Documentation for Administrators

11.0.49 - 06/11/2022

Updated on


FOCUS-33841- Fixed Assets - Depreciable Assets Life

System update to ensure Fixed Asset life expectancy pulls from the related asset category of the record on the asset.

FOCUS-33811- Add net current value to Inventory Report

System enhancement to add the net current value column to the Inventory Report.

FOCUS-33772- Restrict Inventory Report to inventory-enabled categories

System update to omit assets in the Inventory Report marked as non-inventoried in the Asset Categories.

FOCUS-33727- District logo is missing from Accounts Receivable Invoice print.

System update to add a district logo to Accounts Receivable Invoice.

FOCUS-33628- Add completion percent to inventories table

System enhancement to show completion percent on scheduled inventory.


FOCUS-33821- Employee > Jobs: New Fields

System enhancement to add a setting that will show three new columns related to Extended Leave: Setup > Settings > Miscellaneous > Show Additional Extended Leave Job Fields > Yes/No. Once enabled it will show the (3) three additional columns: Termination Date, Final Status, and Notes in the Human Resources > Employee > Jobs screen

FOCUS-33932- Employee Jobs - Page Load Missing New Fields


FOCUS-33915- Gradebook Student View: Notes can Overlap Slightly with Category Weights

This branch resolves a slight display issue with the Gradebook. When a teacher entered a public note in the Gradebook for a student (clicking on the clipboard icon next to the student name), the note table appeared to be slightly behind the Category Breakdown when viewing the grades for the class on the student portal

FOCUS-33904- Report Card: Print Correct Long Comment by Marking Period

This branch corrects an issue where the incorrect marking period long comment was being generated on the Report Card.

FOCUS-33902- Absence Summary: Excuse note message modal is displaying in the print mode

This branch hides the modal html that displays "Excuse note message" and "Close" text when printing the Absence Summary screen.

FOCUS-33885- Add a Student: Show continue button based on the number of steps

This branch fixes the issue with the "Continue" button missing on the Add a Student screen when user doesn't have "Allow creating new students" permissions and enrolling a student to the second school.

FOCUS-33882- Rollover: CTE Gradebook Rollover May not Find Marking Periods for Assignments and Categories

Our postsecondary customers have the ability to roll over Gradebooks into the next school year's sections. However, if the base line marking period setup has not been completed in the new year and the customer rolls their Gradebooks, then the categories and assignments were not being attached to any quarters within the new school year, becoming bad data. A migration included in this branch fixes any existing categories or assignments with this issue. Additionally, the Rollover Gradebook feature has been modified to prevent this moving forward.

FOCUS-33862- Elementary Scheduler: Fix issues checking invalid data

This branch resolves an issue with the Elementary Scheduler rostering students when switching the session school year.

FOCUS-33861- Test Score Reports: Add support for additional FSA report codes

Only applicable for Florida customers. This branch adds support for additional FSA report cards for Test Score Reports being published to the Student and Parent Portal. These are as follows: 'Math' => 'Math', 'ALG1' => 'Algebra 1 EOC', 'A1' => 'Algebra 1 EOC', 'RETA' => 'Algebra 1 EOC Retake', 'G' => 'Geometry', 'G10' => 'English Language Arts (ELA) Grade 10', 'G3R' => 'ELA Reading Grade 3', 'CIV' => 'Civics EOC', 'BIO' => 'Biology EOC', 'USH' => 'US History EOC'. For additional information on this feature please see the Focus University Article on Publishing Test Scores and Reports to the Student/Parent Portal.

FOCUS-33830- Attendance Setup: Generate an alert if there are referrals records associated with the threshold

This branch implements the request to generate an alert if there are any referrals records associated with the threshold that is being deleted on the Attendance Setup -> Attendance Thresholds screen.

FOCUS-33819- Fix Final Grade when the grade is not in Course History

This branch resolves an issue with the "Final Grade" column option on Report Cards when the grade is not in the student's Course History. It also adjusts the logic of the "Final Grade" feature to utilize the student's schedule marking period when a term override is in place vs. the section's designated marking period.

FOCUS-33789- When workflow triggers are associated with online forms the dropdowns are inactivated.

