The Child Info screen displays the student's record. Many of the categories and student fields displayed in Child Info were set up by the school district, therefore much of what you see in Child Info is custom to your district. The categories and student fields that display are also based on your parent profile. You may not be able to view or edit certain fields.
The My Information screen displays your student record, which includes general demographics, addresses and contacts, and more.
1a. As a parent, click the arrow next to the applicable student to open the student's screens. Then, click Child Info.
1b. As a student, in the menu, click My Information.
2. The student's record is displayed. The category that is displayed by default (such as General Demographics, Addresses & Contacts, Daily Visit Log, etc.) is determined by the district.
3. Click the Primary Info tab to view the student's photo (if photos were imported into Focus), First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, other applicable names, Student ID, etc.
4. Along the left side of the screen, each of the student field categories are listed. Some categories may have a colored icon, such as on the Addresses & Contacts category.
5. Click a category to view the corresponding student fields.
6. To easily locate a category in the list, begin typing the category name in the Filter fields... text box. The applicable categories will display in the list for selection. To return to the full list of categories, delete the text in the Filter fields... text box.

7. To view the student's General Demographics, click the corresponding tab.
a. The General Demographics tab displays varius fields depending on your district.
8. Click the Printer icon located in the upper right corner of the screen next to the Save button to print information on any of the tabs displayed.
The student's address and contact information is housed in the Addresses & Contacts category. Multiple addresses and contacts can be defined, including separate mailing addresses if needed.
1. In the student's record, click the Addresses & Contacts category on the left side of the screen.
2. Each address is displayed as a block. The physical address and mailing address (if defined) are listed.
3. At the bottom of the address block, the address icons give a quick indication if this is the student's primary residence, mailing address, or bus pick up/drop off location.

a. A blue star indicates that this is the student's primary residence.
b. An orange envelope indicates that this is the student's mailing address. Hover over the icon to view the student's mailing address in a tool-tip.
c. A green bus indicates that this is the student's bus pick up location.
d. A red bus indicates that this is the student's bus drop off location.
4. Click the Map this Address icon to open Google Maps in a new window or tab with the mapped address.

Only one address can be designated as the primary residence. If you select Primary Residence on an address, it will remove the Primary Residence status on any other addresses. Once an address is designated as the Primary Residence, the address is displayed at the top-left of the screen.
If you do not have permission to edit the primary residence, you will not be able to select or clear the Primary Residence toggle on any address; it will be grayed out. You also cannot edit the address fields if the address is flagged as the Primary Residence. However, you are still able to edit the mailing address and phone number of the primary residence.
5. Any contacts at the address are listed within the address block. Hover the mouse over a contact to quickly view the contact's information. Click the link to open the contact information for viewing or editing. See Editing a Contact below for more information.

6. Any contacts who are not associated with an address are represented by a separate contact block. The block lists their contact details and relationship.

7. The contact icons at the bottom of the contact block or next to the contact in the address block give a quick indication of whether the contact has custody, is the emergency contact, can pick up the student, or has notes.

a. The pink gavel indicates the contact has custody.
b. The yellow warning icon indicates the contact has custody.
c. The green car indicates the contact can pick up the student.
d. The red note icon indicates the contact has notes entered in the contact record.
8. The contact's calculated priority is displayed next to the contact's name in the address block or at the top of the contact block. Contacts are sorted by calculated priority. Focus calculates priority and sorts contacts as follows:
- 1 - Contact’s Priority
- 2 - Custody
- 3 - Emergency
- 4 - Primary Residence
- 5 - Student Relation
- 6 - Last Name
- 7 - First Name

9. The Contact's Priority on the contact block or in the tool-tip when hovering over a contact on the address block indicates the value set by the user in the Contact's Priority field when adding or editing a contact, if defined. This allows you to see the Contact's Priority set on the contact versus the calculated priority.

10. The contact details on the contact block or in the tool-tip when hovering over a contact on the address block are also sorted by the Detail Priority that was set when adding or editing the contact. The contact detail with a priority of 1 is the preferred contact method.

If the district elects to enable editing permissions for parents, you will have the ability to add an address as needed. However, the district may also require approval to changes made before the change will take affect, which will cause the pop-up shown below to display.

