The School Choice screen is used to view the status of the school choice, magnet, or special placement application that was submitted for the student. Depending on district procedures, you may also receive an email, letter, and/or Portal alert to communicate the student's status for the programs.
1. For students, click School Choice.

For parents, click the applicable student, then click School Choice.

The School Choice screen displays the programs the student applied to, including the application school year, choice ranking, name of the program, status, and applying grade level. Before the lottery is run, the status for each program will be "Waiting." The End Date and Reason columns may be populated by the district. If any files were uploaded by the district, they will display in the Document column.
2. To download a file, click the download icon.

After the lottery is run, the Status column will be updated for each program. The statuses are Accepted, Declined, Waitlisted, or Pending Acceptance. If the student is waitlisted for a program, the Wait Seq column may display the student's position in the waitlist. Depending on district procedures, you may receive an email, letter, and/or Portal alert to communicate the student's status for the programs.
The district may customize the names of the statuses, therefore the status names may differ from the default ones (Waiting, Accepted, Declined, Waitlisted, and Pending Acceptance) referred to in this document. Additionally, depending on district setup, the Wait Seq column might not be included on this screen.
If the district allows parents to cancel an application, the Cancel Application button will display in the Actions column. If the district requires parents to accept or decline a place in the program when the student receives the Pending Acceptance status, the Accept Application and Cancel Application buttons will display in the Actions column.
3. Click Cancel Application, if desired.
4. For a Pending Acceptance application, click Accept Application to accept a place in the program. Click Cancel Application to decline a place in the program.
Only parents can accept or cancel an application. The Actions column does not display for students.

After clicking Accept Application or Cancel Application, a confirmation pop-up will display and may including a custom statement from the district that the parent must read and agree to.

After accepting a Pending Acceptance application, the Status of the application will be updated to Accepted. All other applications with the Pending Acceptance status will be updated to Declined. After canceling an application, the Status of the application will be updated to Canceled.