Documentation for Administrators

11.0.65 - 10/09/2022

Updated on


FOCUS-35282- Fixed Assets - Inventory Method when Received

System improvement to Fixed Assets > Receive Transfer > Receive History, the Inventory method is "Manual" for assets transferred during an open inventory.

FOCUS-35246- Object Element Details not saving after SAVE is selected.

System improvement to ensure the element detail checkbox for discretionary is honored when selected/deselected.

FOCUS-35309- Food Service Import - Runtime Errors

FOCUS-35278- Add budget maintenance document titles to Journal Report

FOCUS-35217- Receipt approval flow fixes

FOCUS-34829- Ensure Receipts module gives user access to invoice strips


FOCUS-35306- View Application Info on the Applicant screen

System enhancement to Applicant Tracking Applications for Skills and Qualifications.

FOCUS-35275- Employee Agreements - Onboard Alternative

System enhancement to create applicant agreements during the onboarding process.

FOCUS-35343- Employee File Upload Issues

FOCUS-35249- Leave donate | Use database transaction

FOCUS-35161- Misc pay import - missing job in Run 023


FOCUS-35329- I9 in Onboarding

System enhancement to Applicant Tracking Onboarding. Collect the I9 form as part of the applicant offer acceptance.

FOCUS-35300- Mass Add Log Record by group tab not rendering results correctly

When a user had the Preference "Display grade level in student lists" off, it caused the Mass Add Log Records by Group page to not properly render. This branch corrects this issue.

FOCUS-35267- Graduation Req. Report: FSARM Test Short Name not considered when looking at biliteracy

Only applicable for Florida state reporting customers. The graduation requirements report biliteracy designation section's logic has been updated to look at both FSA and FSARM test history records accordingly.

FOCUS-35263- Gradebook Reports : White screen when viewing the student participation report.

This branch resolves an issue when viewing the gradebook reports from Grades > Gradebook > Reports, the iframe displayed a white screen.

FOCUS-35261- Custom Fields: Adjust Permission Logic for Logging Fields when Required Approval leveraged.

When an end-user with create permissions to a logging field that had certain fields requiring approval attempted to edit that logging field, they were still presented with an approval lock message. This branch now disables the lock and allows entries without approval for people who can create and edit those records through permissions set on the profile, regardless of the custom field settings for approval.

FOCUS-35253- Add Copy Email to Clipboard Button on Student Contacts

This enhancement adds an icon next to the email field in a contact form. Upon clicking it, a copy of the email field will be made to the user's computer clipboard.

FOCUS-35238- Fix slow approver query

Speed improvement to Manual Journal Approval Flow.

FOCUS-35233- Community Mobile App: Resolve database error when viewing Transcripts from the app

This branch resolves an error from displaying to end users when accessing Transcripts on the Reports tab of the Community Mobile App.

FOCUS-35232- School Choice Report: Support student race custom fields for Maryland State Reporting.

Only applicable to customers using the School Choice module and Maryland state reporting. This branch updates the School Choice Report's logic to look at the appropriate race fields.

FOCUS-35225- Graduation Req. Report: Scholar Designation EQ Chem/Physics Exam Requirement Fix

Only applicable to customers using Florida State Reporting. This branch removes the assessment logic to the Scholar Designation of "one credit in a course equally rigorous to chemistry or physics."

FOCUS-35219- Gradebook: Initial Class Averages for Assignments are Calculating Excused Grades as 0

When viewing the gradebook grid or a single assignment, the initial average at the bottom of the assignment column initially shows an incorrect value, which counts excluded scores as a 0. If grade changes are made, the assignment average updates to display the new correct value. This fixes the initial calculation not to include excluded scores.

FOCUS-35216- Purchase ID in Pcard Import

System improvement to add the Purchase Id to the Pcard Imported Purchase Order Request.

FOCUS-35203- District Reports: Variable Pulldown Query Error

This resolution fixes missing variables in District Reports when the text starts with brackets.

FOCUS-35196- Check ADA Override Rotation Day column when recalculating daily attendance

Only applicable for Texas state reporting customers. This branch implements the "Rotation Day" column of the "ADA Override" logging field so that it is checked when determining the FTE period for a student that uses the override field with rotation days set.

FOCUS-35157- Progress Reports: Letter Grade & Percent display in the 'your scores' column regardless of gradebook settings.

This branch resolves an issue where when viewing progress reports from gradebook reports, the 'your scores' column shows both the percent & letter grade even though the grade scale is set to 'letter only' and the teacher doesn't have 'percentage' checked in their gradebook settings.

FOCUS-35149- Student attendance not displaying for merged students

After merging student IDs previous attendance no longer displays for teachers taking attendance. This branch corrects that issue.

FOCUS-35111- Student Performance Report Improvements

This branch resolves two items in the Student Performance Report. First, the report will now select the highest score; previously, it only selected the student's most recent score. Second, the report will now display inactive students.

FOCUS-35027- Gradebook Reports: Future active students on the blank gradebook report

With this resolution, if the current date is on or before the school starting date, then the blank gradebook report prints those students without needing to check to include inactive students.

FOCUS-35014- Test Score Reports: Changes FAST Report Alert to account for PK and KG grade levels.

Only applicable for Florida state reporting customers. This branch updates the logic associated with FAST Test Score Reports to account for the grade levels of KG and PK in file names.

FOCUS-34908- Camera Improvements

This branch adjusts the default quality of photos to 1200 pixel height in the 'Take Photo' option in File Upload fields and User Upload Photo.

FOCUS-34899- Scheduling: Improve Calculation for Inclusion/Primary Section

This branch resolves an issue where the minutes on the primary section were not updating as expected when changes were being made to minutes within the inclusion section on the Student Schedule.

FOCUS-34810- Edit Rules & Workflow: Add Linked Fields Hide Action

Currently, "linked fields" edit rules set the value of a field when the rule criteria are matched. This enhancement allows hiding a field when the rule criteria are matched. Existing linked field rules are migrated to "set value" so their functionality does not change.

FOCUS-34122- Prevent Blackboard updates when data has not changed

This branch implements a change to the Blackboard sync logic to avoid sending records whose Blackboard data hasn't changed.

FOCUS-33491- Average Pass/Fail Grades: support Letter Only grades, add history tab

This branch makes the following improvements to Average Pass/Fail Grades, Split Full Year into Semesters: 1) The report will now display students with failing full year grades when the corresponding semester grades is a letter grade. 2) For each marking period column, the report will display the letter grade.

FOCUS-35327- Student Portal: Assignment List for Progress Period Showing Grades for Entire Quarter

FOCUS-35325- Gradebook: Cannot view files

FOCUS-35065- Improve accounting strip widget performance

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