Documentation for Administrators

11.0.42 - 04/24/2022

Updated on


FOCUS-33406- Move Scheduled Inventory table buttons

Fixed Assets > Take inventory > System enhancement to move the view and finalize button columns to the left of the screen.

FOCUS-33260- Add View Only permission for ERP>Setup>Permissions>Profiles

ERP > Setup > Permissions > Profiles New permission to allow user view only access to profile menu.

FOCUS-32836- Fixed asset allocation percentages not properly recalculating on amount change

A system update to ensure that fixed asset allocation percentages are properly recalculating on amount changes.


FOCUS-33410- Unable to enter Overtime

A system update to ensure dates entered for overtime values in Run Payroll and School Department Payroll Entry can be added.

FOCUS-33373- Time Distribution Certificate Summary Checklist

District-specific request for the Time Distribution Certificate in Payroll > Payroll Reports Summary Checklist to accompany Detail Report Customization Request Tracking.

FOCUS-33391- Edit 22 Not Checking for NULL Values

FOCUS-33358- Add Void To W2


FOCUS-33437- School Choice Application: Incorrect Projected Grade Level

Only applicable for customers using Focus' choice add-on module. When a student is in the last grade for elementary or middle school, school choice application mistakenly returns null as a "Projected Grade" value. This branch corrects this issue; when next grade cannot be established by the student's enrolled school's grade level setup, the system will utilize the next grade value from the applicant school.

FOCUS-33407- Billing: Mass Invoice from Schedule returns No Student Found

Applicable for Postsecondary customers using the POS module. This branch resolves an issue with Mass Invoice from Schedule screen when searching students to invoice using an inactive section in More Search Options.

FOCUS-33379- API: Pull employees with null usernames

This branch corrects an issue in Third Party Systems using the OneRoster dialect, where employees were being excluded who had null usernames.

FOCUS-33376- Print Student Schedules: Resolve database error

This branch corrects an issue where a database error was occurring when printing the student schedule screen using a letterhead template

FOCUS-33371- Expand capacity of the Generate Test Score Report scheduled job.

Before this branch, the built-in scheduled job, Generate Test Score Reports, was timing out when run for large batches. This branch changes the logic of the job to run in smaller batches to prevent the timeout from occurring.

FOCUS-33362- Permission Report not returning results in certain scenarios

Not all selected module options on the Profiles, Permission Report were returning results; this branch corrects this issue.

FOCUS-33357- Drafts may cause a form to be uneditable

If a form has a draft with corrupt data, it's not loading in the form builder and cannot be editable. Form loads all the data and user is able to make edits without issues

FOCUS-33356- Scheduled Jobs: Better explanation of failures in Execution History

This branch expands the detail of information contained in the execution history when a scheduled job fails, which will assist in troubleshooting.

FOCUS-33352- Grades Summary: Correct display for admin end-users with permission

Currently if an admin end-user does not have profile permission to the option "View Gradebook Assignments & Grades" they are not seeing any grades on the Grades Summary screen. Now, admins will be able to see grades on the grade summary without this permission, but will not be able to drill down via this report to view the individual gradebook grades without also having the "View Gradebook Assignments & Grades." For Parents and Student type profiles, they will not be able to view grades on the student Grades Summary screen without the profile permission of "Grades: Allow Parent to view Grades."

FOCUS-33351- Purchase & Pay: Order products alphabetically

With this enhancement, products available to parents, students or employees on the Purchase & Pay screen will now be presented in alphabetical order.

FOCUS-33334- API: Increase OAuth 1.0a time limit

Only applicable for customers with a Canvas API configured. Currently, there is a 90 minute time limit for OAuth 1.0a signatures. This branch increases this limit to 1 day, to be compatible with Canvas, who uses the signature past 90 minutes during their nightly syncs.

FOCUS-33320- Focus Assessments: Learning Outcome Report Show All District

Only applicable for customers using the Focus Assessment add-on module. This branch corrects an issue with the Learning Outcome Report where data is limited to the top right school. With this branch data is now displayed across the district.

