Documentation for Administrators

11.0.45 - 05/15/2022

Updated on


FOCUS-33589- Consolidate errors when posting AP invoice batch

System enhancement to provide consolidated error report for Accounts Payable > Invoice Batch posting.

FOCUS-33568- Improve element requests duplicate checking

A system enhancement to Element Requests to consider start and end dates when looking at duplicates.

FOCUS-33458- Use strip permission modes in Budget Report

System improvement to accounting strip permissions in specific modules.

FOCUS-33449- Accounts Receivable - Invoices are not displaying correctly in a #10 standard window envelope.

System improvement to Accounts Receivable > Invoice template.

FOCUS-33106- 2022 1098-T Layouts


FOCUS-33588- Import Payroll Adjustments not adding date worked.

System improvement to Payroll > Run Payroll > Adjustments > Imports to ensure date worked is captured.

FOCUS-33575- Payroll> Run Payroll> Runs> Skip Supplements checkbox will not remain checked

System improvement to Payroll > Run Payroll > Runs to ensure the Skip Supplements flag when enabled is honored.

FOCUS-33518- Deduction limit description change

System improvement to Deductions > Calculated by Employment: Max Amount by Year is now Max Dollar Amount Max Amount by Fiscal or Calendar Year is now Max Amount By

FOCUS-33464- Payroll Reports - Totals are not matching

System improvement to Payroll > Reports to ensure calculations total as expected.

FOCUS-33452- School/Department Payroll Entry Import Functionality adding validation

System enhancement to add validation ensuring employees listed in the import are at the facility selected for School/Department Payroll Entry, Employee column: Timecard, Overtime, Leave and Misc Pay.

FOCUS-33416- Human Resources> Reports> Leave Report> Request "Employee" Column be Separated into "EIN" and "Employee Name" Columns

System enhancement to Human Resources > Leave Report to have the EIN and Employee Name listed in separate columns.

FOCUS-33347- Adding Payroll > Run Payroll > Timecard -> import button

A system enhancement to add import functionality within Payroll > Run Payroll > Timecard > Import.

FOCUS-33330- Don't allow setting the deduction limit by employee on the employee deduction maint unless the deduction is set to allow overrides by employee

A system update to require the Allow Max setting to be set Deductions > Calculated by Employment before allowing it to be set a max on the Employee > Deduction.

FOCUS-33264- Fixing an error on overtime import

System update to School Department Payroll Entry > Overtime > Import resolving an import error referencing weeks vs. days.

FOCUS-33633- Pay Stub - Missing YTD Values

FOCUS-33603- Fix floating point calc error 24


FOCUS-33577- Post Final Grades - "Use Average of Quarter Grades" button to calculate FY grades is returning averages > 100.

This branch corrects an issue where using "Use Average of Quarter Grades" to calculate full year grades resulted in averages above 100.

FOCUS-33570- Posted Grades Verification Report Excel Download Excel File

This branch corrects an issue with the Posted Grades Verification Report not exporting to .csv for teachers.

FOCUS-33565- Unable to post Standard Grades for student's with a Schedule start date that is after the MP end date.

When a Gradebook is configured as Full Year, the Use Gradebook Grades shortcut on Post Standard Grades screen will no longer take into account the student's schedule start date against the Gradebook assignment dates in its determination of which assignments to include.

FOCUS-33558- Florida Shots: Import Immunization Status Based on Grade 7

This branch implements a change to the FloridaShots import logic for the Immunization Status. Previously, if Focus received a value of 8 from FloridaShots and the student was not in 7th grade, the Immunization Status would be imported as a 1. With this branch, if Focus receives a value of 8 from FloridaShots and the student is 7th grade or greater, the Immunization Status will be imported as a value of 8.

FOCUS-33540- Allow searching by text on discipline & Add all log fields to advanced report

This branch implements two improvements to Advanced Reports. First, end-users can now search from Discipline text fields in More Search Options. Second, all available Discipline logging fields can be pulled into an Advanced Report. Previously, this had been limited to the Action logging field only.

FOCUS-33535- Computed Table text does not wrap when printing from Letter Queue

This branch fixes an issue for computed table text not wrapping when printing from the Letter Queue.

FOCUS-33519- Contacts with NO sort order

Only applicable for customers using an Online Application. Currently if an online application does not contain a contact priority field in the contact section, there will be no contact priority set (sort order) for that contact. This branch will now set a default value of the sort order to the next available one if there is no contact priority defined or the field is not present on the online application.

FOCUS-33470- Make Profile Editable on Students Advanced Report

This enhancement makes it possible to edit the student's profile from Advanced Reports.

FOCUS-33451- Print Grade Verification Sheet: Added ability to sort when printing

A new option called Sort Type has been added to Print Grade Verification Sheets. This feature allows the end user to change the order in which the sheets are printed (i.e. Course Name, Course Number, and more).

FOCUS-33441- Attendance Calendar: Make Bell Schedule visible to view only permissions

This branch makes the bell schedule value set on an Attendance Calendar visible to end-users with view only permissions to Attendance Calendar.

FOCUS-33427- Grade Change Request: Term not showing correctly when hovering

This branch increases the size of the Term column on Grade Change Requests to resolve a visibility issues.

