Documentation for Administrators

11.0.38 - 03/20/2022

Updated on


FOCUS-33060- Change receipt invoice list View column

System enhancement to add the invoice number to current receipt screen if invoice was selected.

FOCUS-33051- Issues when duplicating PO template

Solution to allow duplicating a template for Purchase Requests/Orders.

FOCUS-32795- Fund restriction enhancement

Setup > Settings > Elements. When Fund Restriction is activated on project element, restrict fund for project category mapping on budget maintenance and manual journal screens.

FOCUS-33104- Product list school product criteria not checking for package

FOCUS-33053- Payments for FS credit may not be refundable if originating from a refund


FOCUS-33054- DRS Reporting Errors

District specific update for retirement tables.

FOCUS-33025- Human Resources FTE Enhancement Fixes

System enhancement to add FTE Computed Field to Employee Job Human Resources > Employee > Jobs. Payroll > Maintenance > Pay Types > Overall Settings When set to Yes (default setting), the FTE will be calculated where both rate and hours are non-zero, and will be user-editable where the rate and/or hours is zero or empty. When set to No, the FTE will always be 0.0000.

FOCUS-33002- Employee Action Form issue selecting facility

System correction to ensure the supplements dropdown selection on the Employee Action Form is working as expected.

FOCUS-32558- Overtime - Dates

System enhancement to allow daily overtime vs. weekly overtime to be entered in School/Department Payroll Entry. Setup > Settings > Payroll > Payroll EntrySchool/Dep PR: Allow Daily Overtime When this setting is checked, the week column will be replaced by a calendar-day selection.


FOCUS-33111- Resolve database error on Attendance Calendar

This branch fixes an error for teachers when trying to view the Attendance Calendar.

FOCUS-33098- Late Check In / Early Release: Do not display excuse note inputs if excuse notes are disabled

This branch ensures the excuse note inputs will not display on the Late Check In / Early Release screen when the system preference 'Disable Excuse Notes for All Users' is enabled.

FOCUS-33088- Kiosks: Fix an error on kiosks when using the file uploader component

Only applicable for customers using Attendance Kiosks. This branch resolves an error on the kiosk when the file uploader component is in use.

FOCUS-33082- Scheduling: Warning Message when Weight by Credits used and new column to Course Catalog

This enhancement implements two changes. First, when the system preference Weight by Credits is disabled, Focus will now display a warning message when scheduling a student into a course that exists in the student's Course History, but does not have any credits awarded. The message will display to the end-user as, "the student has already taken this course, please verify the reason for the retake before rescheduling this class." Secondly, this branch adds a new checkbox to the Course Catalog called 'Exclude from Schedule Warning.' When checked, the course is excluded from generating the schedule warning message when the course is added to a student's schedule.

FOCUS-33074- Lesson Planning: Deleting a Lesson can Corrupt the Webpage of Assignments Originally Created Within the Lesson

Only applicable to the Lesson Planner. This branch corrects a database error that was appearing on a Gradebook Assignment when the assignment was created from a Lesson Plan that was subsequently deleted by the teacher.

FOCUS-33068- Rollover - Grade Posting Averaging does not rollover properly

This branch fixes the issue with the following two settings 'Round GPA Points Under 1' and 'Blank Exam Score Treatment' not being rolled into the upcoming school year while rolling 'Grade Posting Averaging' data.

FOCUS-33064- Prevent all Enrollment records from being deleted enhancement

This enhancement adds a new system preference under the Enrollment sub-tab titled, 'Prevent all enrollments from being deleted." The preference will be installed in the off position. But, if enabled, an end-user will not be able to delete the only remaining enrollment record for a student. The end-user will be presented with a validation error of "Single Enrollment" > "If a student has only 1 enrollment record, it cannot be deleted."

FOCUS-33057- Portal Alerts - Do not display alerts for pending grade change requests if grade record does not exists

This branch fixes the issue with displaying a wrong number of grade change requests to approve on the portal.

FOCUS-33045- SSRS Reports: Resolve Publishing Column Dropdown Display

This branch resolves an issue where the options in the publishing column were not displaying as expected after page 1 of the data table.