FOCUS-33281- FAFSA: Resolve Dependent Care totals on FA Worksheet

Only applicable for Postsecondary customers. When creating a FAFSA FA Worksheet and selecting dependents, it calculates the dependent amount in the dependent care box, but it does not calculate it into the Subtotal B or the PELL COA totals. This branch corrects this issue.

FOCUS-33271- Prior Address Logging Field: Adding Updated By Name

This enhancement adds the Updated By end-users name to the system Prior Addresses Logging Field.

FOCUS-33269- New Attendance Excuse Notes Approval Flow

This branch adds a Note Status column to the Absence Summary page. The permission 'Show Attendance Excuse Note Alerts' has been changed to 'Approve Excuse Notes'. When there is an excuse note attached to a record in the Absence Summary it can be in 3 states; pending, approved, or denied.

Pending: Awaiting admin review, appears in portal alert for admins, does not appear in portal alert for parents

Approved: Attendance may be left as unexcused and will not appear in alert for parents or admins

Denied: A new portal alert stating 'Student has X notes that have been returned' appears for parents

When an excuse note is uploaded by an admin with permission to Approve Excuse notes the note is automatically approved. When an excuse note is uploaded by anyone else the status is automatically set to pending, regardless of previous status.

When the status is changed to 'Denied' a popup appears to save an optional message visible to the parent. When clicking 'Set/Edit Message' a message can be saved for any absence with a note uploaded. When clicking the 'Save Message' button, the message is immediately saved.

FOCUS-33262- Online Application: Students are getting a Birthdate error

Currently if there is no minimum birth date set on an application, any student with a birth year before 1970 will get an error and not be able to proceed with the application. This branch corrects this issue.

FOCUS-33244- Advanced Report not displaying Gradebook & Posted Grades

This branch corrects an issue with the student advanced report not pulling in the student's grade book and posted grades as expected.

FOCUS-33235- API: Better handling of co-teacher start/end dates in Third Party Systems

This branch makes two improvements to Third Party Systems in the Oneroster dialect. First, co-teachers can now be viewed in GET /users endpoints (example: /classes/CLASS_UUID/teachers). Second, /enrollments for co-teachers will honor the co teacher start and end date on the section record.

FOCUS-33232- Formbuilder headers are on top of the form itself

Formbuilder headers inherited functionality where it would assign a very large z-index. This causes elements in the header to take priority when a region is clicked, so placing a header element over a form element would make the form element inaccessible. Header elements should be behind the form by default, since headers should be non-interactable.

FOCUS-33218- Online Enrollments: When processing applications use next year start date from Attendance Calendar.

Only applicable for customers leveraging an Online Application with the system applicant year feature. With this improvement, end-users when processing online applications through Online Enrollments, if the applicant school year is in the future the start date for enrollment will pre-populate as the first day from the school's default Attendance Calendar from that year.

FOCUS-33176- Add a Student: Second School checkbox not respecting system preference

This branch fixes an issue where the 'Second School' checkbox on the Add a Student screen was not removed in all cases with the "Show Second School on Add a Student" system preference unselected.

FOCUS-33158- Setting to hide Phone Number field on Address screen.

This enhancement adds a new Enrollment System Preference 'Hide Phone Number on Address.' When enabled, the Phone Number field located on a student's address screen will be hidden when adding or editing a student address.

FOCUS-33143- Gradebook: Student View Sort on Last Modified or Last Upload Date Should be by Date, not Alpha

When sorting the student view of the Gradebook (logged in as admin or teacher in Gradebook, or student or parent from Parent Portal), the end-user will be able to sort the Last Modified or Last Upload Date by date. Previously the sort was alpha.

FOCUS-33121- Add ability to search for users or students using their UUIDs

This enhancement adds a new system field to view the UUID for users and students on user/student information in the interface. The UUID is a unique identifier utilized in Focus' Third Party Systems. To enable this field go to Users > Profiles > Student/Users Fields > General Information, enable UUID view permission. In addition to the new field, end-users can now search for users/students using one or many UUIDs.

