Documentation for Administrators

11.0.66 - 10/16/2022

Updated on


FOCUS-35397- Add setting to default pending on Fixed Asset Report

System improvement to Setup > General Ledger> Settings > Fixed Assets new setting Default Pending Items in Fixed Assets Report.

FOCUS-35335- Okaloosa Vendor U = Utility

System Improvement to allow the creation of U = Utility Vendors to allow for different payment methods with Vendors with the same EIN.


FOCUS-35399- ESS Direct Deposit information block change the description

System improvement to Employee Self Service > Requests > Direct Deposit information box update to A copy of void check or bank letter must be attached to avoid delay in processing.

FOCUS-34957- Retirement Rate Changes


FOCUS-35430- Teacher Completion Report: Teachers who have not posted grades are not showing on the report.

Only applicable for customers leveraging double-blocked grade posting averaging schemes. This branch resolves an issue where certain teachers were not displaying on the Teacher Completion Report even though they had not posted grades for the marking period.

FOCUS-35414- Remove unnecessary checkboxes from datatables

This branch resolves an issue where unnecessary checkboxes were displayed in datatables, such as WDIS Data Verification Report, Survey Accuracy Reports, DOE Verification Reports, etc.

FOCUS-35412- Approve Grade Changes : PostSecondary 'attended hours' SQL Error when trying to approve a grade change request.

Only applicable to postsecondary customers. This branch resolves a database error for students in a course with hours when attempting to approve a grade change request.

FOCUS-35396- School Choice Report: Resolve database error preventing load

Only applicable to customers using the School Choice Module. This branch resolves an issue where the school choice report would not load for end-users.

FOCUS-35365- Gradebook: Transfer Grades from Other Schools not Displaying Correctly

Before the branch, if a student transferred schools, the teacher at the new school would not be able to see any gradebook assignments. With the branch, the new teacher can see the assignments from the other school as expected.

FOCUS-35348- Line break added between Terms & Conditions

System enhancement to include a line break on the Terms & Conditions on the Purchase Order between two sets of Terms & Conditions.

FOCUS-35347- Student Portal: Assignment Summary Printout Showing Name of Originally Selected Teacher

Before the branch when printing the gradebook as a student the teachers name in the header would always be the first period teacher regardless of what class you are printing. With the branch the correct teacher prints.

FOCUS-35333- Gradebook Templates: Force Weighting Option

New option in Gradebook Templates, Force Weighting. If enabled, the attached sections' gradebooks ignore the gradebook setting for weighting by category and will be weighted regardless. Sections without a template with this setting (or no template) continue to weigh only when enabled. In forced weighted sections, the setting doesn't show as an option in the gradebook.

FOCUS-35331- Scheduled Job: Error running Required Daily Maintenance

This branch corrects an error running the Required Daily Maintenance scheduled job.

FOCUS-35328- Student Portal: Assignment Grades Questions Correct Can Show One Less Than Scored

When viewing a graded assignment in the Student Portal, students can see the number of questions they got correct on the assignment (if applicable). The question's correct value was rounded incorrectly; this branch corrects that issue.

FOCUS-35313- School Choice: Improve the appearance of the screen on the parent portal

Only applicable to School Choice module customers. This enhancement improves the appearance of the School Choice Screen on the parent portal by avoiding unnecessary scrolling on the table for the parents to reach the Accept and Cancel buttons.

FOCUS-35304- Graduation Program dropdown not working

This branch resolves an issue where graduation requirements programs with a minimum school year were missing from the enrollment dropdown list if the student didn't have a graduation requirements program in the past.

FOCUS-35299- Gradebook: Google classroom sync 'Bad Request' error

Only applicable to customers using google classroom. This branch resolves an issue where when viewing the gradebook while logged in as a user with a linked google account, you receive an error stating 'Bad Request' and the user cannot sync courses.

FOCUS-35248- Fix Displaying Test History Tests past Max School Year

This branch fixes an issue where the Title drop-down for Test History Parts would show options past their max syear.

FOCUS-35228- Gradebook: Templates for Proficiency Gradebook and Proficiency Popup to Enforce Standards Required for Assignments

Only applicable to customers using the proficiency gradebook. This branch makes proficiency gradebooks use templates. And it adds a popup to the gradebook which comes up if a proficiency gradebook is missing standards on one or more assignments so that those assignments may be added to the gradebook. On the templates screen, the standards column is now required on assignments if the school is set in preferences always to use the proficiency gradebook. If the grading scale enables proficiency, there is a warning about the assignments table that standards should be selected if syncing to proficiency sections.

FOCUS-35184- Add "Include in Approval/Denial Emails" options to formbuilder fields

Branch adds a toggle on fields in the Form Builder called "Include in Approval/Denial Emails". When enabled, the field name and its value should be included in the approval/denial emails the users receive.

FOCUS-35130- School Choice: Send Notifications by Program Enhancement

Only applicable to customers using the School Choice Module. This feature enhancement adds a program select-multiple field to Setup > School Choice > Print Letters. When leveraged, this new setting allows end users to send choice notifications (printed and emailed) by specific programs. Previously notifications had to be sent application-wide.