FOCUS-33412- Display underscores as spaces in computed tables

This fix addresses an issue that is due to a limitation with DataTable. Column names with spaces in them cannot be used. Displaying spaces instead of underscores is generally preferable for users, so underscores should be replaced with spaces in the header of computed tables.

FOCUS-33411- Changes on the Student Listing Tab in System Preferences are not being saved for some users.

This resolution ensures that changes to the default user preferences under system preferences are updated to all applicable users.

FOCUS-33388- Fix inconsistencies in Attendance Teacher Completion

This branch makes several improvements to the Attendance/Teacher Completion page: 1) A custom timeframe can now be set when viewing a single user without the user being deselected. 2) The report timeframe will persist when a user is selected or deselected. 3) The correct attendance entries will now be returned for the entered date or date range. Originally, the report only returned attendance entries in the same marking period as the start date/report date, ignoring the end date. This was causing records from previous marking periods and marking periods between the start and end date to be missing from the report. With this information, the report will correctly return records from the beginning of the year to the report date, or records between the start and end dates if an end date is provided.

FOCUS-33350- Adjust the Master Schedule Report for Maryland's Gender Field

Only applicable for customers using Maryland state reporting. This branch adjusts the Master Schedule Report to be compatible with the gender state reporting field for the "Filled Seats" computed columns.

FOCUS-33342- User has requested the ability to add tooltips to area under students contact options.

This enhancement adds the ability to configure tool-tips on Contact Flags (i.e. Custody, Emergency) that appear to end-users on Student Address & Contacts screen. Tool-tips can be defined under Students > Address Fields > Contact Flags.

FOCUS-33310- L25 Report Duplicate Score Rows

The L25 report will now count students with the same score as 1 returned record in the lowest 25.

FOCUS-33306- Calendar: Added profile option

This enhancement adds a profile dropdown above the staff dropdown in the new event popup that allows a user to include any person with the selected profiles to view the calendar event in addition to the selected staff members, students or parents. This will allow newly added users with the selected profile to see existing calendar events even if their name is not selected from the other drop downs.

FOCUS-33107- Display create profiles on log column edit form

This branch adds a field called 'Profiles (Create Access)' when editing a log column on Student Fields. Users are able to set Create permission for log columns here.

FOCUS-33059- Discipline Referral: Show recalc of action length if changed.

On a discipline referral with an existing action record, if the user changes the date ends or length to a new value, the other value recalculates. If the user then changes it back to the original value it, the recalculation didn't trigger again. This branch fixes it to always display the current length if the end date is changed and the current end date if the length is changed.

FOCUS-33048- Set default grad program on rollover

This branch updates student enrollment rollover so that if the student doesn't have a graduation requirement program when rollover is done, it will set the applicable available default graduation program.

FOCUS-32856- Apply ID Badge Settings in Community App

The following settings from the program Print ID Badges will now be applied when viewing badges in the Community App: Logo, Color and Include ID on Badge.

FOCUS-32850- Texas Transcripts can't handle grades with null grad subject ids

Only applicable for customers using Texas State Reporting. If a student grade record does not have a Graduation Subject populated, the grade will now display under the uncategorized label.

FOCUS-32593- Automatically log emails sent from Workflow Triggers in the Student's Letter Log

Attendance emails derived from Focus' Students Workflow Triggers will now automatically be added and logged into the Student's Letter Logging system logging field.

FOCUS-31912- Grad Scholar Designation Details: Courses to Exams Determination

Only applicable to customers using Florida State Reporting. This branch impacts the following scholar designations: Earned 1 Credit in Statistics or Equally-Rigorous Course and Earned 1 Credit in Algebra II or Equally-Rigorous Course. Both of these requirements can be met by "Any dual enrollment course or other college, credit-bearing AICE, AP, or IB mathematics course with a passing score on the associated exam." We will now allow scholar to look at the florida_eoy_test_crosswalk table to make this determination.

FOCUS-31388- Ed-Fi: Expand Course Transcript Logic

Only applicable for customers using Ed-Fi API. The current CourseTranscript logic only returns student report card grade records for the current school year. This branch changes the logic to include student report card grade records from all school years, so long as the record's student has an enrollment within the current year.

FOCUS-31097- Online Enrollments: Logging field not prompted on the Unprocessed Forms report

Deletions of records on a logging field are not prompting a change on the Online Enrollments report. This branch resolves this issue and they should now show on the approve change request screens.

FOCUS-30407- Added Program of Interest Column to Online Enrollments

Only applicable if the district has a field on their online application with an alias of program_of_interest. This enhancement adds a new profile permission, Program of Interest, under the Online Enrollments section. When an end-user has permission, the Program of Interest the parent or student completed in their online application will display on the Unprocessed Applications report.


FOCUS-33557- Allow for empty ESY eligibility setup

This enhancement adds a 'Select One' option for ESY Eligibility Form in SSS General. When it is selected, the other options are blank and the functionality of validation on ESY is disabled and not enforced in the Goals & Objectives and Schedule of Services steps of the IEP Event.

FOCUS-31159- Add SSS goals progress report

This enhancement adds a New IEP Goals PR Completion Report that allows users to see which IEP Goals Progress Periods have not been reported on. Users will need to be granted access via User > Profile.

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