Documentation for Administrators

11.0.70 - 11/12/2022

Updated on


FOCUS-35725- Import Assets - allow update

System improvement to Fixed Assets > Manage Assets > Import Assets to allow update of imported records.

FOCUS-35610- Approval flow receipt change exceptions

System enhancement adding approval flow to Accounts Receivable > Receipts. This includes 'Send back to Originator' button for corrections.

FOCUS-35446- Add notifications when PO is received

System enhancement adding email notification when Purchase Order is received. To enable: Setup > Permissions > Profiles - Accounts Payable > Receive Order > Generate Notification.

FOCUS-35740- Add price override for warehouse item voucher logic

FOCUS-32090- Show products in SIS product list regardless of accounting strip permissions


FOCUS-35789- Change termination tab to go back 4 months instead of 2

System improvement to Human Resources> Employee to include inactive employees termination dates up to 4 months. To be applied in Payroll > Pay Runs > Run Payroll > Terminations tab.

FOCUS-35717- Under the job details - some of the field description are over the field and some are under. Should be consistent

System improvement to consistently show the description on the top of the field in Human Resources > Staff > Employee > Jobs - Details > Board section.

FOCUS-35715- Add 2022 1095-C Form

System update adding the 2022 1095-C Form.

FOCUS-35615- Change find employee for timecards to use a popup

System Enhancement for employee timecards in Payroll > Pay Runs > Run Payroll > Timecards. The employee now displays in a popup window with employee name and number.

FOCUS-35483- Payroll > Run Payroll > change adjustment find employee to use a popup

System Enhancement for employee adjustments in Payroll > Pay Runs > Run Payroll > Adjustments. Employee now displays in a popup window with employee name and number.

FOCUS-34933- School Dep | Add Holiday Multiplier

System Enhancement adding new overtime options of 'Double Time and a Half' and 'Holiday Double Time and a Half' to Payroll > Pay Runs > School Department Payroll Entry.


FOCUS-35772- API: One Roster GET /courses Performance Improvement

Subjects and their codes are currently added to the results of GET /courses in OneRoster in a post-process step. This branch moves the logic out of the post-process step and into the main query for a performance improvement.

FOCUS-35759- Mobile App: Preference to Prevent Parents and Students From Viewing Grades

Only applicable to customers using the Community Mobile App. This branch corrects an issue where the system preference 'Show Gradebook Assignments & Grades on Parent/Student Portal' was not respected in the mobile app.

FOCUS-35754- Discipline: Increase number of referral maximum in Discipline Referrals

Currently, the number of referrals listed in Discipline Referrals is limited to 1000. This enhancement increases this limit to 5000.

FOCUS-35751- Enrollment: Improve display of Enrollment Codes for View only end-users

Currently, if an enrollment code is read-only and is present in a student's enrollment history, an end user without permission will not see the value. With this enhancement, enrollment codes will display to all end-users regardless of permission but only be editable to individuals with the appropriate permission.

FOCUS-35747- Final Grades: Grades Missing from Course History and Error

This branch corrects an issue where if a student had ten or more credits/earned credits on an individual course, the grade record would not display in the grade history, and a database error was present.

FOCUS-35746- Show Purchase Date in Drafts

System enhancement to include the Purchase Date for PCard transactions in Purchasing/Accounts Payable > Purchasing > Purchase Request Orders > Existing Drafts. To enable: Setup > General Ledger > Settings > Accounts Payable - 'Include Purchase Date in Drafts'

FOCUS-35728- District Reports: Resolve error when {LOGGED_IN_STAFF_ID} variable in use.

This branch corrects an error from displaying on the portal when the underlying portal published report in District Reports is leveraging the {LOGGED_IN_STAFF_ID} system variable.

FOCUS-35724- Gradebook: Improve display of EC assignments when exporting to Excel

This branch corrects an issue with extra credit (EC) assignments not formatting correctly in Excel when exported if students have an NG gradebook grade.

FOCUS-35716- Advanced Report: Fix Teams display

This branch resolves an issue where the Teams value would not display in an Advanced Report if the report also included the Number of Referrals value.

FOCUS-35698- Graduation Requirements Report: Correction to HOPE courses and future credits.

Only applicable to customers using Florida State Reporting. This branch corrects an issue with HOPE physical education courses not getting enrolled credit for future scheduled courses.

FOCUS-35686- Grades Summary View not showing all Course Flags

This enhancement improves the Student Grade Summary screen to display all applicable Course Flags, not just Honors.

FOCUS-35677- Enrollment: Resolve the display issue of Enrollment Codes with Gradelevel Restrictions.

This branch resolves an issue where enrollment codes with grade level restrictions are not available for user profiles with view permissions to the student grade level field.

FOCUS-35659- Take Attendance: Resolve Teacher's view of previous attendance past editing permissions

This branch resolves an issue where teachers could not view prior attendance on the Take Attendance screen back to the beginning of the school year if their permissions to modify prior attendance was limited to X number of days.

