Documentation for Administrators

11.0.36 - 03/06/2022

Updated on


FOCUS-32926- Add PO # to Inventory Report > Inventory Report

System enhancement to add the Purchase Order number column to the Inventory report.

FOCUS-32925- Add DataTable export to FA Location History

System enhancement to allow CSV/Print export from Fixed Assets > Manage Assets > Current Asset > Location History screen

FOCUS-32894- Accounts Receivable Import Invoices Issues

System enhancement to add a setting to include the AR invoice number when notifying customer by email. Setup > Settings > Accounts Receivable > Invoices Section > Invoice Email Attachment Name Preference > Dropdown

FOCUS-32886- Lock posting buttons when posting receipt(s)

System update that ensures buttons are locked when posting receipt(s) until posting completes.

FOCUS-32869- Add asset description to misscans report

System enhancement to add a description column to the Misscans report in Fixed Assets > Inventory Reports > Misscans.

FOCUS-32663- Fix for disposal info for mass transfer disposals

Fixed Assets > Manage Assets > Mass Transfer > Import Ensure the imported mass transfers are reflecting the expected disposal date

FOCUS-31550- Include Pending Items in Fixed Assets Report

System enhancement to add a checkbox labeled 'Pending Items' to the fixed assets report screen. When checked, the report will include pending items.

FOCUS-31336- ERP 4541 Funding Source Report Past 90 Balance question


FOCUS-32962- Payroll > Run Payroll > Misc pay - Always show date

System update to populate the date column when using Find Employee's Misc Pay in Payroll > Run Payroll > Misc Pay

FOCUS-32936- Direct Deposit Portioning - Employee Requests

System enhancement to add the ability to submit percentage allocations on direct deposit requests in ESS > Employee Requests.

FOCUS-28865- Update Hire Date On New Job

This branch corrects the Human Resources > Employee > Demographic tab to update the hire date when a new hire record is added.


FOCUS-32978- Grade Passback API: /Grades Insert Query Can Attempt an Insert of a Duplicate Row

Only applicable to customers utilizing an API Grade Passback. Before this branch, the /grades route in the API can attempt to insert the same grade twice. The issue can occur if two duplicate requests are generated at the same time or if a student has a schedule for two sections which share an assignment (switched section with the same teacher). This branch corrects this issue.

FOCUS-32955- CSP System Preference

This enhancement adds a new system preference that will allow customers to add and save custom content security policies. The new preference is titled "Custom Content security Policy" and located under System Preferences > Default School Preferences > General Tab.

FOCUS-32950- API Grade Passback: Issue Syncing Assignments Cross-Listed in Canvas

Only applicable for customers utilizing an API Grade Passback with Canvas. This branch ensures the API will create a join record as expected when an existing assignment is sent for a new section.

FOCUS-32911- Improve Online Enrollments for processing Online Applications using Address Catalog and applicant_gradelevel.

This branch ensures the school/portal alert for Online Enrollments via the Online Application when leveraging both an address catalog and applicant_gradelevel is appearing in the correct school. Before this branch the process in which to determine the zoned school on the Online Enrollments report was not factoring in the end year on a school's gradelevel setup.

FOCUS-32887- Gradebook: Semester Gradebooks not Allowing Different Category Percents per Semester

When a semester gradebook uses a different category percent for the same category in semester 1 from the percent for the same category in semester 2, an issue is causing the percent to be reset to the same across both semesters, when revisiting the gradebook. This branch ensures the different category percents are maintained.

FOCUS-32863- Transcripts: Remove semi-colon to beginning of school names.

This branch corrects an issue where an erroneous semi-colon was appearing on generated transcripts to the beginning of the school name.

FOCUS-32823- Blackboard API: some classes not sending new enrollments

Only applicable to customers using the Blackboard API. This branch resolves an issue with certain classes not sending new enrollments to Blackboard.

FOCUS-32780- Print ID Badges: New Sort Badges by Homeroom

This enhancement adds a "Sort By Homeroom Teacher" option on the search screen of Students > Print ID Badges. The new sort criteria allows you to generate ID badges sorted by a specific period/teacher.

FOCUS-32742- Don't include Inactive Students referrals in Portal Alerts if user has no permission.

