Documentation for Administrators

11.0.54 - 07/22/2022

Updated on


FOCUS-34312- Add null option to FA category, reset entered barcode on asset creation

System update to reset the next barcode number when manually adding assets and requiring asset category be populated.

FOCUS-34278- Add 'description' search field to Fixed Assets Report

System enhancement to add search by Description on the Fixed Asset Report.

FOCUS-34241- Disposed/Inactive Changes in FA

Fixed Asset Enhancement

Transfer Requests: When trying to transfer an inactive or disposed asset, throw an error: This asset is inactive or disposed and cannot be transferred.

Take Inventory: If an inactive or disposed asset is scanned, then it will show on the Mis-scan Report.

Fixed Asset Report: Add a checkbox: Include Disposed/Inactive. If this is not checked, then only include assets with status Active. Column added for Board Removal Date in the report.

Manage Assets: Added a checkbox Include Disposed/Inactive. This will apply to the Search by Facility, Category, and Department. It can apply to barcode & serial number. If Setting Disposition Code, require a disposition date. If setting a date, require a code.

Inventory Report: Exclude items with a disposition date prior to the beginning of the inventory period.

FOCUS-33850- Add setting to require equal expense/revenue totals on budget amendments

System enhancement to require a balanced budget amendment. System setting will need to be enabled Setup > Setting > Misc Force Balance Entry on Budget Amendment.

FOCUS-34323- Add CRC code to billing table

FOCUS-34260- MyTime - Issues With Transaction Dates


FOCUS-34290- Update Leave Accrual

System update to leave accrual to check the pay period instead of the check date.

FOCUS-34105- Unposting a run causes check numbers out of sequence

System update to reset the next check number when a Payroll Run is unposted.

FOCUS-34093- Calculation Control Report - Add A/P Cycle To Deductions

System enhancement that adds a column to the Payroll Calculation Control Deduction Amounts Report to indicate the A/P Cycle of each deduction.

FOCUS-34052- Time & Attendance Approval - Add Leave hours and require viewing of details if changes are requested

System Enhancement

Adds Leave and Total hours columns to the main approval table. NOTE: Leave hours can only be calculated per employee, not per position.

Removes the checkbox for rows that contain requested changes. Approvers must open the Details modal in order to approve them.

Adds an "Approve" button to the modal. This button appears for all records but will be the sole way to approve records that have changes.

Adds an Approver and Approval Date column to the Details modal.

FOCUS-34332- Finance DB Error for Staff Fiscal Year Salary

FOCUS-34232- PayStub - Fix Missing CYTD

FOCUS-34129- Run Differences Report Not Showing All Entries


FOCUS-34321- Pull Grades from Report Cards: Allowing Run when Course Number has leading space

Before this branch, Pull Grades from Report Cards was not generating the grades as expected when using the 'include courses' feature. The underlying issue was leading spaces in course_num; this branch updates Pull Grades from Report Cards to ignore leading spaces.

FOCUS-34299- "Online Application" form not defaulting on /apply

This branch ensures the online application set as default displays as expected on /apply.

FOCUS-34297- Courses & Sections > Catalog Details tab - Add 'Allow Waitlist' Checkbox

Currently, if a section is full, there would be a message to contact the school to be added to the waitlist on that section's card on the catalog and purchase and pay. With this enhancement, there is a new option, 'Allow Waitlist', on the catalog details tab of the section that, when enabled, leaves that 'contact the school to be added to the waitlist' message on that section's card. If the option is not selected, that message no longer appears. When setting up a section for sale, the option is defaulted to off. This does not affect the functionality of purchase and pay. Regardless of the option, the message will appear on the section's card when viewing through purchase and pay.

FOCUS-34293- Public Course Catalog: Add new sys pref, 'Show Parent Option on Catalog'

Only applicable for Post-secondary customers. Currently, when attempting to enroll in a section from the catalog the user is given 3 options; sign in, create a new student account or create a new parent account. Post-secondary schools do not require the parent account option. With this enhancement, there is a new preference added at the district level on the billing tab to show the parent option on the catalog. The option is added in the on position to maintain current functionality.

FOCUS-34286- Graduation Report when run on a grade level is not reflecting the correct Total Credits

The Graduation Requirements Report, when using a grade level parameter, displays total credits incorrectly. This branch corrects that issue.