FOCUS-35643- API: Grade put requests should not be accepted if grades may not currently be entered in the gradebook

If an API request is made to insert grades for a gradebook that does not currently allow grades to be entered, now a 403 forbidden error will be returned to prevent the action.

FOCUS-35621- School Choice: Acceptance buttons not appearing on the parent portal

Only applicable to customers using the School Choice module. This branch resolves an issue where the parent acceptance actions would not display if the status display values had been adjusted from the default settings under School Choice Setup.

FOCUS-35614- Terms and Conditions are never shown on desktops

This branch resolves a display issue where certain Terms & Conditions file uploads had to be downloaded by end-users vs. viewed through a browser.

FOCUS-35606- Transcripts : Unnecessary page breaks

This branch removes unnecessary spaces from student transcripts if selecting the Year course grouping option.

FOCUS-35605- Saving a new draft creates a new instance every time

This fix addresses an issue when after creating a new draft of a form, every time the "Save Draft" button is clicked, a new instance of the form is created. The issue only occurs when hitting "Save Draft" multiple times without reloading the page after a new draft is created. Only one instance should be created in this case, with subsequent saves updating the existing instance. Note for testing: These extra instances are not visible in the UI, so a query on the formbuilder_instances is needed to track when instances are created.

FOCUS-35579- Financial Aid Worksheet: Edit Award Hours & Weeks

This enhancement allows end users to edit the award year weeks and hours within the FA worksheet.

FOCUS-35561- Double clicking Submit Request may produce duplicate requests

This fix disables the Start New Draft, Save Draft and Submit Request buttons after clicking them until the corresponding process completes. This is to prevent duplicate requests.

FOCUS-35556- Site Administration: Implement Export/Filter options on Update Log

This enhancement adds export and filter options to the Update Log data table under Site Administration.

FOCUS-35484- Update the schedule section of the ISP

Only applicable to postsecondary customers. This enhancement adds two columns to the schedule section of the ISD, one for Total Scheduled Hours and Attended Hours.

FOCUS-35452- PHP error when sending form request back to originator

This fix addresses an issue when an Approver is trying to send the form request back to Originator an Error would occur.

FOCUS-35426- Verification Sheets/Sub Rosters - Display only FTE periods and ADA Overrides if 'Use FTE Period' is selected

This branch implements the following improvements to Attendance Verification Sheets/Sub Rosters when leveraging FTE Periods: 1) The report will now only display the FTE periods designated in the Attendance calendar as well as periods that have individual student ADA Overrides (notated in the PEIMS tab in student demo). 2) Removes the ADA Override table at the end of the report and replaces it with listing the exceptional periods with students who have overrides in period order under each teacher. 3) The report will only display students with active overrides for the current school year. 4) Automatically unchecks the FTE Period when the option "One page per day per class (With empty Absent/Present/Tardy columns" is selected.

FOCUS-34138- Discipline Referrals: Disable editing for teachers and check all errors when 'Reviewed By Admin' is set

This enhancement makes two changes to referral behavior. First, if a user checks 'Reviewed By Admin,' they must fix all errors before saving. This includes errors for fields that they do not have permission for. If the user does not have permission for the field, it will appear in the sidebar on the right. Secondly, if 'Reviewed By Admin' is checked, teachers can no longer edit the referral.

FOCUS-35726- Display processed & completed according to User's preference


FOCUS-35687- Crash in detailed PMP report

This fix addresses an issue in SSS Reporting where if a PMP record has a blank value for Person Responsible, the detailed PMP report will crash.

FOCUS-35678- Display users in Person Responsible dropdown if their user enrollment starts after the intervention start date

This fix addresses an issue where the Person Responsible dropdown on PMP step populates users where the intervention date is between the user enrollment start and end dates. If the enrollment starts after the intervention, they won't be shown. This functionality has been reevaluated and the start date of the enrollment should no longer be considered. The intervention start date only needs to be before the enrollment end date (if an end date exists).

FOCUS-35669- Detailed field reports on checkbox groups may display incorrect selection

This fix addresses an issue if a checkbox group is setup in such a way that the options are not numbered sequentially starting from 0, reports on that field will display the selection incorrectly.

FOCUS-35658- Past comments may not display when printing progress monitoring with generic progress periods

This fix addresses an issue in the IEP Goals Progress Report event; if generic progress periods (named PP1, PP2, etc by default) are used in a progress monitoring event, only the most recent progress period comments will be displayed when printing.

FOCUS-35132- Apply FOCUS-34355 fix to PMP Data Collection

This fix resolves an issue where end users needed to check the inactive students checkbox on the PMP Data Collection screen in order to view students that have a future date set for their current enrollment.

Previous Article 11.0.68, 11.0.69, 11.0.70 - Revision - 11/16/2022
Next Article 11.0.69 - 11/06/2022