The mobile app allows parents and students to conveniently access many of the features available in Focus from a mobile device.
The mobile app Login screen is customized by your school district, and may have different text, images, and log in procedures than what is described and pictured below.
1. Open the app on your device.
2. Enter your Focus Username and Password and tap Log In.

You can view public News and Links without logging in to the app by swiping the screen to the left or tapping on the News or Links icons at the bottom of the screen.

Once you are logged in, each of your linked students are listed on the Overview screen, along with their schedule, attendance summary (absences and tardies), and gradebook average for the current marking period. If a period is currently in session according to the school's bell schedule, the course information is displayed next to "In Session" above the schedule, along with the student's attendance code for that period. "In Progress" will also display next to the course in session in the student's schedule.

From the Overview screen, you can view the student's ID badge.
1. From the Overview screen, tap the barcode icon next to the student.

2. Click Back when finished.

Tapping "More Info" next to a student allows you to view more student information and access additional Focus features for the student.
1. From the Overview screen, tap More Info next to the student.

The student summary screen is displayed, with the Courses tab opened by default. Just as on the Overview screen, the student's schedule, attendance summary (absences and tardies), and gradebook average for the current marking period is displayed. If a period is currently in session according to the school's bell schedule, the course information is displayed next to "In Session" above the schedule, along with the student's attendance code for that period. "In Progress" will also display next to the course in session in the student's schedule.

2. To view the schedule, attendance summary, and Gradebook averages for a different marking period, tap the marking period tab.

See the sections below for all of the other functions that are available from this screen.
1. From the student summary screen, tap Student Info.

The Student Info screen is displayed.
2. To change the category you are viewing, tap the arrow on the left side of the screen.

3. Tap the category to view.

4. To close Student Info and return to the student summary screen, tap the Back button.

If your district has made available the School Choice, Magnet, and/or Special Placement applications, they will be accessible from the student summary screen.
1. From the student summary screen, tap School Choice Application, Magnet Application, or Special Placement Application.

2. Completing these applications in the mobile app follows the same process as when completed in Focus. See School Choice Application, Magnet Application, or Special Placement Application for more information on completing the applications.
3. When finished, tap Back.

The Grades Summary provides an overview of the student's grades, including GPA, exam grades, grades for the current year, and previous year grades.
1. From the student summary screen, tap Grades Summary.

The Grades Summary screen is displayed. The Grades Summary in the mobile app has most of the same functionality as in Focus. See The Grades Summary for more information on using this screen.
2. Tap Back to return to the student summary screen.

The Graduation Requirements report provides an overview of student progress towards satisfying the graduation requirements set up in the student's assigned graduation program.
1. From the student summary screen, tap Grad Reqs.

The Grad Reqs screen is displayed. The Grad Reqs screen in the mobile app has the same functionality as in Focus. See Grad Reqs for more information on using this screen.
2. Tap Back to return to the student summary screen.

When a student services form requires a parent/guardian signature, you can review and electronically sign the form in the Student Services screen.
1. From the student summary screen, tap Student Services.

2. Tap Sign next to the event to sign.

The form is loaded. The areas needing signature will be highlighted. See Student Services for more information on using this screen.

3. Tap Save & Validate to save the signature(s).

4. Tap Back when finished.

The Purchase & Pay screen allows parents to purchase items available at their students' schools, and pay for items for multiple students in one check out. Parents can also pay outstanding invoices from this screen.
1. From the student summary screen, tap Purchase & Pay.

The Purchase & Pay screen is displayed. The Purchase & Pay screen in the mobile app has the same functionality as in Focus. See Purchase & Pay for more information on using this screen.

2. Tap Back to return to the student summary screen.

Tapping a course from the student summary screen allows you to view Gradebook grades, assignments, attendance, positive behaviors, and course web page posts from the specific course.
1. In the Courses tab on the student summary screen, tap the course to view.

The Grades tab is displayed, with a list of Gradebook assignments and grades for that course.

2. Tap an assignment in the list to view the assignment details.

3. Tap Back to return to the Grades tab.

4. Tap the Planner tab to view an overview of assignments due over the current week.

5. Tap an assignment to view the assignment details.

6. Tap Back to return to the Planner.

7. Tap the News tab to view tardy/absence, positive behavior information, and course web page posts.

The Planner tab displays an overview of the assignments the student has due for the current week for all of the student's courses.
1. From the student summary screen, tap the Planner tab.

