Documentation for Administrators

11.0.69 - 11/06/2022

Updated on


FOCUS-35578- Import Assets - allow update

System Enhancement to add a field "Mode" on the Import Assets Screen. There are 2 options, Insert (default selection) and Update. If choosing Update, a select-multiple of the fields in the data table will show. The user will choose which fields to update.

FOCUS-35493- Confirm Delivery "Check All"

System enhancement to pick lists "Check All" on Confirm Delivery will include all pages on the pick list.

FOCUS-35619- Adding phone number to the Purchase Order PDF Ship To

FOCUS-35609- FA purchasing addons

FOCUS-35202- Partial invoice allocation payment plans

FOCUS-35195- Fixed Asset > Manage Asset

FOCUS-35022- Asset Checkout Reverse Look-up, Charger Tracking, Check In


FOCUS-35655- Add 2022 W2 Forms

2022 W2 Forms

FOCUS-35613- on search by employee on leave tab move the name from the details to the header

System Enhancement when searching by employee on payroll leave tab, employee name now displays in the header instead of the details.

FOCUS-35550- Add Email link and Phone Number to Online Applications & Applicant Tracking

System Enhancement to add a mailto link to the email on Online Applications and a column to display the user's phone number. This enhancement also adds the same columns to Applicant Tracking > Applicants.

FOCUS-35530- Human Resources> Employee> Jobs> Request Logic to Prevent Hours/Day of Positions and Wages from Exceeding Hours/Day of Pay Type Definition

System improvement to add logic to the validation of hours per day for an employee's jobs so that the hours per day will not exceed the hours per day defined for the pay type (for the fiscal year).

FOCUS-35741- Change Retro calculation is including Over Time Paid

FOCUS-35568- Applicant Tracking Postings - Status is Future when Opened Today

FOCUS-35515- Allow customizing the link on "View" in HR > Online Applications

FOCUS-35458- Tie Forms to Jobs

FOCUS-35457- Add Top and Bottom Job Posting Content


FOCUS-35705- API - GET /courses - Performance improvement

The branch introduces a performance improvement to the API.

FOCUS-35683- Print Grades Verification Sheets: Exams columns are missing for Double blocked sections

This branch resolves the issue with exam columns on the Grades Verification Sheet not controlled by the Grade Posting Averaging scheme.

FOCUS-35656- Discipline Referrals - Referrals can not be saved due to district_id RLS

This branch resolves an issue with referrals being modified if a district ID was not present in the database for the referral. This only impacts multi-tenant customers.

FOCUS-35648- Call Out System: Fix exception in group by when using student contact

Only applicable to customers using the Call Out System. Before the branch, when the student phone was selected as a recipient, there was an error that would prevent sending the callout. With the branch, there is no longer an error, and the callout is sent.

FOCUS-35646- Lesson Planner: Resolve error on teacher completion report

Only applicable to customers using the new Lesson Planner. This branch resolves an error from appearing within the Teacher Completion Report.

FOCUS-35641- Student Audit Trail: Performance improvement to School Choice

Only applicable to customers using the School Choice module. This branch improves the performance of the Student Audit Trail when loading the School Choice tab.

FOCUS-35639- Community App: Reports tab disappears for Students

Only applicable to customers using the Community Mobile App. This branch resolves an issue where the student reports tab would disappear when the student clicked the hamburger menu and then overview.

FOCUS-35635- Dismissing Report in school folder will make the same report pop back on

Only applicable to customers using Florida State Reporting. This branch corrects an issue in the Push to School Folders feature, where dismissed reports would reappear after being dismissed. Additionally, this feature introduces new behavior where the report will open in a new tab within the end user's browser instead of in the current tab.

FOCUS-35630- Delete a Student: Added Forms checkbox under "Types of data to merge"

When merging two students through Delete a Student, this enhancement allows end-users to select form builder forms to be included in the merge process.

FOCUS-35628- Fix Ed-Fi Descriptor Maps for Entry Type and Exit/Withdraw Type

Only applicable to customers using Ed-Fi. When viewing descriptor mapping for Entry Type and Exit/Withdraw Type, the list of Focus Values is the same. With this branch, the Focus Values will reflect the values of the type selected.

FOCUS-35599- Tardy Thresholds: New End Date Setting

This enhancement adds a new setting on Tardy Thresholds called End Date. When leveraged, the tardy threshold will not run past the date selected.

FOCUS-35585- Report Cards: Incorrect number of Absences

This branch is intended to fix an issue where when viewing report cards and using a letterhead template that shows [[Days Absent]], the number of days absent is incorrect.

