Student assignments are accessible via the Student Portal in various forms, starting with the Events tab, which links to the Calendar, the Grades tab of student information, which includes teacher web pages and more, as well as the News tab and Planner tab.
Option 1: Events
1. From the Portal page, click the Events tab.
All events are listed by date.
2. Click the View Calendar link to open the Calendar screen.
Upon viewing the Calendar, students have access to upcoming assignments.
Option 2: Grades
1. From the student information block, click the Grades tab.

2. The current marking period sub tab is selected by default. Click the applicable tab to display grading data for another marking period.

3. Click a Grade to open more information as it pertains to the grade given on the Grades screen > Grades (Assignments).
Depending on how the district set up your permissions, you may or may not be able to view grades from the portal or click the grade link to open Grades (Assignments).
Option 3: News
1. From the student information block, click the News tab.

Graded assignments display along with the grade given, the date and time posted, the name of the assignment, the course, the points earned out of possible points.

2. Click assignments to open more information as it pertains to the grade given on the Grades screen > Grades (Assignments).
Option 4: Planner
1. From the student information block, click the Planner tab.

All assignments due are listed by date. The current date is flagged with a white arrow.

Teachers can set up assignments in Focus so that students are able to upload their work through the Student Portal.
1. Log in to the Focus Student Portal.
2. From the Student Information block, click the Grades tab. Then, click the Grade to open the Grades screen > Grades (Assignments).
You can also access assignments from the News tab. While on the News tab, click on an assignment to open the Grades screen > Grades (Assignments).
The Grades screen > Grades (Assignments) can also be accessed directly from the student menu.

If the teacher has set up the assignment so that students can upload their work, the assignment will display with an Edit/Upload button in the Student Files column.
3. Click the Edit/Upload button to display a pop-up window to select the file to be uploaded from the local computer.

4. Drag and drop the file into the Files box or click Select to access the files on the local computer.

5. Click Close or the X to close the pop-up window.
The file will display in the Student Files column. The teacher will now have access to the file that the student uploaded.

To view the file, click the pencil icon.
To download the file, click the green arrow.
Click the Edit/Upload button to delete the uploaded assignment or to edit the file.
1. From the student information block, click the Grades tab.

2. If applicable, click the Course link to open the teacher's Web Page.
3. Click the News tab to display messages and announcements published to the web page.

4. Click the Resources tab to display resources uploaded to the teacher web page. Click the icon for a corresponding resource to be directed to the external link or to view the file in web browser or download the file to a computer.

If Units and Lessons have been posted to the web page, they display in the left side panel. The Units and Lessons highlighted in yellow indicate active units and lessons.

5. Click the Unit, then the Lesson for particular News and Resources created for that particular lesson.
Option 1
1. From the Portal page, click the Events tab.
All events are listed by date.
2. Click the View Calendar link to open the Calendar screen.
Upon viewing the Calendar, students have access to upcoming assignments, as well as Units and Lessons created via Teacher Web Pages.
Option 2
1. From the student information block, click the News tab.

2. Posts published from teacher Web Pages display.