2. Tap an assignment to view the assignment details.

3. Tap Back to return to the Planner tab.

The News tab displays an overview of the student's tardies/absences, course web page posts, and positive behaviors.
1. From the student summary screen, tap the News tab.
The number of available and spent badges are displayed in the blue header.

The Reports tab of the mobile app displays Report Cards, SSRS Report Cards, Standard Grades Report Cards, Progress Reports, IEP Progress Reports and/or Gifted Progress Reports to be viewed in PDF formatting when published by the district. For Florida schools, the Reports tab may also contain a Florida Statewide Assessments button to view the student's FSA and NGSSS assessment results online.
From the student summary screen, tap the Reports tab.
The available Report Cards, SSRS Report Cards, Standard Grades Report Cards, Progress Reports, IEP Progress Reports and/or Gifted Progress Reports are displayed. Tap the document to open it.
For Florida schools, the Florida Statewide Assessments button may also display. Tapping this button opens the Family Portal, where you can view the student's FSA and NGSSS assessment results online.

The News screen in the app displays school and district announcements, as well as posts from social media feeds.
1. Swipe left from the Overview screen to the News screen, or tap the News icon at the bottom of the screen.

Alternatively, tap the menu icon at the top-left of the screen, and tap News.

School and district Portal messages, Communication announcements, and social media posts are displayed.

The Links screen in the app displays links and folders that were set up the school or district.
1. Swipe left twice from the Overview screen to view the Links screen, or tap the Links icon at the bottom of the screen.

Alternatively, tap the menu icon at the top-left of the screen, and tap Links.

The links and folders are displayed. Tap a link to open it in a browser. Tap a folder to view the links/documents housed within the folder.

The Forms screen in the mobile app displays the required or optional forms that are available for each of your students.
1. Swipe left three times from the Overview screen to view the Forms screen, or tap the Forms icon at the bottom of the screen.

Alternatively, tap the menu icon at the top-left of the screen, and tap Forms.

Each of your students are listed, along with the available forms. Tap a form to open it.

You can enable or disable school news and social media news feeds in the app.
1. Tap the menu icon.

2. To change school news settings, tap School News Settings.

The school news feeds are listed.

3. To disable a school news feed, tap the toggle so that it is gray. To enable a news feed, tap the toggle so that it is green.

4. To change social media news feed settings, tap the menu icon.

5. Tap Social Media News Settings.

The social media feeds are listed.

6. To disable a social media feed, tap the toggle so that it is gray. To enable a social media feed, tap the toggle so that it is green.

You may not be able to disable a social media feed depending on district settings.
The Communication module in the app allows parents and students to compose messages to teachers, as well as view and respond to messages.
Tap the envelope icon at the top-right corner of the screen to open the Communication module. If you have unread messages, the number of unread messages will be indicated on the icon.

See Communication for more information on using this feature.

1. Tap the menu icon.

2. Tap Log Out at the bottom of the screen.

The mobile app Login screen is customized by your school district, and may have different text, images, and log in procedures than what is described and pictured below.
1. Open the app on your device.
2. Enter your Focus Username and Password and tap Log In.

You can view public News and Links without logging in to the app by swiping the screen to the left or tapping on the News or Links icons at the bottom of the screen.

Once you are logged in, the Overview screen is displayed, including your schedule, attendance summary (absences and tardies), and gradebook average for the current marking period. If a period is currently in session according to the school's bell schedule, the course information is displayed next to "In Session" above the schedule, along with the your attendance code for that period. "In Progress" will also display next to the course in session in your schedule.

1. From the Overview screen, tap My Info.

The My Info screen is displayed.

2. To change the category you are viewing, tap the arrow on the left side of the screen.

3. Tap the category to view.

4. To close My Info and return to the summary screen, tap the Back button.

1. From the Overview screen, tap the course to view.

The Grades tab is displayed, with a list of Gradebook assignments and grades for that course.

