When a student services form requires a parent/guardian signature, you will receive an alert on the Portal screen: “Signature required in a student service event for (student name).” You may also receive an automated email if you have not clicked on the alert after 24 hours. Clicking the alert will open the Student Services screen, where you can review and electronically sign the form. There may be other fields on the form that require you to enter text or make a selection. The alert will be removed from the Portal once you have completed and saved the the form.
1. In the Alerts block on the Portal, click the alert: Signature required in a student service event for (student name).

The Student Services screen is opened to the event and form that requires your signature.
Alternatively, you can click Student Services beneath your student's name in the menu.

Click the program tab.
Click Click to Sign on the active event that requires your signature.
2. To locate the page where your signature is needed, click the blue Click to Sign button at the top-right corner of the screen.
If the e-signature component is located on the first page of the form, nothing will happen after clicking "Click to Sign," as you are already on the correct page.
The e-signature component that requires your signature will be highlighted.
3. Click the e-signature component.
4. If signature authentication is required, enter your Focus Username and Password and click Authenticate.
If you have previously signed a form in Focus, your saved signature will automatically display after clicking "Authenticate."
5. Draw your signature and click Sign.
6. If there are any remaining signatures needed for the form, repeat steps 3 - 5.
7. There may be fields on the form that require your input, such as selecting a check box, selecting an option from a drop-down, or entering text. Any fields that are grayed out are not editable by you.

8. When finished, click Save & Validate at the top of the screen.
9. If there are multiple forms, click the next form at the left side of the screen and complete the signatures as needed. You can also click Previous Step and Next Step at the top of the screen to navigate through the forms.