1. Click Messenger at the bottom of the screen to send messages to teachers.

Students and parents can only send messages to their assigned teachers. Teachers can send messages to their students, students' parents, and school staff. Parents can send messages to teachers outside of the selected school. For example, if a parent has student(s) enrolled at different schools, all teachers from all applicable schools will be accessible via Messenger without requiring the teacher to switch schools first.
2. Recent chats, teachers who have recently been sent a message, display on the right side of the screen. Click the teacher's name to open the chat again.

3. To begin a new message, click the Teachers icon listed at the bottom of the Messenger (Recent Chats) screen. Then, click the applicable teacher for whom the message is to be sent.

To quickly locate the teacher, start typing their name in the Filter text box.

4. Clicking on a teacher's name opens a new messaging screen. Type your message in the provided text box and press Enter to send the message.

Upon sending a message, you have several additional options listed along the bottom of the window. These options include (listed from left to right): SpellCheck, Bold, Italic, Underline, Strikethrough, Insert Special Character, and Smiley.

5. Once the window is open, you can minimize it by clicking the arrow, or close the window, by clicking the X.

1. New messages via Messenger display on the News tab in the Alerts section of the Portal page. Click the message here to open Messenger. You can click the Messenger icon from any screen, which also alerts you to new messages indicated by the number of messages and the exclamation point.

2. New message display in the New Alerts section. Click the teacher's name to open the new message.

3. Clicking the message alert opens the teacher's message in a new Messenger window. Here you can read new messages and reply. See Sending Messages for more information.