The Progression Plan module guides parents in ensuring the student is meeting the suggested graduation requirements for the assigned plan by grade level or by program.
1a. As a parent, click the arrow to open the applicable student's screens, then click Progression Plan.

1b. As a student, in the menu, click Progression Plan.

2. For a specific Progression Plan, other than, Tradition, which is automatically selected by default, click the pull-down and select another; the options vary depending on the district and student's plans.
3. If another Plan has been selected from the pull-down, click Submit to update the listed data.
4. If another plan is selected, you may also have to select a plan from the Import Planned Requests from: pull-down. In this case, this student only currently has Traditional. Once selected, click Submit.

5. Hover over the Status for detailed information regarding the student's progression plan.

6. The table displays the number of Requirements, along with the Required Courses, and the specific courses that pertain to each grade level.
a. The Required Courses section contains the Name of the general subject, the Number of Credits required, and Requirement Met, which will contain a green check mark if met or a red x if it has not been met. For more information about the icons, see step 8.
b. The Grade columns display Planned Request data (if applicable) and the specific Earned/Scheduled Credit(s), such as 9th Grade ALG 1.
7. At the bottom of the table is a Legend explaining all possible icons, such as Requirement Completed, Requirement in Progress, etc.
8. If signatures have been taken by the student or counselor, they will show here. As the parent, if you haven't already done so, click Click to Sign to leave your signature.
a. Use your mouse to sign, then click Sign to save.
b. Click Clear to remove the signature and start over or click Cancel to cancel your signature all together.
c. Click Submit.
d. Once submitted the signature will display along with the name of the user that signed and the date and time signed. Click click to clear to remove the signature and start over.
9. You can sort data by clicking on any of the headers. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results. In the image shown, data has been sorted by Name.
10. To make the list full screen, click on the expansion icon (four arrows). Once in full screen mode, click the icon again to exit full screen.