FOCUS-35546- Report Cards: Two-Sided Printing Speed Improvement

This branch improves performance when generating 2-sided report cards through District Report Cards & Templates.

FOCUS-35519- Gradebook Reports: Incorrect amount of students listed when downloading the 'Blank Gradebook' report with 'Search All Sections' checked.

This branch resolves an issue where the 'blank gradebook' report shows the incorrect number of students when downloading the report with 'search all sections' checked vs. previewing the report.

FOCUS-35511- Graduation Requirements Report: Performance Improvement

This branch improves the performance load time when generating the Graduation Requirements Report overview.

FOCUS-35499- Billing: Correct database value for Product List

Only applicable to customers using the Billing Product List. This branch corrects an issue where a product added through the billing product list wasn't properly configured in the database, causing the product to no longer display in the interface.

FOCUS-35495- Periods: bell_times and bell_schedules tables have different school ids on the records joined same schedule_id

This branch will add a trigger to the school_period_bell_times table to ensure that when you insert the data, school_period_bell_times.school_id is always the same as school_period_bell_schedules.school_id for records where school_period_bell_times.bell_schedule_id

FOCUS-35337- Sub-permission for the System Preferences that restrict viewing Single Sign-On tab

This enhancement adds a sub-permission for the System Preferences menu item called "Configure Single Sign-On." When a user does not have this permission, they should not see the Single Sign-On tab in the system preference.

FOCUS-35251- Student Audit Trail Report: Include course changes on Student Schedule

The audit trail does not display student schedule changes if courses are added by using the "search for sections" options on the student schedule page. This branch corrects that issue.

FOCUS-35175- Advanced Reports: String values in JSON fields cause discrepancy when using More Search Options

This branch corrects an issue when using more search options for JSON fields to generate an Advanced Report.

FOCUS-35164- Student List In Mobile App Does Not Respect Name Format

Only applicable to customers using the Community Mobile App. Currently, the student list in the mobile app does not respect the name format preference of the user. This branch implements that functionality.

FOCUS-34876- School Year not populating when using Mass Add Log Records

This branch updates Mass Add Log Records for Students and Users. When using Mass Add Log Records, the School Year will be available/populated for only those users with 'Create' permission to the SYear Field for both By Student/User and By Group.

FOCUS-34363- Gradebook: Add ' - ' to columns separating number and letter

This branch improves the display of the gradebook when printed. Now, when teachers print out their gradebooks, grades and other grade columns will be separated by a '-' character.

FOCUS-33516- SQL error when setting More Search Options criteria in Discipline > Referrals

This branch corrects an error if searching on a custom JSON field for the Discipline > Referral and Category Breakdown reports.

FOCUS-35418- Add Re-Enrollment Restriction Reasons tab and other re-enrollment restriction fields

FOCUS-35358- Add Deny/Approve Button to the "Processed"

FOCUS-35317- Applicant Tracking - Setup Interview Attendees dropdown includes Parents


FOCUS-35549- Validate that a schedule type has been selected

This enhancement adds a validation to the Schedule of Services step on the schedule type field.

FOCUS-35500- Custom upload steps display an error when printing

This fix addresses an issue when a user adds the custom Uploads step to SSS Event and uploads a file there, it prints without error.

FOCUS-35479- Transportation codes do not respect min/max school year

This fix addresses an issue of the min or max syear placed in the student field, not being honored on the transportation options in the Schedule of Services step. These min/max values should be taken into account.

FOCUS-35474- Non-date values for IEP review date may cause a crash when printing

This fix addresses an issue if a user sets up a non-date field named iep_reviewdate, or if they force a non-date value into a date field using a collection, the non-date value will fail to be parsed and cause an error.

FOCUS-35469- Crashing when locking Amended IEP if the previous IEP was deleted

This fix allows a trigger to fail silently allowing the Amended IEP event to be locked when the parent IEP event has been deleted. Example: When locking an Amended IEP, its parent event, the IEP it was cloned from, is checked for certain demographics info. If the parent IEP has been deleted, the "Push Participation In State District Assessment" trigger on the Amended IEP will crash when locking because the deleted events data is considered invalid.

FOCUS-35435- SSS profile alerts aren't created if the user enrollment has no start date

This fix addresses an issue when profile alerts are created, using the Create Profile Portal Alert With Link event trigger action, if the user's enrollment with the given profile has no start date, they will not receive the alert. The check for a valid start date should always pass if the date is empty.

Previous Article 11.0.70 - 11/12/2022
Next Article 11.0.68 - Revision - 11/03/2022