Documentation for Administrators

Manage Student: Mental Wellness Events

Updated on

The default Focus Mental Wellness program allows districts to document the implementation and provision of school-based mental health services to students, and includes a Bullying/Harassment and Threat Assessment component. District workflow may differ from the order presented in this help document and may not include the use of each event. Certain Mental Wellness events have associated form and/or event triggers that generate additional forms within the event or the creation of a new event.

Bullying/Harassment Event

The Mental Wellness Bullying/Harassment event consists of the Reporting form and the Investigation Summary Report. Both forms are required steps in the default Focus event. The Supplements step contains forms for Witness Statements, the Hope Scholarship Notification form in Spanish, and the Parental Notification of Bullying Incident. The English version of the Hope Scholarship Notification form will display as an additional step if the related question on the Investigation Summary Report is answered Yes.

MW: Bullying/Harassment Report

1. Complete all the relevant fields, ensuring all required fields (red) are completed. The reporter’s name will copy over to the Investigation Summary Report.

2. For question 8, if the student missed days of school due to the alleged incident, follow these steps to view the student’s attendance record:


a. Click Save & Validate at the top of the screen to save your progress as a draft.


b. Click Yes in the pop-up message to save the data already entered. says

c. Click Return to Manage Student at the top of the screen to access the student demographic menus on the Manage Student screen.


d. Click the Absences tab at the top of the Manage Student screen.

Manage Student

This will display the student’s Absence Summary; any days missed due to the alleged incident may have a comment indicating that as the reason.

e. To return to the Bullying/Harassment event, click the SSS tab.

Absence Summary

f. Click the View link on the Active Events table to open the event.

Manage Student

3. Complete any remaining fields.

4. Click the e-signature link at the bottom to sign the form.


5. Enter your Focus Username and Password and click Authenticate.


6. Draw your signature and click Sign.


7. Click Save & Validate when finished.

Though there are no default alerts tied to the Bullying/Harassment Report, the district may have created an alert for a profile such as the school principal to complete the Bullying/Harassment Investigation upon the saving of the report.

MW: Bullying/Harassment Investigation

At the appropriate time, the same or a different user will conduct an investigation and complete the Bullying/Harassment Investigation step. The user may or may not have received a portal or email alert, based on district setup.

1. Complete all the relevant and required fields.

Fields related to the Person Reporting the Incident, the name of the Alleged Victim, any days they were Absent, and the name of the Alleged Offender will be auto-filled  from the Bullying/Harassment Report.

Question 13: Answering if the incident was Substantiated or Unsubstantiated currently does not have any associated form or alert triggers. The district may implement a form trigger requiring another form to be completed or event to be initiated, and/or a portal alert informing another district user/profile of the results of the investigation.

Question 14:  Answering Yes, a Hope Scholarship notice is being completed will make the form display as an additional step after the Bullying/Harassment Investigation form has been successfully saved and validated. If a Spanish version of the Hope Scholarship form is needed, it can be found in the Bullying/Harassment Supplements step.


2. Click the e-signature link at the bottom to sign the form.


3. Enter your Focus Username and Password and click Authenticate.


4. Draw your signature and click Sign.


5. Click Save & Validate when finished.

The Bullying/Harassment Witness Statement and Parental Notification of Bullying Incident forms can also be found in the Bullying/Harassment Supplements step.

Hope Scholarship Notification Form

Answering Yes to question 14 in the Bullying/Harassment Investigation step will automatically generate the Hope Scholarship Notification Form step.

1. Complete all of the fields; the alleged victim’s name will be pre-populated along with their date of birth and grade level.

2. Click the e-signature box to sign electronically, or manually sign the form after printing.

3. Click Save & Validate after completing all fields.

MW: Bullying/Harassment Supplements

The Bullying/Harassment Supplements step contains the Bullying/Harassment Witness Statement, the Spanish version of the Hope Scholarship Notification Form, and the Parental Notification of Bullying Incident.

The Bullying/Witness Statement cannot be electronically completed; it must be printed and manually completed. The Bullying/Witness Statement can then be scanned back in to the event using the Uploads step. On the Parental Notification of Bullying Incident form, the Incident Summary can be electronically completed, and then the form printed for signatures. The form can then be scanned back in to the event using the Uploads step.

1. Select the form to add as a supplement and click Add this form.

The selected form is added to the table.