FOCUS-34266- Gradebook: Fix to Edit Categories When a Quarter Shares the Short Name of its Semester

When a school has a semester or year with the same short_name as a quarter, changes to categories linked to the quarter were not saved correctly in the Gradebook. This branch corrects that issue.

FOCUS-34262- SSRS Reports: History tab - Change 'From Date' default

Only applicable for customers leveraging SSRS reporting. When loading the History tab, the 'From Date' in the search header defaults to the first day of the top right session school year, and the 'To Date' defaults to today. In a future school year, these defaults caused a validation error, 'The From Date must come before the To Date,' the first time you navigate to the History tab. This branch changes the 'From Date' default to 1-month before today to avoid this error message in the future.

FOCUS-34259- RunQuery: Add permissions for BEGIN, COMMIT, and ROLLBACK

This enhancement adds permissions for the BEGIN, COMMIT, and ROLLBACK commands. They are now selectable on the Profiles page.

FOCUS-34256- Scheduled Job: ARMS Student Field Tracker

Only applicable for customers leveraging the Florida State Reporting module. This enhancement adds a new built-in scheduled job that interacts with a new Florida Reports student logging field that tracks changes to specific Florida Reports student fields. The DOE ARMS process records dates when these values changed. The student fields include ESE - ESE Code (custom_890; logging field - primary code only) ELL - ELL Code (custom_626; select) LS - Lunch Status (custom_71; select) ZDS - Zoned District & School (custom_821 & custom_822; selects) DOP - DOP Code (custom_20009054; logging field - primary only)

FOCUS-34233- Display Local ID on Add/Drop Report and Attendance Chart

This branch resolves an issue where the 'Check Display Local ID in student lists' User Preference was not being respected on the Add/Drop and Attendance Chart report.

FOCUS-34230- On Parent Online Registration Portal allow custom html for both english and spanish

This enhancement allows for two translations, English and Spanish, for the Parent Online Registration Portal in System Preferences. The system preferences are located on the Parent Registration tab, and labeled accordingly. The Spanish version will only show if one of the following conditions is met: the locale=es_MX is passed as a parameter on the URL or if the lang environment variable is set to es_MX. Please contact your support representative if you need additional information.

FOCUS-34178- MSR/Courses & Sections: Link Assignments for New Teacher if a Teacher Receives Several Sections from the Same Teacher

When a teacher receives multiple sections from the same previous teacher, and the previous teacher linked an assignment to multiple gradebook groups, the second assignment received will now create a new to the first assignment, so long as the title and points continue to match as when the new teacher received the first assignment. If multiple sections are moved to a new teacher, this allows the new teacher to have preserved the same setup of linked assignments across ungrouped sections.

FOCUS-34134- Student Audit Trail Screen would truncate when trying to display logged letter.

When logging the printing of a letter and then going to the audit trail of that student, the letter would make the UI shrink to less than half of the screen. This branch contains the letter into an iframe to prevent it from affecting the rest of the screen.

FOCUS-34063- Master Schedule Builder: Fix spanning locked sections

When a section has Periods Spanned greater than 1 and a Lock Period set, the period and end period were both getting set to the Lock Period. This branch updates it to correctly set the end period and use the Lock Period as the starting period when a section is set to span multiple periods

FOCUS-34036- Allow setting of 'create' permission for SISFinalGrades:GRADE_RECORD in Profiles

Districts using the Use Individual Final Grades Field Permissions feature may now define create permissions by profile under Users > Profiles > Permission Type = Final Grades Fields.

FOCUS-34002- Improve Sorting ID badges by Homeroom Teacher

Only applicable for customers using Print ID Badges. This branch corrects an issue where sorting by homeroom teacher on print ID badges only impacted the interface and not the printed results.

FOCUS-33826- Add ability to add test types in Test History

This enhancement adds a new tab, Setup Test Types, found under Assessment > Standardized Tests. Inside this tab, there is a DataTable enabling the user to add a title, sort order, and two flags: Display on Test History Report and Default. A user will now be able to add a test type in the Setup Tests tab found under Assessment > Standardized Tests menu and below the field Short Name. This new field will be a Swiftbox where a user can assign a test type to a test.

FOCUS-34370- Evaluate Placement - Fix grade level calculation

FOCUS-34360- Teachers visible to students when their schedules are hidden

FOCUS-34317- Field Trip Requests-Returned with no email

Previous Article 11.0.55 - 07/30/2022
Next Article 11.0.51, 11.0.52, 11.0.53 - Revision - 07/22/2022