Documentation for Administrators

11.0.47 - 05/28/2022

Updated on


FOCUS-33782- Add Journal Date column to Budget Maintenance history

System enhancement to add the journal date to Budget Maintenance history

FOCUS-33242- Place header on printed Inventory Report

System enhancement to place the header of the report type title or saved report title on the printed version of the inventory report.

FOCUS-33507- Warehouse back orders issue


FOCUS-33788- Slot Step Maintenance - Selectable Numeric Precision

System enhancement to allow districts to be able to configure the numeric precision of rate amounts being stored in the database of slots/steps for Payroll purposes.

FOCUS-33653- Payroll> Run Payroll> Adjustments> Import of Detail LVT (Hours) Records does not Recognize Negative Amounts

System update for Adjustments imported in Run Payroll to recognize negative amounts.

FOCUS-33222- Rollover wages by contract starting dates


FOCUS-33778- Resolve Database Error Approve Grade Changes

Resolve a database error that was present to end-users when approving a Grade Change request on self-hosted MSSQL databases.

FOCUS-33765- Student Portal - Exclude classes scheduled for the upcoming school year from Grad Reqs tooltip

With the system preference to hide schedules from students turned on, students were still able to deduce their future schedule by looking at their graduation requirements report in the credits remaining to be taken column. This branch prevents schedules from the next school year from showing in the credits remaining to be taken column.

FOCUS-33764- School Choice Application: Projected gradelevel is not being populated in the database when submitting the application

Only applicable for customers using the School Choice module. If a student did not have a current year gradelevel populated on enrollment, the projected gradelevel, while present on the choice application, wasn't being populated down to the school_choice_application_status.projected_gradelevel when the application was submitted. This branch corrects that issue.

FOCUS-33718- Add a Student: Always Display Errors

When adding a student, if the end-user clicked the back button to navigate from the 3rd page to the 2nd page then returned to the 3rd page, the errors were not displayed to the end-user until a change was made on the page. This branch ensures that all applicable errors display to the end-user upon page load.

FOCUS-33711- Gradebook Student View: Remove Table Scroll Bar When Height is Restricted

Before this resolution when viewing the gradebook as a parent/student on a mobile browser the gradebook would not scroll very well when in landscape mode. This was especially pronounced when there were more than 100 assignments in the gradebook and the teacher used weighted grades. With this resolution the whole screen will scroll not just the gradebook table so everything can be seen.

FOCUS-33664- Senior Teacher Posting Alert when No Seniors Present

This branch resolves an issue where teachers who had no seniors were mistakenly seeing the Senior Teacher Posting Alert.

FOCUS-33662- Students ISP Page would display a blank Grades table

Only applicable for postsecondary customers. This branch corrects an issue where the grades section of a student's ISP page was not displaying as expected.

FOCUS-33621- Improve Performance in Focus Analytics

This branch improves the performance/load time of the Reports, Focus Analytics screen.

FOCUS-33619- Add Twilio Messaging Service capabilities

Only applicable for customers using the Call out System. This enhancement adds two new general system preferences that allow a customer to configure the Call Out System to their Twilio Messaging Service.

FOCUS-33590- Online Enrollments: Unsubmitted Re-enrollment records are not properly being displayed.

This branch ensures all unsubmitted re-enrollment forms for students or parents are displayed the end-users in the Students, Online Enrollments Unsubmmited report.

FOCUS-33500- Improve performance in printing Advanced Reports with photos.

This branch improves the performance of printing an Advanced Report with student photos included, as well as prevents them from printing sideways.

FOCUS-33420- Gradebook: Modifying Assignment Assigned Students Shouldn't Effect Inactive Students

When modifying the assigned students on an assignment, students who are now inactive shouldn't be affected by the new selection, and remain assigned with their grade, if applicable. If the teacher changes the checkbox to assign or not assign to all students, this still affects inactive students, who will have their cell ungreyed if the assignment is no longer assigned to individual students, or greyed, if it is checked.

FOCUS-33377- Teacher Portal and Workflow Triggers - Do not display a portal alert for teachers for the students not scheduled in their classes

This branch hides the custom alerts, set up under Edit Rules & Workflow, Workflow Triggers, from the teachers portal if a student is not scheduled to any of teacher's classes and system preference "Enable search entire school for teachers" is turned off.

FOCUS-33322- Kiosk: Prevent errors when converting student local_id to student_id when bad data is present

This branch fixes an error on the kiosk with converting student {local_id} to student_id for a scenario in which the customer has multiple records in the students table with the same {local_id} value and one of these records has no active student_enrollment record.

FOCUS-33169- Online Application: Automatically save pending contact details

This branch adds the automatic saving for a pending contact details while saving contact block. In the reported issue, when user did not click 'Save Contact Detail' button but proceeded to the next step with the contact details data, the added contact was saving without details.

FOCUS-33059- Discipline Referral: Show recalc of action length if changed.

On a discipline referral with an existing action record, if the user changes the date ends or length to a new value, the other value recalculates. If the user then changes it back to the original value it, the recalculation didn't trigger again. This branch fixes it to always display the current length if the end date is changed and the current end date if the length is changed.


FOCUS-33694- Prompt for required transportation services on additional schedules

Existing validations may require transportation services to be added. This validation applies to all schedules on the event, but it should only be mandatory on the first schedule. When creating subsequent schedules, the user should be prompted for whether transportation services are required, and if they are, the validation should be applied.

FOCUS-33688- SSS/Formbuilder Snapshot (May 2022)

FOCUS-33581- Add trigger conditions for Set Inactive, Set Active and Unlock

Triggers may need to run when an event is set to inactive, active, or unlocked. The event trigger primary conditions "Event is set to inactive", "Event is set to active from inactive", and Event is unlocked have been added to accomplish this.

FOCUS-33579- Set Step As Required event trigger action does not work

This fix addressed an issue where the Set Step As Required event trigger action was not working. After the fix, the event trigger action to Set Step as Required works as expected.

FOCUS-33392- Header on the inactive event reason window is inaccurate

The header on the reason pop-up when setting an event to inactive has been updated to reflect the correct action taking place.

FOCUS-33295- Improve Matrix of Services job performance with unusual dates (MSSQL customers only)

Only applicable for SSS self-hosted MSSQL customers. This branch improves the performance of the Matrix of Services job by leveraging the the built-in MSSQLl function ISDATE.

FOCUS-31829- Add option to mass print for displaying additional print options

This branch adds the option Add Data Table From Graph to the Mass Print Events screen between the Step dropdown & Initiated Dates. When the step with a graph is selected to be mass printed the checkbox will be presented. When the option is selected, the data table will be added globally to all events in the batch.

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