The Absences module allows parents and students to review attendance as it pertains to the selected student, as well as attach excuse notes (if enabled by the district).
1a. As a student, click Absences.

1b. As a parent, click the arrow to open the applicable student's screens, then click Absences.

If your student has unexcused absences or tardies, an alert displays on the Portal in the Alerts section. Click the alert to navigate to the Absences (Summary) screen. Note: This Alert displays when enabled by the district.

2. If the screen opens to the Attendance Chart, click Summary.

From this screen, you have the ability to review daily attendance displayed by period.
You will see the Date, the Daily attendance code, attached Excuse Note(s), Note Status, the Time In and Time Out (if applicable), and all attendance codes per period.
For an explanation of each code, see the legend at the top of the screen. The legend also lists the number of periods and days each code was applied. For example, U (Unexcused Absence) was applied for 37 periods or 4 days.
For listed days and percentages, see the section below the legend, as shown in the image below.

There are also totals for each code listed at the bottom of the Absences Summary under ABSENCES.
3. Hover over each code with the mouse for detailed information about the course, period, date, etc.
4. If a teacher or another user has uploaded an Excuse Note, you can view the excuse note by clicking the Title of the note or by clicking Download.
Hover over the attached excuse note with the mouse to view additional information.

a. To add excuse note(s) for a student, hover over the Excuse Note field, then click Scan to scan the file from your scanner into Focus.
i. Select the Scanner from the pull-down, set additional settings, then click Scan.

b. Click Upload if the file is already saved on your computer.
i. Search for the file, click the file, then click Open. Note: You cannot upload Word documents. However, you can save a Word document as a PDF, then upload it.

c. Click Take Photo to take a picture of the note with your computer camera.
i. Once the note is in view of the camera, click Take Photo.

d. Click the red X to Delete the excuse note. Note: You can only delete excuse notes that you have uploaded. You cannot delete notes uploaded by other users.
Click the expansion arrows to view the Excuse Note field in a pop-up window where you can drag files for uploading, view uploaded files, and take photos, as needed.

If Excuse Notes have been disabled by the district, then you will not see the Excuse Note column.
5. The Note Status displays the excuse note approval flow status including Pending (awaiting administrative review), Approved, or Denied.
6. If the administrative user has added a message, click View Message to read the message.
Read the message and click Close.
Click the floppy disk icon to export the information to an Excel spreadsheet.

Click any of the headers to sort data. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results.
To make the list full screen, click on the expansion icon (four arrows) next to the Search text box. Once in full screen mode, click the icon again to exit full screen.

If looking for specific information housed within the resulting attendance data, type the keyword or part of the keyword into the Search text box, then press the Enter key.