Documentation for Administrators

11.0.37 - 03/12/2022

Updated on


FOCUS-32977- Accounting strip widget does not respect permissions with data-allow-new enabled


FOCUS-33003- Setup> District Codes> A/P Cycles> Restricted to One Character?

A system enhancement to allow more than one character in the following field: Setup > District Codes > A/P Cycles

FOCUS-32967- Pay Stub End Date Incorrect

A system update that ensures the correct pay ending date when viewing or printing a paystub.

FOCUS-32921- Cannot add timecard record

A system update to ensure the ability to add a School Department/Payroll Entry Timecard entry.


FOCUS-33049- Gradebook: When Checking for Block Scheduling Setup, Ignore Setup Records Created if the Percent Field is Blank

At schools which have the system preference enabled for calculating quarter grades as an average of progress periods, the grading scale will not also be checked to determine block scheduled sections. These sections behave differently in the gradebook, with the most visible change being the display of progress periods, rather than quarters, as marking period options for an assignment.

FOCUS-33041- New Focus Setting to Disable SSO on iOS Mobile App

This backend setting "Mobile App - Disable SSO on iOS" will allow Focus to disable SSO on the Community Mobile App during the app publication review period.

FOCUS-33038- Progress Periods Not Respecting Drop Lowest in getCurrentGrade()

When using a progress period weighted grade, the gradebook shows the drop lowest grades per category marked in the ui and the calculations in the weighted grades block on the student view. However, the global getCurrentGrade() function does not drop these grades when calculating.

FOCUS-33010- Fix added/dropped students portal alert

This branch corrects an issue where non-inclusion teachers wouldn't have the Add/Drop portal alert if an inclusion teacher was present for those students. Now, both non-inclusion and inclusion teachers will be notified as expected with the Portal Alert.

FOCUS-32995- API - PUT /assignments - Prefer existing assignments joined to the passed in course_period_id if multiple duplicates are found

Only applicable for customers using a Oneroster Gradepassback. This branch expands the logic to prevent duplicates for teachers who combine their classes in both the third party vendor and Focus, to prefer matching assignments that are explicitly joined to the passed in course_period_id

FOCUS-32974- Checkbox groups may have their values locked when using addSelection or removeSelection

If addSelection or removeSelection are used to alter a checkbox group's value, the user will not be able to manually change the values of that group due to the order in which the checkbox events are handled. This branch ensures the program will look at the actual values of the checkboxes.

FOCUS-32968- Gradebook: Co-Teacher Settings Issue

This branch fixes settings for co-teachers, primary teacher-locked settings are faded and not editable, while other changes are editable and save to the co-teacher to effect their view of the gradebook.

FOCUS-32956- Add help text URL to Custom Log Column Fields

This enhancement will add the new Help URL field setting to the logging field columns setup screen. Available in all custom field types (e.g. School, District, User, Student, Referral, and Incident).

FOCUS-32945- Return Missing FLSHOTS button on Immunizations

Only applicable to Florida customers who utilize the DOH Florida Shots integration. This branch corrects the issue where the FLShots button was no longer displaying above the student's immunization logging field.

FOCUS-32935- Filter out course periods from Take Attendance when combining classes for attendance and WDIS date has passed

Only applicable for CTE customers. This branch will filter out sections from Take Attendance, when the setting to combine sections for attendance is enabled but the WDIS end date has passed on the section.

FOCUS-32923- Respect Current Quarters setting in Recalc DT Grades Scheduled Job

This branch ensures the Recalc DT Grades Scheduled job will only update the current marking period when the setting "Select Current Quarters Selected Schools' is used.

FOCUS-32882- Students able to see answers to tests despite Test Delay Review

Only applicable for customers using the Focus Assessment system. This branch will remove the button through View Grades Summary > Print Assignment Grades to see test answers if Test Delay Review is set.

FOCUS-32877- District Assessment Dynamic Scheduling Not Migrating Students without Enrollment records

Only applicable for customers using the Focus Assessment system. If a student is scheduled in a session and has taken an assessment, but is missing an enrollment for that school that the section resides, and is then assigned the same assessment in a new section at a different school the cron job was not migrating the record. This branch will correct that issue.

FOCUS-32865- Add back button on parent forgot password

Currently there is no way to navigate back to the registration page if a parent navigates to the password recovery page and does not have access to the browser back button. This branch puts a button in the header that says Return To Registration that will bring the parent back to that page.

FOCUS-32843- Incomplete grades posting when semester grades

When a course has a grade posting scheme has empty term weights for its quarter exams, it can cause a students grade to be incomplete incorrectly. This branch corrects that issue.

FOCUS-32838- Fixing an issue with query killer and Task class

This branch ensures that the query killer will not unnecessarily interfere with running scheduled jobs.

FOCUS-32825- Allow selection of the rotation day when printing by prior year

This branch adds a Rotation Day dropdown to Print Requests by Student. The rotation day displays when selecting 'Sort Requests Sheets by Prior School Years Periods' and the top right school has rotation day preference enabled in the prior school year. This feature will only look to the prior year's preference for the currently selected top right school.

FOCUS-32579- Graduation Requirements Biliteracy Seal Not Accounting for 'HE' - Superior score.

The graduation requirements biliteracy seal gold is not accounting the SU, superior, score for students exams. This branch will include AL, AH, and SU.

FOCUS-32425- Take Attendance - Attendance_completed record is being created when co-teacher taken attendance for combined section

This branch resolves the issue with taking attendance by a co-teacher. When a teacher has two classes in Period 1 and a Co-Teacher takes attendance in one of those sections, the other section (which does not have a co-teacher) is showing the message "You have taken attendance today for this period" even though attendance is not taken for that section.

FOCUS-32183- Exclude gifted students from discipline ESE

This branch changes the underlying logic to exclude students whose primary exceptionality is Gifted from the following areas. System Preferences: Maximum number of ISS/OSS days for an ESE/504 Student, Maximum number of ISS days for an ESE/504 Student, and Maximum number of OSS days for an ESE/504 Student. Referral Codes & Actions: Days for ESE per Referral, Days for ESE per Year, and Warning Level for ESE/504 per Year.

FOCUS-32046- Transferred Students Report: Recover Options Error

Fixes an issue where a teacher was presented with multiple instances of the recover options pop-up when accessing the Transferred Students report through the Gradebook.


FOCUS-32997- File uploader disable settings don't work with form builder

Before Branch: When the disable view/edit settings for the Form are enabled for a File Uploader in ERP, user is still able to see and upload files in the form builder forms. With Branch: When the Disable View option is checked, the Files box does not appear on the screen anymore. When the disable edit setting is enabled, the Files box is still visible, but user cannot upload any attachments (uploader is grayed out/disabled)

FOCUS-32948- Add support for multiple-select fields when transferring transportation codes

Event Trigger Action: Sync Transportation Codes is now pushing all multiple selections to a multiple select field in SIS as expected

FOCUS-32765- Change custom screen save buttons to red when there are changes to save

To make Save buttons on custom screens more consistent with the rest of SSS and SIS, save buttons in Goals & Objectives, Schedule of Services and Meeting Minutes should update to red when there are changes to be saved, and gray after changes are saved.

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