Documentation for Administrators

11.0.58 - 08/20/2022

Updated on


FOCUS-34587- Add Clear Button to Mass Import and Mass Transfer Screens

System enhancement to the Fixed Asset > Manage Assets > Import Assets to add a clear button. Clicking the clear button will remove all rows from the data table that is on each respective screen/tab. There is a confirmation/warning that pops up when the clear button is clicked to help minimize the chance for accidental clearing.

FOCUS-34488- Parent Asset

System enhancement in the Fixed Assets module. Fixed Assets > Manage Assets > View Asset - New drop-down selection called Parent Asset. The user will select from all active assets in the system to assign to the parent asset.

FOCUS-34394- AR Invoices seem to be missing from Invoice History Screen

System update to Accounts Receivable > Invoices adding notice on screen functionality for viewing most recent invoices.

FOCUS-34586- PO Email Vendor Drop-Down Displays Wrong Email

FOCUS-34531- Update batch ID on AP invoice line items when duplicating


FOCUS-34553- Add Employee Search in Run Payroll for Overtime

System enhancement adding a new search option to Find Employee in Overtime. Payroll > Run Payroll> Select Run > Overtime tab

FOCUS-34425- Add new warning code for when employee won't be paid

System enhancement to add a payroll run warning if there is a transaction on the run that will not be paid.

FOCUS-34494- Staff Position Allocation - Notice Handling

FOCUS-34408- Payroll> Run Payroll> Templates> Cannot Add Pay Types 20 and 21 to "End of Month Payroll" Template

FOCUS-34028- When a posting aborts it clears the finished section indicators - so you can't tell where it aborted.


FOCUS-34660- Test Score Reports - Add support for FAST Test Score Reports

Only applicable for Florida State Reporting customers. The FLDOE announced on August 12, 2022, that the TIDE Family Portal would not have the FAST test results available in time for Florida school districts to meet state statutes. In response to this announcement, Focus has expanded our Test Score Reports functionality to handle the FAST reports. The FAST test score reports received from the test vendor must be placed in the district's uploaded assets folder called test_score_reports/FAST. The new file naming convention:

{FLEID}_AllTestReasons_{TEST}{YEAR_RANGE}_StudentISRs_124237018 PM.pdf.

Test Score Reports work with the built-in scheduled job titled "Generate Test Score Report records based on report files."

FOCUS-34611- Gradebook: Autofill Not Grading Before the First Day of School

This branch updates the Gradebook assignment auto-fill feature to work with students active on the first day of school if the school year has not yet started.

FOCUS-34595- Resolve Insert Fields on Templates with Previous Year Inactive Students

This branch fixes an issue where not all applicable Insert Fields were printing as expected on a Print Letter template if the student did not have an enrollment record for the default school year.

FOCUS-34583- Mobile App: Retaking Attendance Error

If attendance is taken through the interface, and then later edited on the mobile app, the mobile app is showing an incorrect message at the top of the screen, COMPLETE, when the teacher attempts to change attendance. This branch corrects this issue.

FOCUS-34548- Student Upload Fields: Unable to upload .msg files

This branch is intended to fix an issue where, when trying to upload a .msg file in Students > Student Info, you receive an error stating, "You are not allowed to upload that file." This branch will add the mimetype 'application/' to the allowed list.

FOCUS-34540- API - /classes - Add academicSession object to metadata

The OneRoster API dialect does not include a direct link to a class' academicSession (MP). Instead, it provides a "terms" array, which can only hold Semesters but not Years in the case of Full Year classes. This branch adds an academicSession object and academicSessionTitle to the metadata.

FOCUS-34528- Future Active Students Active on Re-Enrollment Forms.

Currently, the re-enrollment setup does not recognize students as active during the assume active period after a school year has been changed but before the first day of school and thus will not show the re-enrollment form on the parent or student portal when the Parent Portal or Student Portal box has been checked in Re-Enrollment Setup. To have the re-enrollment form show up in the parent/student portal, the box for Parent Portal of Inactive Students or Inactive Student Portal has to be marked. With this branch, the re-enrollment form will display in both the student and parent portal when Parent Portal and Student Portal have been flagged in Re-Enrollment Setup without requiring checking inactive status (students and parents are considered active for the current school year before the start date.)

FOCUS-34516- Community Mobile App: Increase prominence of emergency assistance request button

Only applicable for customers using the Informacast integration with Focus' Community Mobile App. This enhancement improves the prominence of the request assistance button by changing the following elements: adding padding around button text, increasing the size of the button, changing the color of the button to red, and doubling the distance of the button from the bottom.

FOCUS-34507- Absence Summary: SQL error when deleting uploaded excuse note

This branch corrects an issue where a database error was displayed to end-users when attempting to delete an Excuse Note.

FOCUS-34476- Student Search: Alpha Characters are Case Sensitive when Searching

Currently, when searching for student local IDs that contain alpha characters, 'Student Search' searches in a case-sensitive manner. This branch allows the search to be case-insensitive.

FOCUS-34468- Multiple waivers are not being calculated correctly

Only applicable for customers using the Florida State Reporting module. Grouped waivers are not calculated correctly when comparing HOPE to completed waivers for the student graduation requirements; this branch corrects that issue.

FOCUS-34454- Include Staff race in Ed-Fi data transfer

Only applicable for customers using Ed-Fi. This branch adds staff race to the data transfer.

FOCUS-34433- Add a Student: Values displayed instead of labels for the fields that user doesn't have edit permissions

This branch resolves the issue with the system fields with a type of "select" and "select multiple" on the Add a Student screen. Values are being displayed instead of labels when the user doesn't have Edit permissions for that field.

FOCUS-34419- Final grades missing from standard grades report card

Hiding course titles currently hides any other data appearing on the line above the standard grades tables. This branch makes the following options work independently: Hide Course Title, Teacher Name, and Display Final Grades grouped with corresponding Standard Grade.

FOCUS-34401- 'Print Class List: Including schedule fields in the report results in a SQL Error

This branch resolves an issue where when logged in as an administrator and the 'Hide schedules from teachers' System Preference is turned on, trying to include schedule fields on the Print Class Lists report results in a database error.

FOCUS-34356- Hide Inactive Tests from Test History Entry

This branch removes standardized tests from entry on a student's Test History screen if they are inactive. Standardized Tests are deemed inactive if they have a prior year Max School Year defined in the Standardized Tests setup.

FOCUS-33958- On the parent portal page when logged in as a parent the address form is not displaying.

When logged in as a parent, when you click on a child and look at the forms, some available forms were not displaying. This branch corrects that issue.

FOCUS-31573- IPEDS Report SQL Errors

This branch adds the following system student fields (if missing) to prevent database errors on the postsecondary IPEDS report: Citizenship, Graduation Date, Residence Status, and Full-time Student Indicator.

FOCUS-31565- If teacher profile ended, display <teacherName> (Inactive/Invalid) in the dropdown of Master Schedule Report

This branch improves the display of the Master Schedule Report when an invalid or inactive teacher is listed as the teacher of record on a section. The term "Invalid" will now display after the teacher's name when the user either doesn't have an enrollment record with a teacher profile, or they have one that wasn't active during the applicable school year. The term "Inactive" will now display after the teacher's name if the user had an enrollment record with a teacher profile that was active at some point during the year, but isn't active today, or on the last day of the year, if a previous year

FOCUS-34526- Amendments to budgets has caused a error ALLOWED MEMORY size exhausted.

FOCUS-34361- Field Trip add Revenue Budget

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