2. Click the Edit link.

3. Complete the form and click Save & Validate when finished.

EP for Gifted Students

4. Click Return to Focus.

EP for Gifted Students

A green check mark will display in the Complete column of the table once all required fields of the form are completed. The Last Saved column will populate with the date and time the form was last saved.

EP for Gifted Students

5. To delete a supplement, click Delete.

EP for Gifted Students

The number of supplemental forms added to the student's event will display in parenthesis next to the Supplement step on the steps menu.

IEP Event

Uploads can be used to add documentation to an event. In order to print with the event, uploads must be in the PDF format.

1. Drag a file into the box, click Select and select a file from your computer, or click the scan icon and follow prompts to scan the document.

2. Once documentation is scanned or uploaded it will populate in the upload field with edit/delete options.

3. The number of uploads will display in parenthesis on the side menu.

4. Click the pencil icon to edit the title of the file.

After making a title change, click the green check mark to save the change, or the red X to discard the change and keep the original file name.

5. Click the red minus sign to delete the upload.

6. Click OK to confirm deletion. says
Mental Wellness Case Notes Event

The Mental Wellness Case Notes event is primary used to document the result of any contact with or referral for a student for mental health reasons. It is a follow-up to the Threat Assessment or Bullying/Harassment event.

MW: Counselor Referral
Mental Wellness Case Notes

1. Select the Case Note Date.

2. For the question Is this an update to a Threat Assessment?, select Yes or No.

3. If Yes, select the date of the original Threat Assessment.

4. Enter the applicable Case Notes.

Mental Wellness Case Notes

5. Select the Action Steps.

Selecting Referral to Mental Health Team or Referral to Substance Abuse will trigger a new step for completion. Selecting Bullying Investigation Initiated will generate a new Bullying/Harassment event that displays on the student’s Create New Event screen (click Return to Manage Student to view).

Mental Wellness Case Notes

6. In the Signature field, click to sign electronically.

Mental Wellness Case Notes

7. Click Save & Validate when finished.

MW: Mental Health Referral

When "Referral to Mental Health Team" is selected as an action step in the Counselor Referral and the Counselor Referral is saved and validated, the Mental Health Referral step is displayed.

Mental Wellness Case Notes

1. Select the Reasons for referral.

Mental Wellness Case Notes

2. Enter the Explanation for referral.

Mental Wellness Case Notes

3. Select the Area of student's life being impacted.

Mental Wellness Case Notes

4. Enter the interventions or services that have been provided at the school based level.

Mental Wellness Case Notes

5. Select whether the student has received counseling services in the past. If Yes, enter the location and time frame.

6. Select whether a Problem Solving Team has begun or been put in place.

7. Enter the Referring Staff and the Staff being referred to (if aware).

8. Select an option for the student's insurance.

9. Select the appropriate options for parent/guardian contact.

10. In the Signature field, click to sign the form electronically.

11. Enter a phone number.

12. Click Save & Validate when finished.

Mental Wellness Case Notes
MW: Substance Abuse Referral

When "Referral to Substance Abuse" is selected as an action step in the Counselor Referral and the Counselor Referral is saved and validated, the Substance Abuse Referral step is displayed.

1. Select the Date of Referral.

2. Select whether the student requested a referral for screening/services.

3. Select whether the parent is aware of the referral.

4. Enter the reasons for referral.

Mental Wellness Case Notes

5. Select an insurance option.

6. Enter the name and contact information for the staff inputting the referral.

7. Enter the receiving staff member, team, department, etc.

8. Click Save & Validate when finished.

Mental Wellness Case Notes

Uploads can be used to add documentation to an event. In order to print with the event, uploads must be in the PDF format.

1. Drag a file into the box, click Select and select a file from your computer, or click the scan icon and follow prompts to scan the document.

2. Once documentation is scanned or uploaded it will populate in the upload field with edit/delete options.

3. The number of uploads will display in parenthesis on the side menu.

4. Click the pencil icon to edit the title of the file.

After making a title change, click the green check mark to save the change, or the red X to discard the change and keep the original file name.

5. Click the red minus sign to delete the upload.

6. Click OK to confirm deletion. says
Mental Wellness Counselor Referral

The Mental Wellness Counselor Referral event is primarily an event used to document the reason for referring a student to the counselor and to document any follow-up steps such as District Mental Health Referral and Substance Use Referral.

