If your district allows parents or students to request student information to be changed in Focus, those pending change requests are displayed on this screen. Change requests can be canceled if needed.
Change requests are made by simply updating the desired field on the Child Info/My Information screen and clicking Save. If the change does not need approval by the school, the change will save and will be displayed in Focus immediately. If the change requires approval, a pop-up message will display indicating the change request has been submitted. The field will not be updated in Focus until the change is approved.

1a. For students, in the menu, click Change Requests.

1b. As a parent, click the arrow next to the applicable student to open the student's screens. Then, click Change Requests.

Any pending change requests are displayed in the table, including the date the change request was made, the student's name, student ID number, the requester, and the before and after field values. Once the change request is approved or denied by the school, it will no longer display on this screen. When the change request is approved, the field will display the new value in Child Info/My Information.
Click the modal icon to the left of the screen to view the change request information in a pop-up window.
1. To cancel the change request, click Cancel.
When a change request is canceled, it is no longer sent to the school for approval, and the before value of the field is maintained.
2. Click Yes in the confirmation message.

3. Click the X to close the pop-up window.

The change request is deleted. The screen will display "No Records Found" if there are no other pending change requests.