Progress monitoring data can be used to modify the existing Progress Monitoring Plan. When the Progress Monitoring Plan is locked and the RtI Modified PMP event is initiated, data from the original progress plan will populate.

1. Click into the field to be updated. The field will highlight in yellow as data is updated. The existing data can be totally removed or you can just add the new data as space allows.
2. Click Save & Validate.

1. Complete Meeting Minutes and all required fields highlighted in red.

2. Enter the Date.

3. Enter who the form is being Documented By.

4. Enter meeting minutes in the text box. Minutes can be typed in or copied and pasted from a Word document. The user must enter at least three words in text box in order to be able to save.

5. Click Save. Users can add to the text field after pressing save if it is during the meeting.

6. The Add Minutes button is used if there is an additional meeting on a different date for the event. The Add Minutes button should not be clicked to add additional minutes to a meeting already in progress.

Uploads can be used to add documentation to an event, such as student work samples or forms completed by the parent/guardian of the student. (Optional)
1. Once the Uploads tab is clicked, an upload/scan field will display.

2. Click Select to upload a document from the computer or click the scan icon to scan in a copy of a document. The user can also drag files into the field to upload.

3. Once documentation is scanned or uploaded it will populate in the upload field with edit/delete options.

4. The number of uploads will display in parenthesis on the side menu.

This event includes a two-part form, the RtI Parent Notification Memo and the RtI Meeting Notification; both forms are required to send to the parent/guardian. The Parent Data Form is optional but can also be included with the RtI Parent Notification Memo and the RtI Meeting Notification.

1. Enter the name of the Campus Facilitator.

2. Select the Date.

3. Enter the name of the person that the form should be returned to.

4. Select the Return Date.

5. Enter the Point of Contact and the Phone Number.

6. Click Save & Validate.

1. Select the Date Provided.

2. Select the Meeting Type.

3. Identify the meeting information such as Date, Time, Campus and Location.

4. Identify the person of contact for the meeting by entering the phone number of the person, name of the person to return the form to, and the date to return the form by.

5. Click Save & Validate.

6. Print the Parent Data Form to include with the RtI Parent Notification Memo and RtI Meeting Notification.
Be sure to disable the Draft watermark before printing.
Use the Uploads tab to upload any documentation to include documents returned from the parent/guardian such as Parent Meeting Notification and the Parent Data Form.
1. Once the Uploads tab is clicked, an upload/scan field will display.

2. Click Select to upload a document from the computer or click the scan icon to scan in a copy of a document. The user can also drag files into the field to upload.

3. Once documentation is scanned or uploaded it will populate in the upload field with edit/delete options.

4. The number of uploads will display in parenthesis on the side menu.

This step will initiate the default Focus RtI process for the student. Student demographic fields will auto populate from the SIS student record and links to student Test History and Gradebook Grades are provided on specific forms.

1. Complete the form and all required fields of the RtI Progress Plan that are highlighted in red.
Be sure to complete the fields at the bottom of page 1 to set the date for followup and the type of parent followup before saving and printing the form.
2. Click Save & Validate.

3. Complete page 2 of the PMP during/after the parent followup indicated at the bottom of page 1.
1. Complete Meeting Minutes and all required fields highlighted in red.

2. Enter the Date.

3. Enter who the form is being Documented By.

4. Enter meeting minutes in the text box. Minutes can be typed in or copied and pasted from a Word document. The user must enter at least three words in text box in order to be able to save.

5. Click Save. Users can add to the text field after pressing save if it is during the meeting.

6. The Add Minutes button is used if there is an additional meeting on a different date for the event. The Add Minutes button should not be clicked to add additional minutes to a meeting already in progress.

Uploads can be used to add documentation to an event, such as student work samples or forms completed by the parent/guardian of the student. (Optional)
1. Once the Uploads tab is clicked, an upload/scan field will display.

2. Click Select to upload a document from the computer or click the scan icon to scan in a copy of a document. The user can also drag files into the field to upload.

3. Once documentation is scanned or uploaded it will populate in the upload field with edit/delete options.

4. The number of uploads will display in parenthesis on the side menu.

The RtI Referral can be initiated by more than one of the student’s teachers.

