

System enhancement to coordinate importing of Misc Pay in Run Payroll or School Department Payroll Entry and providing a list of all errors at one time.


FOCUS-33168- Online Application: Cannot Upload file if Address block is on the same page

Currently, if an address block is on the same page as a file upload field on the Online Application, the end-user is presented with an error when uploading a document. This branch corrects this error.

FOCUS-33164- Fix calculating quarter grades from progress periods

Post Final Grades: when calculating a quarter from progress periods, the weights were being counted as 0 for the progress periods. This branch corrects this issue.

FOCUS-33152- Online Application - Error when missing grade level and Show Zoned School is checked

A pop up message will appear to have the applicant complete the applicant grade level field prior to entering their address

FOCUS-33141- Online Application: Fix Scan option in File Uploads

This branch fixes an issue where the files are not loaded when using file uploader, scanning in an Online Application launched from apply.

FOCUS-33138- CSP will allow scripts from any Google subdomain

Custom scripts hosted on any Google subdomain are now trusted automatically when entered in either the Custom Script or Google Analytics preferences located under Setup > System Preferences > Default School Preferences > General.

FOCUS-33127- Add system pref to disable user birthday list

This improvement adds a new system preference located on the general tab titled 'Show User Birthday List on Portal'. When the revision is installed, the preference will be checked by default to maintain existing functionality. When 'Show User Birthday List on Portal' is unchecked, user birthdays will not display on the portal birthday list.

FOCUS-33114- Report cards: Add second page break after separator page when sorting by teacher and 2 sided report cards are enabled

Previously, printed two-sided report cards are creating a new teacher page break when selecting Sort report cards by Period 1 teacher which causes the following student report card to begin on an even page instead of an odd. This branch will add a second page after the separator page when sorting by teacher and 2 sided report cards are enabled.

FOCUS-33101- Recalculate Daily Attendance sets incorrect attendance code

An incorrect attendance code is set for students when attendance is recalculated for their second school. Students should only be affected when the program runs for their primary enrollment school.

FOCUS-33028- One remaining misspelling on Spanish translations of online application

This branch removes an additional 'A' character that was appearing on the Spanish translation of parent /auth.

FOCUS-33008- SSRS Reports: Add loading bar when opening an SSRS Report from the Student/Parent Portal

This branch adds a loading bar when opening an SSRS Report from the Student/Parent Portal. The report now opens into a popup window for viewing, instead of automatically downloading. If the Student/Parent would like to download the report, they can still click on the Download button in the pdf viewer popup.

FOCUS-32972- Workflow Triggers: Attendance Letters are being sent more than once when flag is set to only send one in the period

When creating workflow triggers for Daily Attendance letters the check box for send only one during the specified period is not working as expected. This branch will fix it so that no matter how many times the cron job is run for daily attendance it will only create one letter per specified period.

FOCUS-32949- Set course history when creating grade records

When grades are created by approving a change request when there isn't already a grade, course_history wasn't ever being set. This branch sets course history on the grade record when the marking period type matches the course history term on the course period.

FOCUS-32947- Combine for attendance - issue at LJH for Leigh

This branch adds a new system preference titled 'Combine attendance by period regardless of rotation day configuration' located under Setup > System Preferences > School or Default > Attendance. The preference will be installed in the off position to maintain existing functionality. When enabled, the teacher's Take Attendance screen will display all students regardless of rotation day when combined periods are used for attendance.

FOCUS-32935- Filter out course periods from Take Attendance when combining classes for attendance and WDIS date has passed

Only applicable for CTE customers. This branch will filter out sections from Take Attendance, when the setting to combine sections for attendance is enabled but the WDIS end date has passed on the section.

FOCUS-32922- Letter Head Values in Report Cards For Absences Showing for QTR's not selected.

This branch adjusts the functionality of quarter specific attendance related insert fields included in a letterhead template to respect the effective date selection made on Grades > Report Cards.

FOCUS-32917- Add Page Size functionality to Students > Change Requests

This enhancement adds the standard page size feature to the top of the datatable on Students > Change Requests.

FOCUS-32859- Teacher Completion report shows 'Teachers who haven't taken attendance' but theres no active enrolled students

This branch makes a small correction to the Attendance > Teacher Completion report to not display a teacher as not having taken attendance if there are no active student enrollments in the section.

FOCUS-32850- Texas Transcripts can't handle grades with null grad subject ids

Only applicable for customers using Texas State Reporting. If a student grade record does not have a Graduation Subject populated, they grade will now display under the uncategorized label.

FOCUS-32849- Discipline: Fix setting processed on minor infractions

When a user didn't have edit permission to Minor Infraction, the user would be able to mark referrals with minor infraction checked as reviewed by admin. This branch fixes the validation when the user doesn't have edit permission and sets any existing processed minor infractions as unprocessed.

FOCUS-32788- Fix custom time frame for Perfect/Excessive Absence

Previously, the Perfect/Excessive Attendance report when using a custom timeframe still only displayed attendance records recorded in the session school year. With this branch, the attendance output on the report will display across school years if directed by the custom timeframe entered by the end-user. It also adds the following new options to the Timeframe pull-down: Last 2 School Years, Last 3 School Years, and Last 4 School Years.

FOCUS-32771- Copy Grades from Previous Marking Period not available in progress periods

This enhancement expands the Copy Grades from Previous Marking Period feature to work with Progress Period grades.

FOCUS-32719- Removing parent profile access to grades still allows parents to see grades

Currently if a user does not have permission to "Allow parent to view Grades" they do not have a link to the grades summary on the parent portal front page, but the grades still appear on the overview. With this branch, parents will no longer see the grades on the summary if the permission "Allow parent to view Grades" is not checked.