FOCUS-33031- Attendance Chart - Keep last known state of Display Hours as Decimal checkbox as a user preference

This branch saves a value for the Display Hours as Decimal checkbox on the attendance chart screen and uses that value when user returns to the screen later

FOCUS-33018- Student final grades getting grades from a different school

This resolution ensures that the Final Grades Report will correctly display a student's currently enrolled school vs. an inactive school.

FOCUS-32989- An error is thrown trying to continue the application through the parent portal.

This branch corrects the error message ("This student does not exist in the current school") when a parent attempts to complete an Online Application.

FOCUS-32961- Disable fixed horizontal columns on small devices

Fixed columns, such as within the Gradebook, can take up most of the available space when viewing Focus on smaller screens. This branch disables fixed horizontal columns across all of Focus if the screen width is < 768.

FOCUS-32939- Increasing The Date Pickers Year Range

Currently, on custom fields that are date type, the date picker only goes back 30 years. This branch increases that range to 60 years.

FOCUS-32901- Switch to the next school year prompts is missing.

This branch corrects a permission error that prevents the prompt in the student portal to switch to the new school year in order to enter course requests.

FOCUS-32854- Make Late Check In, Early Release Reason have a list of options or be freeform

This enhancements adjusts the logic of the Reason column within the Early Release/Late Check In screen to allow end-users to enter reasons as freeform or select from a district-defined list. The district-defined list can be setup under Attendance > Attendance Setup > Reason codes. The profile permission titled "Reason Codes" located under Attendance Setup must be enabled in order to add Reason codes.

FOCUS-32759- Online Enrollments - Add Profile Permission for Online Enrollments tabs

This branch adds view and edit permissions for the below tabs on the Online Enrollments screen; -Unprocessed Forms -Unprocessed Applications -Unsubmitted -Unsubmitted Applications -Processed This branch includes a migration that turns on these tab permissions for anyone who already has edit and view permissions to Online Enrollments.

FOCUS-32752- Add Late Check in/Early Release Check In/Out swap button

This enhancement adds a Check In/Check Out Update Control column. This column houses a button that will allow users with edit access to the screen to switch students from check in to check out or vice versa. If a student has checked in by mistake when they meant to check out clicking this button will retain the time and move it from the entry to release column as well as open up the following periods dropdown instead of the prior periods dropdown. In the reverse scenario clicking the button would change from checking out to checking in updating the attendance code and changing the time from release to entry and open up the prior periods dropdown. This works for records added both from the late check in/early release page itself as well as the kiosk

FOCUS-32722- Print Feature to include Assessment data in Heading for District Assessment Reports

Only applicable for customers using the Focus Assessment Module. This branch adds the following items on the printed header of the Learnosity Assessments; Assessment title, School Year, Report Title and Course

FOCUS-32715- Approved Letter Grade Changes Not Updating Parent Grades

This branch fixes an issue where an approved letter grade change was not updating the parent grade.

FOCUS-32698- Add Teachers excuse notes view permission

This branch adds a new permission for teachers under Users > Profiles > Attendance > Absence Summary called View Excuse Notes. Teachers will only be able to view and not edit/delete/create.

FOCUS-32585- Display Minutes Missed on Absence Summary

This branch adds the calculation and display of a student's total minutes missed from Late Check-in / Early Check out on Absence Summary.

FOCUS-32457- Sys Pref - Hide Address Form When Adding A Student

This branch adds a new system preference to hide the address fields when adding a new student Note: This preference setting supersedes Require Address when adding a new student, that is if both are enabled the address fields are still hidden but the record saves as expected.

FOCUS-31882- Honor Roll Report: Add Custom Fields

This enhancements allows end-users to select additional student fields (text, numeric, dates, select-one, select-multiple, and time) to display on the Honor Roll Report.

FOCUS-26639- Schema - Prevent empty strings and other bad values

A trigger has been added to convert ' to NULL on columns of type CHAR, VARCHAR, and TEXT NOTE: This does not cover student/user/school custom fields (with some exceptions) since they are not tracked directly in Schema.


FOCUS-33071- Add school to form approval history

The 'School' column is now presented on the Approval History tab.

FOCUS-33052- Remove NuSig clear link when printing form

NuSig Clear link is not presented anymore on print media of SSS Events

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