1. Complete the form and all required fields of the Teacher Input Form highlighted in red.
2. Click Save & Validate.

Uploads can be used to add documentation to an event, such as student work samples or forms completed by the parent/guardian of the student. (Optional)
1. Once the Uploads tab is clicked, an upload/scan field will display.

2. Click Select to upload a document from the computer or click the scan icon to scan in a copy of a document. The user can also drag files into the field to upload.

3. Once documentation is scanned or uploaded it will populate in the upload field with edit/delete options.

4. The number of uploads will display in parenthesis on the side menu.

1. Select the Initial Meeting Date.

2. Mark the appropriate Meeting Type to identify if the form is being used for a Tier 2 (T2) or Tier 3 (T3) Meeting.

3. Complete the form and fill in the required fields highlighted in red.
4. Click Save & Validate.

If needed identify Tier 2 Supplements for the student. (Optional)
1. Use the pull-down menu to choose the form to add as a supplement form to the event.

2. Click Add this Form.

3. The form will display above the pull-down menu.

4. The number of supplemental forms being used will populate in parenthesis next to the supplement step on the steps menu.

5. Click the Edit link to enter student information into the form.

6. Click Delete to delete the form from the list.

Complete all required fields to document Meeting Minutes from the Tier 2 Initial Meeting.
1. Complete Meeting Minutes and all required fields highlighted in red. Meeting minutes should include information on the interventions being used with the student.

2. Enter the Date.

3. Enter who the form is being Documented By.

4. Enter meeting minutes in the text box. The user must enter at least three words in text box in order to be able to save.

5. Click Save. Users can add to the text field after pressing save if it is during the meeting.

6. The Add Minutes button is used if there is an additional meeting on a different date for the event. The Add Minutes button should not be clicked to add additional minutes to a meeting already in progress.

Use the Uploads tab to upload any documentation to support information recorded in the Tier 2 Intervention Plan.
1. Once the Uploads tab is clicked, an upload/scan field will display.

2. Click Select to upload a document from the computer or click the scan icon to scan in a copy of a document. The user can also drag files into the field to upload.

3. Once documentation is scanned or uploaded it will populate in the upload field with edit/delete options.

4. The number of uploads will display in parenthesis on the side menu.

1. Select the Initial Meeting Date.

2. Mark the appropriate Meeting Type to identify if the form is being used for a Tier 2 (T2) or Tier 3 (T3) Meeting.

3. Complete the form and fill in the required fields highlighted in red.
4. Click Save & Validate.

If needed identify Tier 2 Supplements for the student. (Optional)
1. Use the pull-down menu to choose the form to add as a supplement form to the event.

2. Click Add this Form.

3. The form will display above the pull-down menu.

4. The number of supplemental forms being used will populate in parenthesis next to the supplement step on the steps menu.

5. Click the Edit link to enter student information into the form.

6. Click Delete to delete the form from the list.

Complete all required fields to document Meeting Minutes from the Tier 2 Initial Meeting.
1. Complete Meeting Minutes and all required fields highlighted in red. Meeting minutes should include information on the interventions being used with the student.

2. Enter the Date.

3. Enter who the form is being Documented By.

4. Enter meeting minutes in the text box. The user must enter at least three words in text box in order to be able to save.

5. Click Save. Users can add to the text field after pressing save if it is during the meeting.

6. The Add Minutes button is used if there is an additional meeting on a different date for the event. The Add Minutes button should not be clicked to add additional minutes to a meeting already in progress.

Use the Uploads tab to upload any documentation to support information recorded in the Tier 2 Intervention Plan.
1. Once the Uploads tab is clicked, an upload/scan field will display.

2. Click Select to upload a document from the computer or click the scan icon to scan in a copy of a document. The user can also drag files into the field to upload.

3. Once documentation is scanned or uploaded it will populate in the upload field with edit/delete options.

4. The number of uploads will display in parenthesis on the side menu.

Tier 3 forms are duplicates of Tier 2 forms. Users should make sure to select Tier 3 radio buttons on these forms to indicate intended use. This event includes a two-part form; the RtI Parent Notification Memo and the RtI Meeting Notification. Both forms are required to send to the parent/guardian. The Parent Data Form is optional but can also be included with the RtI Parent Notification Memo and RtI Meeting Notification.