This branch resolves an issue where a database error was being generated when a parent/student was filling out a re-enrollment form and one of the included fields on that form was associated with an Edit Rule & Workflow > Workflow Trigger email.

FOCUS-33786- Print Transcripts: Incorrect course names on Texas sites

This branch removes the functionality for Texas sites that trims A and B characters in the course names when printing grades transcripts.

FOCUS-33779- Grades > Grade Verification Sheet incorrectly calculates FY grade when MP short name is something other than 'FY'

This branch fixes an issue where averaging did not work correctly for that FY Exam grade when the course uses quarter-based averaging and the FY marking period short name is something other than 'FY'.

FOCUS-33752- Advanced Report: Resolve Teacher Name Display

When a user was both a type of parent and teacher, their name would not display in the teacher options within an Advanced Report. This branch resolves this issue.

FOCUS-33734- Basic Skill Assessment Removal of Duplicate Codes.

A previous change added I120403, C400410, and Y100400 to the logic of the Basic Skills Assessment, both with a level and without a level. This caused duplicate records, which this branch is correcting.

FOCUS-33712- Seating Chart: Show Green Check if Attendance is Complete

This improvement to the teacher's Seating Chart adds a new completion notice similar to the list view. If attendance is taken for a section on the seating chart there is a green check that shows that the teacher has taken attendance for that day. If not all students are seated then the completion notice will never show as the green checkmark.

FOCUS-33704- Restrict MIME types allowed for file upload custom fields + add restricted file extension parameter to NuFile

This branch restricts the allowed MIME types for uploaded files in Student Info/User Info. It also adds a parameter to the session variable to block specific file extensions from being uploaded. The allowed MIME types for User Info/Student Info are: Plain text, RTF, PDF, XLS, XLSX, DOC, DOCX, PPT, PPTX, CSV, PNG, JPEG, GIF, TIFF, and SVG. Additionally, the following file extensions are blocked: .vbs, .bat, .js, and .php.

FOCUS-33702- Fixed filtering on School Info Logging Fields

This branch improves the ability to filter and sort on any column contained within a School Info Logging Field.

FOCUS-33683- Improve Export on Teacher Posted Grades Verification Report

This branch improves the format of the headers when the Teacher Posted Grades Verification Report is exported.

FOCUS-33678- Required Columns in Logging Field Not Enforced in Online Application

This branch enforces the field requirement for all columns within a logging field when included on an Online Application or Re-enrollment Form.

FOCUS-32830- Fix for Concurrent Report Cards


FOCUS-33876- Transportation services may not be validated on the first schedule

If Q #10 on the Special Factors form is set to Yes, a transportation service is required for the first schedule and is potentially required on subsequent schedules. This fix addresses the issue of the transportation validation on the first schedule not working as intended.

FOCUS-33816- Archived Files Cataloger breaks with invalid or missing event date

This fix addresses generating SQL statements to a separate file in the archived files cataloger producing invalid queries. This can occur If the event_date field is parsed as an invalid date or if the field is left empty. If the event_date is empty, it should produce a null instead of an empty string, and a date format field should be added to allow non-standard dates to be processed.

FOCUS-33810- HTML tags may be split and displayed improperly

This fix addresses an issue when the Meeting Minutes step has at least 200 characters and line breaks, a /> symbol is presented in the printed file. The /> symbol is NOT present anymore when printing the Meeting Minutes step of the IEP Event with at least 200 characters and a line break.

FOCUS-33808- Display decimals when hovering over PM chart points

This fix addresses the issue of decimals not showing when hovering over points on the Academic/Behavior PMP or Progress Monitoring charts; the decimals will display as intended.

FOCUS-33807- Duplicate option in SSS General config

The "Progress Monitoring Charts" option is duplicated on SSS/General. This fix removes the duplicate.

FOCUS-33696- Improper variable reference in setStudentLogField trigger

SSS Event trigger with Run Form Trigger Action and setStudentLogField parameter is not working properly. The dropdown value set in the SSS event is not pushed to the logging field in SIS. This fix addresses this issue and setStudentLogField trigger is now working correctly and dropdown values set in SSS events are pushed to the logging field in SIS as expected.

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