Documentation for Parents/Students

My Profile

Updated on

My Profile displays General information pertaining to the user, as well as Attached Students.

My Profile

1. Click My Profile.


2. To review general information, click the Primary Info tab.

My Profile

Here you can view your First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Username, and E-mail Address. Note: Most districts do not allow users to edit information from this screen.

If you do have editing rights and any information has been changed, click Save to apply changes. The Save button activates when a change has been made; otherwise, the Save button remains inactive (gray).

3. Click the General tab for demographic information, such as phone number, email address, etc.

My Profile

4. Click the Attached Students tab to view students that have been linked to your account.

My Profile

The Attached Students tab displays linked students including the Student ID, Last Name, First Name, Enabled, Enrolled School, and Enrolled Gradelevel.

Click Student ID to open Child Info.

Child Info

Other categories/tab may display as well depending on the district, such as Letter Log, which houses all correspondences between you and the district including messages and letters.

My Profile
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