MW: Counselor Referral

1. Select one or more reasons for the referral and include a brief description/explanation.

Mental Wellness Counselor Referral

2. Answer the following Yes/No questions.

3. Describe the contact with the parent/guardian.

4. In the Signature field, click to sign the form electronically.

5. Click Save & Validate when finished.

Mental Wellness Counselor Referral
MW: Case Notes

At any time a student may be referred for mental health services or is receiving mental health services, counselors, social workers, mental health assessors, etc. can utilize the Case Notes step to document information about the situation and select any follow-up actions.

Mental Wellness Counselor Referral

1. Select the Case Note Date.

2. For Is this an update to a Threat Assessment?, select Yes or No.

3. If Yes, select the date of the original Threat Assessment.

4. Enter the applicable Case Notes.

Mental Wellness Case Notes

5. Select the Action Steps.

Selecting Referral to Mental Health Team or Referral to Substance Abuse will trigger a new step for completion. Selecting Bullying Investigation Initiated will generate a new Bullying/Harassment event that displays on the student’s Create New Event screen (click Return to Manage Student to view).

Mental Wellness Case Notes

6. In the Signature field, click to sign electronically.

Mental Wellness Case Notes

7. Click Save & Validate when finished.

MW: Mental Health Referral

When "Referral to Mental Health Team" is selected as an action step in the Case Notes and the Case Notes is saved and validated, the Mental Health Referral step is displayed.

Mental Wellness Case Notes

1. Select the Reasons for referral.

Mental Wellness Case Notes

2. Enter the Explanation for referral.

Mental Wellness Case Notes

3. Select the Area of student's life being impacted.

Mental Wellness Case Notes

4. Enter the interventions or services that have been provided at the school based level.

Mental Wellness Case Notes

5. Select whether the student has received counseling services in the past. If Yes, enter the location and time frame.

6. Select whether a Problem Solving Team has begun or been put in place.

7. Enter the Referring Staff and the Staff being referred to (if aware).

8. Select an option for the student's insurance.

9. Select the appropriate options for parent/guardian contact.

10. In the Signature field, click to sign the form electronically.

11. Enter a phone number.

12. Click Save & Validate when finished.

Mental Wellness Case Notes
MW: Substance Abuse Referral

When "Referral to Substance Abuse" is selected as an action step in the Case Notes and the Case Notes is saved and validated, the Substance Abuse Referral step is displayed.

1. Select the Date of Referral.

2. Select whether the student requested a referral for screening/services.

3. Select whether the parent is aware of the referral.

4. Enter the reasons for referral.

Mental Wellness Case Notes

5. Select an insurance option.

6. Enter the name and contact information for the staff inputting the referral.

7. Enter the receiving staff member, team, department, etc.

8. Click Save & Validate when finished.

Mental Wellness Case Notes

Uploads can be used to add documentation to an event. In order to print with the event, uploads must be in the PDF format.

1. Drag a file into the box, click Select and select a file from your computer, or click the scan icon and follow prompts to scan the document.

2. Once documentation is scanned or uploaded it will populate in the upload field with edit/delete options.

3. The number of uploads will display in parenthesis on the side menu.

4. Click the pencil icon to edit the title of the file.

After making a title change, click the green check mark to save the change, or the red X to discard the change and keep the original file name.

5. Click the red minus sign to delete the upload.

6. Click OK to confirm deletion. says
Threat Assessment Event

The Mental Wellness Threat Assessment is similar in format to the Florida Standardized Behavioral Threat Assessment Report, but shorter. This event can be used to document a student’s threat to harm themselves, to harm others, and/or to document alleged bullying or harassment by the student. There are two form triggers associated with this event that will generate the additional step of the Mental Health Referral and the Activate Handle with Care step that can be tied to an alert icon for the student based on classifying the threat as Substantive.

MW: Threat Assessment

1. Select the type of threat made by the student. The Level of Threat can be revisited after completing the report and investigation.

2. Enter the names of the team members involved in the assessment.

Mental Wellness Threat Assessment

3. Complete the Threat Report section.

Mental Wellness Threat Assessment

4. Select which sources of information have been reviewed and provide any details about relevant findings for each source.

Mental Wellness Threat Assessment

The form can be saved and validated at any point in the process before the assessment has been completed. Only page 1 and the top of page 2 have required fields for the assessment report.

5. Optionally, record any key observations. These serve as a checklist to help assess whether the threat is transient or substantive.

  • Answering YES to any of the first six questions lean toward the threat being less serious.
  • Answering YES to any of the remaining twelve questions lean toward the threat being more serious.
Mental Wellness Threat Assessment

6. Optionally, record any observations suggesting need for intervention.  These two pages list factors to consider in identifying any possible interventions to assist the subject student and reduce risk of harm to self or others.