2. Tap an assignment in the list to view the assignment details.

3. Tap Back to return to the Grades tab.

4. Tap the Planner tab to view an overview of assignments due over the current week.

5. Tap an assignment to view the assignment details.

6. Tap Back to return to the Planner.

7. Tap the News tab to view tardy/absence, positive behavior information, and course web page posts.

The Planner tab displays an overview of the assignments you have due for the current week for all of your courses.
1. From the Overview screen, tap the Planner tab.

2. Tap an assignment to view the assignment details.

3. Tap Back to return to the Planner tab.

The News tab displays an overview of your tardies/absences, course web page posts, and positive behaviors.
1. From the Overview screen, tap the News tab.
The number of available and spent badges are displayed in the blue header.

The Reports tab of the mobile app displays Report Cards, SSRS Report Cards, Standard Grades Report Cards, Progress Reports, IEP Progress Reports and/or Gifted Progress Reports to be viewed in PDF formatting when published by the district. For Florida schools, the Reports tab may also contain a Florida Statewide Assessments button to view the student's FSA and NGSSS assessment results online.
From the Overview screen, tap the Reports tab.
The available Report Cards, SSRS Report Cards, Standard Grades Report Cards, Progress Reports, IEP Progress Reports and/or Gifted Progress Reports are displayed. Tap the document to open it.
For Florida schools, the Florida Statewide Assessments button may also display. Tapping this button opens the Family Portal, where you can view your FSA and NGSSS assessment results online.

Your virtual ID badge can be viewed in the mobile app.
1. Tap the menu icon at the top-left corner of the screen.

2. Tap Virtual ID Badge.

Alternatively, swipe once left from the Overview screen, or tap the badge icon at the bottom of the screen.

Your virtual ID badge is displayed. The number of positive behavior badges you have earned are indicated at the bottom of the badge.

1. Tap the menu icon at the top-left corner of the screen.

2. Tap Grades Summary.

The Grades Summary screen is displayed. The Grades Summary in the mobile app has most of the same functionality as in Focus. See The Grades Summary for more information on using this screen.
3. Click Back to return to the student summary screen.

1. Tap the menu icon at the top-left corner of the screen.

2. Tap Graduation Requirements.

The Graduation Requirements screen is displayed. The Graduation Requirements screen in the mobile app has the same functionality as in Focus. See Grad Reqs for more information on using this screen.
3. Click Back to return to the student summary screen.

1. Tap the menu icon at the top-left corner of the screen.

2. Tap Purchase & Pay.

The Purchase & Pay screen is displayed. The Purchase & Pay screen in the mobile app has the same functionality as in Focus. See Purchase & Pay for more information on using this screen.

3. Click Back to return to the student summary screen.
The News screen in the app displays school and district announcements, as well as posts from social media feeds.
1. Swipe left twice from the Overview screen to the News screen, or tap the News icon at the bottom of the screen.

Alternatively, tap the menu icon at the top-left of the screen, and tap News.

School and district announcements and social media posts are displayed.

The Links screen in the app displays links and folders that were set up the school or district.
1. Swipe left three times from the Overview to view the Links screen, or tap the Links icon at the bottom of the screen.

Alternatively, tap the menu icon at the top-left of the screen, and tap Links.

The links and folders are displayed. Tap a link to open it in a browser. Tap a folder to view the links/documents housed within the folder.

You can enable or disable school news and social media news feeds in the app.
1. Tap the menu icon.

2. To change school news settings, tap School News Settings.

The school news feeds are listed.

3. To disable a school news feed, tap the toggle so that it is gray. To enable a news feed, tap the toggle so that it is green.

4. To change social media news feed settings, tap the menu icon.

5. Tap Social Media News Settings.

The social media feeds are listed.

6. To disable a social media feed, tap the toggle so that it is gray. To enable a social media feed, tap the toggle so that it is green.

You may not be able to disable a social media feed depending on district settings.
The Communication module in the app allows students to compose messages to teachers, as well as view and respond to messages.
Tap the envelope icon at the top-right corner of the screen to open the Communication module. If you have unread messages, the number of unread messages will be indicated on the icon.

See Communication for more information on using this feature.

1. Tap the menu icon.

2. Tap Log Out at the bottom of the screen.