1. Enter the name of the Campus Facilitator.

2. Select the Date.

3. Enter the name of the person that the form should be returned to.

4. Select the Return Date.

5. Enter the Point of Contact and the Phone Number.

6. Click Save & Validate.

1. Select the Date Provided.

2. Select the Meeting Type.

3. Identify the meeting information such as Date, Time, Campus and Location.

4. Identify the person of contact for the meeting by entering the phone number of the person, name of the person to return the form to, and the date to return the form by.

5. Click Save & Validate.

6. Print the Parent Data Form to include with the RtI Parent Notification Memo and RtI Meeting Notification.
Use the Uploads tab to upload any documentation returned from the parent/guardian such as Parent Meeting Notification and the Parent Data Form.
1. Once the Uploads tab is clicked, an upload/scan field will display.

2. Click Select to upload a document from the computer or click the scan icon to scan in a copy of a document. The user can also drag files into the field to upload.

3. Once documentation is scanned or uploaded it will populate in the upload field with edit/delete options.

4. The number of uploads will display in parenthesis on the side menu.

1. Select the Initial Meeting Date.

2. Mark the appropriate Meeting Type to identify if the form is being used for a Tier 2 (T2) or Tier 3 (T3) Meeting.

3. Complete the form and fill in the required fields highlighted in red.
4. Click Save & Validate.

If needed identify Tier 3 Supplements for the student. (Optional)
1. Use the pull-down menu to choose the form to add as a supplement form to the event.

2. Click Add this Form.

3. The form will display above the pull-down menu.

4. The number of supplemental forms being used will populate in parenthesis next to the supplement step on the steps menu.

5. Click the Edit link to enter student information into the form.

6. Click Delete to delete the form from the list.

Complete all required fields to document Meeting Minutes from the Tier 3 Initial Meeting.
1. Complete Meeting Minutes and all required fields highlighted in red. Meeting minutes should include information on the interventions being used with the student.

2. Enter the Date.

3. Enter who the form is being Documented By.

4. Enter meeting minutes in the text box. The user must enter at least three words in text box in order to be able to save.

5. Click Save. Users can add to the text field after pressing save if it is during the meeting.

6. The Add Minutes button is used if there is an additional meeting on a different date for the event. The Add Minutes button should not be clicked to add additional minutes to a meeting already in progress.

Use the Uploads tab to upload any documentation to support information recorded in the Tier 3 Intervention Plan.
1. Once the Uploads tab is clicked, an upload/scan field will display.

2. Click Select to upload a document from the computer or click the scan icon to scan in a copy of a document. The user can also drag files into the field to upload.

3. Once documentation is scanned or uploaded it will populate in the upload field with edit/delete options.

4. The number of uploads will display in parenthesis on the side menu.

1. Select the Initial Meeting Date.

2. Mark the appropriate Meeting Type to identify if the form is being used for a Tier 2 (T2) or Tier 3 (T3) Meeting.

3. Complete the form and fill in the required fields highlighted in red.
4. Click Save & Validate.

If needed identify Tier 3 Supplements for the student. (Optional)
1. Use the pull-down menu to choose the form to add as a supplement form to the event.

2. Click Add this Form.

3. The form will display above the pull-down menu.

4. The number of supplemental forms being used will populate in parenthesis next to the supplement step on the steps menu.

5. Click the Edit link to enter student information into the form.

6. Click Delete to delete the form from the list.

Complete all required fields to document Meeting Minutes from the Tier 3 Initial Meeting.
1. Complete Meeting Minutes and all required fields highlighted in red. Meeting minutes should include information on the interventions being used with the student.

2. Enter the Date.

3. Enter who the form is being Documented By.

4. Enter meeting minutes in the text box. The user must enter at least three words in text box in order to be able to save.

5. Click Save. Users can add to the text field after pressing save if it is during the meeting.

6. The Add Minutes button is used if there is an additional meeting on a different date for the event. The Add Minutes button should not be clicked to add additional minutes to a meeting already in progress.

Use the Uploads tab to upload any documentation to support information recorded in the Tier 3 Intervention Plan.
1. Once the Uploads tab is clicked, an upload/scan field will display.

2. Click Select to upload a document from the computer or click the scan icon to scan in a copy of a document. The user can also drag files into the field to upload.

3. Once documentation is scanned or uploaded it will populate in the upload field with edit/delete options.

4. The number of uploads will display in parenthesis on the side menu.