FOCUS-35124- Update Attendance and Student Reauthorization pages to respect display name preference

Take Attendance and Post Grades as a teacher will now respect Display Name preference settings.

FOCUS-35016- Student Schedule > After teacher changing course the result page is still loading without student id selected

If a teacher changes their session section after searching for student schedules, a white screen should display. This branch corrects that issue.

FOCUS-34978- Add "placeholder" type to Graduation Programs

This enhancement adds a new graduation program type of placeholder, which can be added to graduation programs. When leveraged, the title of the requirement will display as a "placeholder" descriptor without requirement criteria when an admin, parent, or student is viewing the graduation requirements report

FOCUS-34722- New System Preference: Community App Custom Scripts

This enhancement adds a new default school preference titled "Community App Custom Scripts." Custom scripts (e.g. Userway ADA Widget) placed in this system preference will work within the Community Mobile app.

FOCUS-34712- Re-enrollment forms Authentication & Invalid Credentials

Currently, when saving a re-enrollment request the token that is saved for a signature is signed with a temporary key that is specific to the session, so if a parent signs out before completing the application they will get an error when trying to submit or save the application in a different session. This branch solves the problem by ensuring that the token is exchanged with one signed by a permanent key whenever the request is saved.

FOCUS-34692- API - PUT /assignments - Handle race conditions and NULL descriptions

Canvas recently made changes to its Grade Passback API logic. This branch implements necessary changes to the Focus/Canvas gradepassback to account for the adjustments and prevent duplicate assignments in teacher gradebooks.

FOCUS-34691- Includes additional message and deletes schedule records for future sections.

Deleting a section in the future with scheduled students would result in orphaned student schedule records. This branch improves this behavior by informing the end-user that future student schedules exist for the section being deleted. If the user continues, the section and the students' future schedule records will be deleted from the database.

FOCUS-34576- Print ID Badges Enhancement

This branch makes three improvements to Print Student ID Badges. First, the Back Text editor has been expanded to allow more text styling features and Insert Fields. Second, end-users can now set default badge colors by gradelevel. Third, Alert Icons can be printed on the Student Badges. Only Alert Icons designated with the new Show on ID Badge flag on Edit Rules & Workflow will be included when the setting Show Alert Icons on Student Badges is selected.

FOCUS-34560- Student Enrollments: Make grade level required when changing the school field

If the school on an enrollment record was changed, the grade level field appears to be changed to blank, but the record in the database would maintain the prior school's gradelevel ID. With this branch. if a change is made to the student's enrollment school, the grade must also be set before the end user can adjust the record.

FOCUS-34472- Re enrollment form Address not updating when approving

When approving re-enrollment forms for addresses, an end-user does not have permission to add an address outside the address catalog or other zoning restrictions; in that case, an error will now appear on Online Enrollments preventing the action and explaining the reason.

FOCUS-34380- Elementary Scheduler: Drag and Drop Issue

Only applicable for self-hosted MSSQL customers. This branch resolves an issue where end-users could not drag and drop on the Elementary Scheduler.

FOCUS-34201- District Report Cards Improvements

Performance improvement for District Report Cards & Transcripts.

FOCUS-34184- Updates Account Access Notification setting from a checkbox to a multiple

This enhancement replaces the setting "Account Access Notification" checkbox under General Default School Preferences with a profile select-multiple field. This will allow districts to control account access notifications by profile role.

FOCUS-33863- Custom Fields: Default Create Permission for Logging Fields

This branch adds a Profiles (Default Create Column) setting when editing a custom field logging field. When leveraged, the profiles selected as default for creating permissions will feed into the permission settings of the individual columns of the logging field.

FOCUS-33854- Posting Final Grades: Hidden Students removed from Post Final Grades

This branch resolves an issue where students marked as "hidden" were removed from the teacher's Post Final Grades screen. A student's hidden/protected status should not impact a teacher's ability to issue them a grade.

FOCUS-32193- Contact Student Fields selected in User Preferences are not displaying when hovering over the student

Contact Student Fields selected in User Preferences are not displaying when hovering over the student.

FOCUS-35450- Display negative values for Class Minutes Weekly on Student Schedule


FOCUS-35214- Tab container border overlaps form with narrow viewports

If the form is viewed with a small enough horizontal resolution, the border of the tabs container (the one with Form, Drafts, Mass Print and History) will overlap the form.

FOCUS-35001- Users without PMP permissions may appear in "Person Responsible" dropdown

This fix addresses an issue where users that did not have access to the SSS event were showing in the Person Responsible dropdown on the PMP custom screen. This fix ensures that the following criteria is followed. The Person Responsible dropdown should list users who: - Have an active user enrollment - The enrollment must either be at the school associated with the event, OR the user's profile be "admin" - At least one of the user's profiles must be granted permission to the event via the SSS event permissions screen.

FOCUS-34914- SSS event action to create profile portal alert does not create profile portal alert

This fix addresses when the event trigger with Create Profile Portal Alert With Link is set and the user completes and locks an event, he does not receive portal SSS alert. This fix ensures the user that is set up in trigger parameters receives an SSS Alert on the portal page as expected. When clicked, he is navigated to SSS>Alerts screen and alert is presented there as expected.

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