FOCUS-33102- Student Breakdown: Fix group by clause in for checkbox/radio fields

This branch corrects an issue with the student breakdown report not displaying correct totals for checkbox/radio button fields.

FOCUS-33012- Lesson Planning: Course-Specific Units

Only applicable for customers using Focus' LMS add-on module. This feature enhancement allows teachers to use a single web page for multiple courses.

FOCUS-32996- Improve Performance on Audit Trail

This branch corrects an error for the referral and user audit trail not loading and increases speed for students, referrals and the user audit trail.

FOCUS-32970- Focus Assessment: Last Score by Activity by User Comparison Report to show Gains/Losses

Only applicable for customers using Focus Assessments. This feature enhancement adds a gain or loss that displays when multiple assessments are selected on the 'Last Score by Activity by User'. The assessments are listed by created_at date with the oldest on the left to the newest on the right. Each test is compared to the one to its left. A gain will appear as a green number with an up arrow and the percentage gained. A loss will appear as a red number with a down arrow and the percentage lost. If the percent is the same from one test to the next there is a gray zero displayed indicating that there was no difference

FOCUS-32924- Advanced Reports: Improve Performance with Validations containing Match SQLs.

This branch improves performance when loading an Advanced Reporting when a validation, setup with a Match SQL, is present.

FOCUS-32857- Focus Assessments: Add Manual Grading to Session Detail by Item

Only applicable for customers using the Focus Assessment system. This enhancement adds a Manual Scoring checkbox to the Session Detail by Item report in District Assessments. This will allow the customer to manually score an activity.

FOCUS-32840- Add Co/Inclusion Teachers to District Assessments

This branch gives co-teachers and inclusion teachers the ability to view assessments that are attached to their sections.

FOCUS-32766- Standardize Date Format in Custom Field Log Entries

Dates entered via Student Info vs. Mass Add Log Records were being stored differently in the database (custom field log entries). This branch ensures that all date values in this table will be stored in the yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS format.

FOCUS-30252- District Report Cards Enhancement

District Report Cards allows districts to run standard or regular report cards for entire schools simultaneously and as background processes, allowing them to leave the page. Report Cards will be zipped at the end of the process and available to download or preview. Report Cards can also be published to the portal page for students and parents.

FOCUS-29688- Expanding Protected Student Warning Text

This enhancement adds the Protected Student warning 'Do Not Release Student Info' to the following areas of Student Info: Absences, Grades, Referrals, and Test History.

FOCUS-33259- Set defaults from matching schedule record


FOCUS-33369- Step status icons in incorrect position with step title wraps

This fix addresses an issue if a step name in SSS Event is longer than one line, the asterisk/green check icon is centered above the name instead of being placed on the left side of the step name. The fix places the asterisk/green check icon to the left side of the step name as expected if the name is longer than one line.

FOCUS-33365- Printed Progress Monitoring may not display past comments

When printing an IEP PM event. If the marking periods used in progress monitoring can't be ordered (such as if there are no dates or the dates are all the same), past comments will not be shown. This fix uses the sort order value on the marking period to determine which is the most recent, allowing all PM data to show on the print media.

FOCUS-33302- SSS Copy Event Prompt lock redirect failing

This fix addresses an issue of an event that uses the Copy Event Prompt Action on an event trigger causing a 500 Error in both mssql & postgres when attempting to lock SSS event. The fix allows event to save & lock and Date Locked/Locked By columns are populating values as expected.

FOCUS-33246- Add customization for PMP charts "Data" label

This Enhancement adds a new setting to SSS>General called PMP Chart Data Label. It is a dropdown with 3 options to select:

Default ("Data")

PMP Intervention Score Type


The name for the "Data" label on the Y-axis in Academic/Behavior PMP events is shown based on the chosen option.

FOCUS-33217- Incorrect page breaks in printed Accommodations

The issue addressed by this fix was the Accommodations table breaks incorrectly so data overflows to the next page and it shifts into the wrong columns on the form. The fix allows Accommodations to print correctly in IEP Event.

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