Documentation for Administrators

11.0.46 - 05/22/2022

Updated on


FOCUS-33679- Add department to printed picklist

System update to add the department to the Warehouse > Picklist printed PDF.

FOCUS-33608- Change request pick up checkbox to yes/no drop down and error screen if not selected

System enhancement in Fixed Assets > Assets > Transfer Requests, changing request pickup checkbox to a yes/no dropdown.

FOCUS-32999- Monroe_ER_Add Status to FA Categories and Maintenance Tab

System enhancement to Fixed Asset > Setup > Maintenance adding a column for active status for Buildings, Rooms and Departments tabs.


FOCUS-33323- Adding Payroll > Run Payroll > Overtime -> import button

System enhancement to add the import functionality within Payroll > Run Payroll > Overtime > Import

FOCUS-33703- Leave requests | Link is incorrect

FOCUS-33520- S/D Payroll Entry Historical date range not filtering


FOCUS-33707- 'Incomplete' grades still give credits when using the 'Use Weighted Average of Quarter and Exam Grades' button

When an end-user was posting a grade that resulted in an Incomplete (I) grade using the "Use Weighted Average of Quarter and Semester Exam" option, the student's grade record was mistakenly being marked as receiving credit. This branch corrects that issue.

FOCUS-33706- Standard Grade Report Cards don't print existing Q1 grades

This branch corrects an issue for assessment report cards not printing Q1 grades if FY is also selected.

FOCUS-33700- Ed-Fi: Fix Ed for Identity Endpoint

Only applicable for customer using the Ed-Fi API. This resolution corrects a database error that was returned when accessing the /identity endpoint.

FOCUS-33669- Focus Assessments: Improve Printing Last Score by Activity Comparison Report

Only applicable for customer using the Focus Assessments add-on module. This branch improves the display of incremental scores on the The Last Score by Activity report when printing.

FOCUS-33613- Fixes issue with "Display Local ID in Student lists" setting where it is not saving.

The System Preference titled "Display Local ID in student lists" was not saving as expected when being unchecked. This branch corrects this issue.

FOCUS-33612- More Search Options database error searching on Class Rank

This branch corrects a database error from occurring when searching with a More Search Options Class Rank selection.

FOCUS-33585- Online applications are getting error messages about duplicate transactions

Only applicable for customers using point of sale or billing with a fee attached to an Online Application. Currently an error occurs after the application payment has been made and Focus attempts to send the completion email (if configured). This branch corrects that error from displaying.

FOCUS-33573- Update Parent Grade Calculation to match without Course Period ID

Only applicable for customers who are using the Grading System Preferences of "Recalculate parent marking period grades and GPAs when a teacher posts grades or a grade change request is approved" and/or "Recalculate parent marking period grades and GPAs when a grade is changed on Final Grades, GPA, and Class Rank." This branch makes an improvement to the recalculation of the parent marking period logic and will now include grade records that match on course period vs. course period and course period id.

FOCUS-33525- Fix SQL error when JSON custom field is used for school email in Parent Registration

This branch fixes a SQL error in Parent Registration that appears when linking students to a new parent account while the schools email field (set in System Preferences) is a JSON custom field.

FOCUS-33436- Improve Address Override - Override Reason Preference

Only applicable for customers using the Address Catalog for address validation. The System Preference "Override Reason" can now be configured without customization to the customer's menu_include. The preference, located under the enrollment sub-tab, allows the customer to customize what student enrollment select-one field is used in the Address Override selection presented to end-users when they are validating an address that is outside the catalog or not zoned for the school in question. For Florida customers if no option is selected, the default Address Override field will continue to be Educational Choice.

FOCUS-33418- Student Final Grades: Report displaying grades from incorrect school

Students on the Students Final Grades report were showing grades from a school they did not attend. This branch corrects this issue and the report will reflect the grades under the student's final grades screen.

FOCUS-33402- Custody Alert in Parent Registration doesn't have checkbox

This enhancement adds support for checkbox fields to be selected as the Custody Alert preference located under the Parent Registration sub-tab. If the district allows parents to register for parent accounts without review from an administrator, the Custody Alert preference allows the district to flag certain students from having an additional review before a parent account will be tied to the student through the Parent Registration process.

FOCUS-33399- Improve Printing with Signature Fields without Requires Auth Selected

This branch removes the "Signed or Witnessed By" section when printing a signature field through Focus in a letter when the field is not flagged as Requires Authentication. Only signature fields that require authentication will print with this additional information.

FOCUS-33167- Allow customers to remove "Other" Contact Type in Contact Details.

This enhancement adds a new System Preference, located under the Enrollment sub-tab, called "Allow 'Other' Contact Type in the Contact Details area on the New/Edit Contact Screen." The preference will be installed in the On position, which maintains current functionality. When unchecked, end-users when adding a new contact or when editing an existing contact will no longer be able to select Other as a Contact Type option.

FOCUS-33121- Add ability to search for users or students using their UUIDs

This enhancement adds a new system field to view the UUID for users and students on user/student information in the interface. The UUID is a unique identifier utilized in Focus' Third Party Systems. To enable this field go to Users > Profiles > Student/Users Fields > General Information, enable UUID view permission. In addition to the new field, end-users can now search for users/students using one or many UUIDs.

FOCUS-32356- Resolves database error on all_fields & html from displaying on Student Rooms.

This branch resolves an issue where unnecessary html code was displaying in the interface in Courses & Scheduling and Student Rooms, as well as, fixing an issue with searching on /all_fields.php

FOCUS-33639- Fix Hours Column in Field Trip History

FOCUS-33571- System Preferences with blank options for State Math Test and State ELA Test


FOCUS-33393- Change point shapes on PMP graphs

Branch changes point shapes on Academic/Behavior PMP and IEP Progress Monitoring graphs for improved display to end-users.

FOCUS-28937- Errors when generating Behavior PMP discipline referral charts and Allow decimals in PMP data points

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