FOCUS-32699- Issue in Mobile App: Links screen is not opened after clicking Links menu

Only applicable for customers using the Community Mobile App. Currently if there are no links available the bottom menu items does not include a button for links but the link remains in the setup menu. This branch will make the setup menu not display a Links option if there are no Links configured in the customer's Community App Setup.

FOCUS-32679- Online application school year for overlapping application timeframes

This enhancement adds a new system student field titled "Application School Year." The field contains two select options - one for current year and one for future year. If the field is added to the customer's online application, the Online Enrollments > Unprocessed Applications report will display the school year collected to the end-user. Furthermore, when processing the enrollment via the Unprocessed Applications report, the enrollment school year will default for the end-user to the value collected on the application. A new system preference was also added to Setup > System Preferences > Default School Preferences > Online Application called 'Allow Enrolling in Future Year.' To maintain existing functionality, the preference will be installed in the On position. However, when the preference is turned off, the user completing the online application will not be able to select the next year in the field.

FOCUS-32675- Graduation Requirements Report: Industry Certifications needs to look at the exclude state reportable field

Only applicable for customers using Florida State Reporting. The Merit designation portion of the Graduation Requirements Report will no longer consider Industry Certifications that are marked as excluded from state reporting.

FOCUS-32655- Mobile App Messenger: Batch Mode Select All only selects the 100 on screen.

In message mode the screen only displays 100 items depending on what is selected (students, parents, staff). When Batch Mode is selected and All Students, All Parents, or All Staff are selected it only selects the 100 that are displayed on the screen. This fix allows all students, parents or staff to be sent the message.

FOCUS-32646- Attendance Chart - Display period attendance even if school period is not Used For Attendance

Customers can mark sections for attendance in periods that are not flagged as Used for Attendance, however when selecting this period from the Attendance Chart, the period attendance would not display for these period sections where attendance was taken. Now the Attendance Chart will accurately display Period Attendance even when the period is not flagged for attendance.

FOCUS-32590- Gradebook: Improved Category Delete and Editing of Categories Marking Periods or Title

Deleting a category now allows for a more precise delete. Users will delete from the current section/marking period (or receive an error if they cannot, due to an existing assignment), but they can choose specific marking periods within each section to delete from. When editing a category, changing the title or marking periods fields no longer always effect all periods. Users will get a prompt when saving to select other sections to effect with the marking periods, or if title is changed only, sections and marking periods. The marking periods reflected in the drop down now reflect the marking periods selected for the current section group, which can be different then the marking periods for other section groups.

FOCUS-32588- Add Re-enrollment Restrictions to Advanced Report

Adds Re-enrollment Restrictions category to Advanced Report

FOCUS-32566- Standard Grades Report Cards New Options

This branch adds two new configuration options to Assessments > Standard Grades Report Cards. First, we've added a Include in Standard Title section, that allows the end-user to better customize what elements from their standards will be printed (e.g. Subject Area, Grade Level, Strand, and Cluster). Second, font and font size options have been added allowing end-users to customize these elements on the generated Standard Grades Report Cards.

FOCUS-32553- Graduation Requirements Report - Overcounting Projected Future Earned Credits

This branch corrects an issue with the projected future credits calculation when the marking period is within the second semester.

FOCUS-32551- Admin Seating Charts

This branch adds a student menu option for administrators called Seating Charts. Seating Charts for admin are associated with users, rather than sections. Charts can be created for events, buses, exams, etc. Charts can be shared with other admin users, or admin profiles, but the creating user maintains the edit rights.

FOCUS-32518- Graduation Requirements Report: Adjust Logic that looks at Course Catalog information.

This branch corrects an issue where Scholar Designation did not calculate correctly & give the student credit for completing the requirement for "Earned 1 credit in AP/IB/AICE/Dual Enrollment."

FOCUS-32446- When using student ID that are alphanumeric no results when comma separated

This branch fixes an issue where an error was received when attempting to search students with alphanumeric IDs using separating comma.

FOCUS-32386- DataTable filters not working correctly on Grades Summary

This branch ensures all available column filters on the datatable in Grades Summary work as expected.

FOCUS-32192- Image Fields Not Displaying in Email

This branch fixes an issue when sending a letter that includes a school logo to a student or parent email where the logo does not display.

FOCUS-32094- State Performance Report - Don't show learning gains if there isn't data from the previous year to compare to.

With this branch, FSA performance reports will only show if the student made learning gains when there is data (an AL score) that can be compared to a previous year.

FOCUS-32040- When user's schools are null in permissions, user is not shown in staff list for calendar events

This branch corrects an issue for users without any schools assigned where they were not displaying in the user list if adding events to the calendar.

FOCUS-31913- Student Letters coming up blank

Previously if a student does not have a custodial contact and student letters are selected to print for parents, the PDF printed a blank page. With this branch an error message is returned instead.

FOCUS-31758- Gradebook: Improve Import Assignment Date Defaults

Import Assignment: Additional linked sections within the destination category can now be selected, these will start linked to the new assignment, after import. The due date, publish date and assign date now copy from each assignment. The dates are copied, but the year is adjusted to either the first or second calendar year of the current school year. Publish date is excluded, and will default to tomorrow. When a section uses weighted progress periods, the initial due date used will always be within the top right progress period, or the last progress period of the top right quarter. Import Category: Additional linked sections can be selected at import, these sections will be linked to the new category and all of its assignments

FOCUS-28001- Option to Hide Course Title on Standards Report Cards

This branch adds an option to hide course titles from standards report cards.

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