When a user doesn't have permission to view referrals for inactive students, referrals for inactive students will no longer be included in the alert for 'Referrals returned with comments'. When the end-user has permission, clicking on the alert will include inactive student's referrals as it does now.

FOCUS-32690- Add Periods Absent column to Perfect Attendance tab

This enhancement adds a new column "Periods Absent" to the Perfect/Excessive Attendance report > Perfect Attendance. The new column will count the total amount of periods absent for the respective student. If the option "Ignore Excused Absences" is selected only unexcused absences will be counted. The threshold options have also been renamed to better reflect the report output.

FOCUS-32633- Add Grade Posting Average view permission

Added support for View Only permissions to Setup > Grade Posting Averaging.

FOCUS-32626- Choice Letters - Add Local ID as Available Template on Choice Letters

Only applicable for customers utilizing the School Choice module. This enhancement adds an additional Available Template placeholder of [[LOCAL_ID]] to the Choice Print Letters feature.

FOCUS-32617- Incorrect Gains under State Performance Report

State Performance Report: If the student did not take an assessment in the previous year, check for gains made from the assessment they took the year before.

FOCUS-32490- Blackboard: Fix users query

Only applicable for customers utilizing the Blackboard API. This branch includes a performance improvement to the /users endpoint.

FOCUS-32399- Gradebook/Web Pages: Adjusted Logic Behind Total Used for Standards

Before this branch when viewing standards to attach to a Gradebook Assignment or Web Page, the standards would display a count of how many times the standard had been used across the entire district. This branch adjusts this logic to display to the teacher how many times they have selected the standard for use in the section they have selected in their top-right session

FOCUS-32387- New Preference - Prevent Grade Change Requests for Inactive Students

This branch introduces a new Grading System Preference 'Prevent Grade Change Requests for inactive students'. When this preference is enabled and teachers submit a Grade Change Request for an inactive student, an alert 'The student was not active during that period, please select a different term.' displays and blocks the change request. The new warning that will appear is designed to display if the student was not active on the last day of the quarter. This alert checks the student enrollment dates and/or the student schedule enrollments.

FOCUS-32030- Correct SSRS Reports time display on Student/Parent Portal

Currently on the Student/Parent Portal > Reports tab, when an SSRS Report is published, the time display of the published report always defaults to midnight. The publishing does respect the Start Time of the published report, but displays incorrectly. This branch fixes the time display so that it matches the Start Time for the published report. If no Start Time was input, the default remains midnight. Only applicable for customers using SSRS report cards.

FOCUS-31600- Email from Letter Queue

This branch adds an Email feature to Students' Letter Logging. An email option has been added to the letter queue with options to log the email that has been sent to students, primary contact and custodial contacts.

FOCUS-31476- Display categories in public catalog categories filter

Currently when the system preference to show the categories filter in the purchase and pay screen is turned on, the filter is displayed in the public course catalog but it is empty with no categories being pulled into the filter. This branch adds changes so that categories that have been set up on the store setup screen will be displayed in the filter on the catalog screen.

FOCUS-32761- Exclude inactive students from Mass Invoice from Schedule

FOCUS-32054- Changes to mass invoice product list query

FOCUS-17333- Edit Permissions Preventing Creating New Record in Logging Field

This enhancement allows customers to distinguish different edit permissions on the creation of a new logging field vs. editing an existing logging field. All logging field custom fields (e.g., students, users, district, schools, referral, and incident fields) now have the Create permission on each individual column of the logging field. If an end-user's profile has Create permissions on a column without Edit permissions they will be able to edit that column upon entering a new logging field, but will not be able to edit the column once the logging field has been added. The branch includes a migration to enable create permissions for the log column if the log column has edit permissions and the log field has create permissions, which will ensure there will be no change to end-user access upon updating to 11.0.36. Please reach out to your support representative if you have further questions.


FOCUS-32975- SSS/Formbuilder Snapshot 2 (Feb 2022)

FOCUS-32940- Check model type for multiple-select dropdowns in setStudentField

FOCUS-32912- SSS/Formbuilder snapshot Feb 2022

FOCUS-32870- Wrap program tabs within Manage Student SSS view

FOCUS-32815- Additional validations for Schedule of Services

FOCUS-32760- Running Hide Step on event creation breaks step after showing it again

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