Documentation for Administrators

11.0.63 - 09/25/2022

Updated on


FOCUS-35162- Bill To Not Defaulting on PO Req

FOCUS-35160- Fixed Asset Take Inventory screen displays deleted Inventories

FOCUS-35137- Improve unreceived PO query

FOCUS-35123- Add fiscal year to AR Invoices screen

FOCUS-35122- Fixed Assets Report "Model" Column Missing

FOCUS-35121- Remove deleted warehouse return requests from picklist popup

FOCUS-35119- Fix tax logic in WH returns for PO items

FOCUS-35072- Manage Asset search returning not authorize error

FOCUS-35062- Freeze work order product data on request upon submission

FOCUS-34981- POS: When Refunding to Credit, Do not Include any Previously Discounted Amount

FOCUS-34904- Error message in Existing Assets Screen

FOCUS-34891- Add Commas to numbers on finance screens


FOCUS-35153- Open Enrollment | Fix approval history for denials

FOCUS-35073- T&A Approval: Hours not rounding correctly

FOCUS-35054- Leave Maint | Search criteria for active between dates

FOCUS-35008- Duplicate Accounting Strips from user cron

FOCUS-34935- Employee Action Form New Approval Flow Options


FOCUS-35128- Post Final Grades : Using the 'Use Gradebook' button to calculate grades is returning U/F for student's with no Gradebook Grades entered.

This branch is intended to fix an issue where when using the green 'Use Gradebook' button to calculate grades, if there is no grade set the grade is being calculated to a U/F instead of NG.

FOCUS-35126- Incident Time on Discipline Referral Table would not appear.

This branch corrects time field displays on the Discipline>Referral list screen.

FOCUS-35125- School Choice Application: Prefer an enrollment record with no end date to determine the current school

Only applicable for customers using the School Choice add-on module. This branch changes the order of the enrollment records that are being selected while determining the student's current enrollment record on the School Choice Application screen. If a student has multiple enrollment records with the same start date, the record that doesn't have the end date will be selected.

FOCUS-35097- Student Badges: Improve format of the student ID badge barcode

This branch corrects the format of the student ID badge barcode if the student_id is 3 digits or less.

FOCUS-35094- Logging Field not appearing initially on Mass Add Log Records

When the preference "Display student search screen by default" is off, going to Mass Add Log Records, By Group, the Logging Field Category would not appear until the page was refreshed. This branch corrects this issue.

FOCUS-35085- Remove AP/IB/AICE score requirement for EarnedOneCreditChemistryPhysics

Only applicable for customers using Florida State Reporting. Following clarification from the FLDOE, this branch removes the AP score aspect from the Scholar "Earned 1 Credit in Chemistry/Physics" requirement logic.

FOCUS-35081- Parent Portal: Fix file paths used for custom Positive Behavior Award icons

This resolution includes two parts. First, it improves the file paths used on the Parent Portal for custom Positive Behavior Award icons that appear in the news tab. Second, this branch will allow the news tab to continue loading should an exception be thrown due to a missing Positive Behavior icon. If an icon file is missing, the news item will render without the icon rather than showing an error message.

FOCUS-35079- Student Portal: Class Webpage Links can Cause Mismatch of Student and School

When a parent has students at two schools and the student at the second school has at least one section with an attached teacher webpage, the portal webpage link for that second student is misaligned. This branch fixes the link by resolving an error for the student not existing at the school of the first student.

FOCUS-35074- Billing: Customer Credit Amount not Applying to Convenience Fee Calculations

This branch adjusts caching in customer credit functionality to allow cart items to pass the correct amount of applicable credit for convenience fee calculations.

FOCUS-35067- Pull Grades: "Don't Give the Student a Grade" Option Should Prevent a Grade From Pulling if a Student's Gradebook is Incomplete

If a student has any blanks in the Gradebook, using Pull Grades for Report Cards for that marking period(s) with "Don't Give the Student a Grade" selected should not post a grade for the student.

FOCUS-35064- Focus CR 109 - Add Profile Permission to hide 'Receive and Release All' in Purchasing/Accounts Payable

System Enhancement to create a profile permission to hide the Receive/Release all from Purchasing/Accounts Payable > Receive orders and Purchasing/Accounts Payable > Purchasing > Release orders

FOCUS-35063- Online Enrollments: Parameterization Overload on Student IDs

Improve load performance of the Online Enrollments, Processed report.

FOCUS-35058- Gradebook: Google Classroom Sync Doesn't Show Updated Overall Grade

When grades are changed through the Google Classroom sync button, the updated overall grade for affected students should show when the sync is complete (the same as if the grade was modified in the Focus interface).

