Documentation for Parents/Students


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The Calendar screen allows you to create and manage a personal calendar in Focus. You can add one-time or recurring events to your calendar, and view events shared with you by your students' schools and teachers.

Setting Up Event Categories

Event categories are used to organize the events on your calendar. When adding an event to the calendar, you can assign the event to a category. You can filter the calendar by category to only view events in the selected category/categories.

1. Click Setup at the top-right of the screen.

2. In the blank row, click the Color field to select a color for the category.

4. In the pop-up window, click the desired color and click Choose.

5. Enter a Title for the category.

6. To restrict use of the category to specific school years, select the Min School Year and Max School Year.

7. Press Enter to add the event category. Continue adding event categories as needed.

8. When finished, click Return to calendar.

Adding an Event to the Calendar

You can add events to your calendar.

1. On the Calendar screen, hover over the green plus icon and click Add an event.

Alternatively, click the applicable date on the calendar. This will auto-populate the Date fields for the event.


2. In the pop-up window, enter a Title for the event.

3. Select the Category for the event.

The district may have set up default categories that are available to you to use, as well as the event categories you have created yourself.

4. Click the first Date field and enter or select the event start date from the calendar.

The end date field will auto-populate with the same date. If the event will last multiple days, enter or select the end date in the second date field.

If you added the event by clicking on the date on the calendar, the Date fields will be auto-populated based on the date you clicked.

5. If the event will last all day, select All Day. This will hide the Set Time fields.

6. In the Set Time fields, enter the start and end times for the event (for non-all day events) in the format hours:minutes am/pm.

7. Enter any notes for the event, as needed.

Notes are displayed when the event is opened on the calendar.

8. Click Save.


The event is added to the calendar, highlighted in the category color.

Adding a Recurring Event to the Calendar

1. On the Calendar screen, hover over the green plus icon and click Add Recurring Event.

2. On the left side of pop-up window, enter a Title for the event.

3. Select the Category for the event.

The district may have set up default categories that are available to you to use, as well as the event categories you have created yourself.

4. If the event will last all day, select All Day. This will hide the Set Time fields.

5. In the Set Time fields, enter the start and end times for the event (for non-all day events) in the format hours:minutes am/pm. If a meeting length was set up in the Availability Settings, the end time will auto-populate based on the length set.

6. Enter any notes for the event, as needed.

Notes are displayed when the event is opened on the calendar.

7. On the right side of the screen, select the days of the week for the event.

Calendar - Google Chrome

8. In the Pattern pull-down, select whether the event occurs Weekly, Bi-weekly, Monthly Forward, or Monthly Backwards.

If you select Wednesday in Days Scheduled and select Monthly Forward in the Pattern pull-down, the system will look for the first available day of the week (Wednesday) after the start date. If you select Wednesday in the Days Scheduled and select Monthly Backwards in the Pattern pull-down, the system will look for the first available day of the week (Wednesday) before the start date.

When the Monthly Forward or Monthly Backwards option is selected, only one week day should be selected.

9. Select Ignore School Year Range to ignore the school year calendar and allow events to extend through the given time frame.

10. In the From and To fields, enter or select from the calendar the date range for the event.

11. Click Generate Scheduled Days.

Calendar - Google Chrome

The dates for the recurring event will be listed, based on the days of the week, pattern, and date range selected.

12. If a particular date should be excluded, click the red minus sign to delete the date.

13. Click Create Recurring Event.

The events are added to the calendar, highlighted in the category color.

Editing an Event

You can edit events you have created.

1. Click the event on the calendar.

2. In the pop-up window, make your changes and click Save.

If you have edited a recurring event, a pop-up will display asking if you want to apply changes to only this event or all events. Click Yes to update all events (excluding date/time), or click Cancel to only update that particular event.

Deleting an Event

You can delete events you have created.

1. Click the event on the calendar.

2. In the pop-up window, click Delete.

The event is removed from your calendar.

If you have deleted a recurring event, a pop-up will display asking if you want to delete all events tied to this event. Click OK to delete all events, or Cancel to delete only that particular event.

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