The Public Course Catalog, if made available by the district, displays courses for purchase by the public, similar to the Purchase & Pay screen. Note: This screen only displays when the district enables the "Enable Public Course Catalog" via Setup > System Preferences.
1. To access the public course catalog, from the log in screen, add /catalog to the URL.

If /index.php is displayed at the end of the URL, remove it and replace it with /catalog.

The public Course Catalog mirrors the Purchase & Pay screen.
2. From the Search tab, conduct a search for the classes you wish to purchase.
3. Enter a Keyword, such as Language for language classes.
4. Enter a Class Start Date range in the two provided text boxes to pull classes that begin within a specific time frame.
5. Select the Courses of interest from the pull-down.
6. Select the applicable Schools where you would like to attend the classes to be purchased from the pull-down.
7. Or enter your Zipcode to find classes closest to you.
Some of these fields may be hidden and no longer available for use in order to conduct a search, if the district has elected to hide them, such as the Keyword search text box and the Zipcode text box. The number of Courses that can be selected from the pull-down may also be limited based on district settings.
8. Review the courses that matched your search criteria. When you find courses that meet all of your needs, click Enroll Now to proceed with the purchase.
If the room is at capacity, based on district settings, the class will be grayed out and state Room at Capacity in place of the Enroll Now button.

Clicking Enroll Now opens additional options including: Sign In to Purchase, Create a New Student Account, and Create a New Parent Account. Note: The options displayed here are dependent on district settings, so you may see different or less options here.

9. If you already have a Focus account, click Sign In to Purchase, which allows you to sign into your account and purchase the course.

This will take you to the Focus log in screen. Once signed in, you can purchase the course from the Purchase & Pay screen.
10. If you are a new student and do not already have an account, click Create a New Student Account in order to create an account and purchase the course.

Click here for detailed information on the online application.
1. Click Create a New Student Account.
2. From the Apply for Enrollment screen, enter all applicable information, then click Begin Application. All required fields are indicated by a red asterisk.

3. Follow your district's application instructions until the application is complete.

4. Click the Continue Application / Returning Students tab if you a returning student, not a new student or already began an application.

Clicking the Continue Application / Returning Students tab navigate to a new sign in screen where you can continue your application. Enter your Username and Password, then click Log In.

11. If you are a parent wanting to purchase a course for a student account, but do not have a parent account, click Create a New Parent Account.

For more information on creating a new parent account, see Parent Portal Registration.