FOCUS-35049- Assessments: Additional Columns on Learnosity Participation Report

Only applicable for customers using the Focus Assessments module. This enhancement adds a Student ID, Status, and Date and Time Created on the Participation Report.

FOCUS-35048- Add Number of Referrals on Advanced Reports

This enhancement adds a new Available Fields option on Advanced Reports titled Number of Referrals. When added to an Advanced Report, the option will count the number of processed referrals for the student.

FOCUS-35046- Focus Assessments: Improve viewing student tests in the Parent Portal.

This branch resolves an issue where parents through the Parent Portal would receive a "Test not available for Viewing" message when attempting to view their student's assessment.

FOCUS-35045- Gradebook: Unable to Import Percent CSV Grades With Symbols

This branch fixes an issue with CSV grade import. When percent is selected as the grading method, both numeric only and numeric with a percent symbol should be accepted for grading.

FOCUS-35040- Fix page footer when Google Translate plugin is enabled

This branch ensures the Google Translate plugin will not cut off the footer.

FOCUS-35039- Ed-Fi: Remove time limit during manual sync

This branch sets the time limit to 0 during the manual sync to better match the behavior of the scheduled job.

FOCUS-35038- EdFi: Fix issue causing Edfi3 missing uuid errors for StudentSpecialEducationProgramAssociation

Only applicable for Florida State Reporting customers. This branch updates custom_log_field_entries to add uuids when missing for primary_exceptionality records.

FOCUS-35026- DataTable: Performance improvement when exporting

This branch slightly changes the behavior of getTextData to prevent the browser from running out of memory when exporting a large number of records from any data table.

FOCUS-35015- Online Application: "Application Enrollment Year" System Preference

This branch adds a System Preference titled 'Application Enrollment Year' which will be used instead of the currently selected syear within an application when retrieving courses that a student can request within an application. The first item in the dropdown is N/A which is the default value, which means that this value will not be used but the currently selected syear will.

FOCUS-34988- Referrals: Removing Customize List from options

This branch removes the Customized List option from the Discipline Referral screen as it was not applicable to this report viewing options.

FOCUS-34977- Student Assignment Uploads via Webcam are unable to be viewed in the box view

This branch is intended to fix an issue where you cannot view the photo in the box preview when uploading a webcam-taken photo for an assignment; the file downloads instead. This was happening because the webcam photo taken from the interface had no file extension. This branch will append '.jpg' to the end of the file name for webcam uploaded photos.

FOCUS-34949- FAS: Student Portal Assigned Test Alerts Display Multiple Times

Only applicable for FAS module customers. This branch corrects an issue for assigned tests displaying more than once in the student portal when a teacher has custom gradebook groups are leveraged.

FOCUS-34818- Online application not respecting "Used for Zoning" on setup grade levels

The "Show Zoned School" feature within an Online Application will now consider the school grade level setting "Used for Zoning" in determining the address' zoned school.

FOCUS-34815- Advanced Reports: Resolve Database Error on JSON Fields

This branch corrects a database error when running an Advanced report using a "No Value" filter on a JSON Select One or Select Multiple fields in a Custom Student Fields form category.

FOCUS-34726- Google Translate Widget on /auth and /apply

This enhancement adds the Google Translate widget on /auth and /apply if the system preference is set.

FOCUS-34541- Excuse Notes: Notes read-only when the status is (accept or deny) for parents

This branch prevents parents from deleting attendance excuse notes from the Parent Portal after they have been approved or denied by an administrator.

FOCUS-34242- Google Translate: Unable to Download Documents in Other Languages

PDFs cannot be downloaded if the Google Translate widget is in place and the end user has any language other than English selected. This branch corrects that issue.

FOCUS-35113- Receive PO Reminder Alert error


FOCUS-35059- SIS Transportation Code might be unset by Schedule of Services cron job

If the transportation code in SSS is set to an empty string (a pair of double quotation marks) instead of null, this might cause the Schedule of Services job to write an empty value to the corresponding SIS field.

FOCUS-34910- Add Edit permission option to teacher on the Profiles screen

This enhancement adds PMP Data Collection Edit permission for Teacher profiles in Users>Profiles>SSS section.

FOCUS-34895- SSS/Formbuilder September 2022 Snapshot

FOCUS-34853- Add student status column in SSS Reporting

This enhancement added a column indicating status to the detailed report when "Include Inactive Students" is checked. The new column is located to the left of the student id column on the report.

FOCUS-34006- Update link in SSS Reporting to link to event

This enhancement makes the following adjustments to the SSS Event reporting screen. The student_id column will link to student Info and the student name links to SSS event.

FOCUS-33837- Restrict PMP report steps by handler

When running a detailed report on the Academic or Behavior PMP step in SSS Event Reporting, it pulls only that steps of the PMP Event.

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Next Article 11.0.62 - 09/18/2022