Mental Wellness Threat Assessment

7. Optionally, record any threat response actions. These two pages provide a list of common actions taken in response to a threat to harm self or others. If an action is recommended but for some reason not implemented, the form provides space on page 7 for documentation.

Mental Wellness Threat Assessment

8. After completing the needed sections, return to the top of page 1 to record the Level of Threat.

Mental Wellness Threat Assessment

9. Click Save & Validate when finished.

If the Level of Threat is selected as Substantive, the Mental Health Referral and the Activate Handle with Care steps will display but are not set as required steps. In particular, the Activate Handle with Care may not be utilized if the district does not desire to attach an alert icon to the student based on the completion of this form and a workflow trigger.

Mental Wellness Threat Assessment
MW: Mental Health Referral

The Mental Health Referral is an optional 2 page form that displays when the Level of Threat is set to Substantive on the Threat Assessment. The assessment team or a designated individual can select one or more reasons for making a referral to the District Mental Health team. 

This form has an e-signature field so it is imperative that the individual responsible for this part of the process is logged in to the Mental Wellness event for the student to complete the form. There are no default alerts associated with this form. 

1. Select the Reasons for referral.

Mental Wellness Case Notes

2. Enter the Explanation for referral.

Mental Wellness Case Notes

3. Select the Area of student's life being impacted.

Mental Wellness Case Notes

4. Enter the interventions or services that have been provided at the school based level.

Mental Wellness Case Notes

5. Select whether the student has received counseling services in the past. If Yes, enter the location and time frame.

6. Select whether a Problem Solving Team has begun or been put in place.

7. Enter the Referring Staff and the Staff being referred to (if aware).

8. Select an option for the student's insurance.

9. Select the appropriate options for parent/guardian contact.

10. In the Signature field, click to sign the form electronically.

11. Enter a phone number.

12. Click Save & Validate when finished.

Mental Wellness Case Notes
MW: Meeting Participants

This form can be filled out with meeting participants’ names, titles/positions, and the date, then printed beforehand to be signed at the meeting (unless using the virtual meeting e-signatures form). The signed form can then be uploaded in to the event using the Uploads step.

Mental Wellness Threat Assessment

1. Enter the Meeting Type and Date of Meeting.

2. Type in the names of the meeting participants and their position/title.

The parent's name will auto-fill from the student's Addresses and Contacts record. Only the parent with the priority of 1 will pull.

Mental Wellness Threat Assessment

3. Click Save & Validate when finished.

Print the form with the "Disable Watermark" option selected. After the form has been signed and dated by meeting participants, upload the form using the Uploads step.

MW: Supplements

If needed, users can add additional forms to the event.

1. Select the form to add as a supplement and click Add this form.

The selected form is added to the table.

2. Click the Edit link.

3. Complete the form and click Save & Validate when finished.

EP for Gifted Students

4. Click Return to Focus.

EP for Gifted Students

A green check mark will display in the Complete column of the table once all required fields of the form are completed. The Last Saved column will populate with the date and time the form was last saved.

EP for Gifted Students

5. To delete a supplement, click Delete.

EP for Gifted Students

The number of supplemental forms added to the student's event will display in parenthesis next to the Supplement step on the steps menu.

IEP Event
Activate Handle with Care

The Activate Handle with Care step is displayed when the Level of Threat is set to Substantive on the Threat Assessment. The completion of this form allows an alert icon to be attached to the student provided the appropriate workflow trigger and student fields have been set up by the district.

Mental Wellness Threat Assessment

Complete the form and click Save & Validate when finished.

The district also has the option to use a form trigger to send the data from this form to applicable fields in the student’s SIS record. The fields and the form trigger must be created by the district.


Uploads can be used to add documentation to an event, such as the signed Meeting Participants form. In order to print with the event, uploads must be in the PDF format.

1. Drag a file into the box, click Select and select a file from your computer, or click the scan icon and follow prompts to scan the document.

2. Once documentation is scanned or uploaded it will populate in the upload field with edit/delete options.

3. The number of uploads will display in parenthesis on the side menu.

4. Click the pencil icon to edit the title of the file.

After making a title change, click the green check mark to save the change, or the red X to discard the change and keep the original file name.

5. Click the red minus sign to delete the upload.

6. Click OK to confirm deletion. says
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