1. In the student's record, click the Addresses & Contacts category on the left side of the screen.
2. Click New Address.
3. In the New Address pop-up window, enter the Physical Address and select whether this is the Primary Residence, Bus Pickup, or Bus Dropoff location.
If the Address Catalog is enabled, an elipsis button is displayed after entering a valid address. Click the elipsis button to view the preferred format of the address in a tool-tip. Click the tool-tip to use that format.
4. Select Mailing Address to define a separate mailing address if needed, and enter the address in the provided fields.
5. Enter the Phone Number associated with this address, and select the contact detail flags as needed.

The contact detail flags, such as Unlisted, Callout, and Blocked, are set up by the district via Contact Detail Flags tab. These may vary depending on district setup.
6. If address validation is enabled for your district, click Validate Address.

a. The zoned schools for the address are displayed for reference if the address is in the Address Catalog. If the address is not in the Address Catalog, you cannot save the address without selecting an Override Reason at the top of the window.

7. Click Save. The address is added as a block.
If the district elects to enable editing permissions for parents, you will have the ability to edit an address as needed. However, the district may also require approval to changes made before the change will take affect, which will cause the pop-up shown below to display.

1. In the student's record, click the Addresses & Contacts category on the left side of the screen.
2. Click the address block to edit.

3. In the Edit Address pop-up window, edit the address fields and options as needed.
If you do not have permission to edit the primary residence, you will not be able to select or clear the Primary Residence toggle on any address; it will be grayed out. You also cannot edit the address fields if the address is flagged as the Primary Residence. However, you are still able to edit the mailing address and phone number of the primary residence.
a. At the bottom of the window, the contacts associated with the address are listed. To edit a contact, click the contact. The Edit Contact pop-up window will display where the contact can be edited (See Editing a Contact below for more information).
4. Click Save at the bottom of the window to save your changes.

If the district elects to enable editing permissions for parents, you will have the ability to delete an address as needed. However, the district may also require approval to changes made before the change will take affect, which will cause the pop-up shown below to display.

1. In the student's record, click the Addresses & Contacts category on the left side of the screen.
2. Click the address block to delete.

3. In the Edit Address pop-up window, click Delete at the bottom of the screen.
4. Click Confirm. The address block is removed.
If the district elects to enable editing permissions for parents, you will have the ability to add a contact as needed. However, the district may also require approval to changes made before the change will take affect, which will cause the pop-up shown below to display.

1. In the student's record, click the Addresses & Contacts category on the left side of the screen.
2. Click New Contact.
3. In the New Contact pop-up window, enter the contact's name, relationship to the student, email address, any notes, and select the applicable Custody, Emergency, Pick Up, and Contact's Priority options.
Click the toggle to Opt Out of Email Notifications to stop the contact from receiving emails via the Communication module.
a. The Contact's Priority determines whether the contact is considered the primary contact, secondary contact, etc. A priority of 1 designates the contact as the primary contact. If a Contact's Priority is not defined, Focus will calculate the priority. Focus calculates priority and sorts contacts as follows:
- 1 - Contact’s Priority
- 2 - Custody
- 3 - Emergency
- 4 - Primary Residence
- 5 - Student Relation
- 6 - Last Name
- 7 - First Name
4. Scroll down to the Contact Details section of the screen, where you will enter the contact's phone numbers and other contact details.

5. In the blank row, select the Title. Options include Alternate Phone, Cell Phone, Home Phone, Other, Work Phone, or Workplace.
6. In the Value field, enter the phone number.
7. Use the minus and plus icons to select the Detail Priority. A 1 indicates that this is the preferred method of contact. A 2 indicates this is the next preferred method of contact, etc.
When Alternate Phone, Cell Phone, Home Phone, or Work Phone is selected, the phone number options become available for selection. These are set up via Contact Detail Flags tab and may vary by district.
8. Select the contact detail flags, such as Unlisted, Callout, Blocked, SMS, and/or Unsubscribe, as needed.

If an attendance mobile alert has been set up by the district, you can select the SMS check box to indicate that the contact is accepting attendance texts. If the contact has indicated that text message are not to be sent to the entered phone number, you can select the UNSUBSCRIBE check box instead.
9. Press Enter to add the row. The newly added row will turn yellow to indicate changes have been made. A new blank row is available where you can enter more contact details.

10. At the bottom of the window, select the contact's address from the existing addresses that were set up for the student. If the contact does not have an address set up, click the No Address block.
11. Click Save when finished.

a. The new contact is added to the selected address block. If No Address was selected, the contact is displayed in its own contact block.
If the district elects to enable editing permissions for parents, you will have the ability to edit a contact as needed. However, the district may also require approval to changes made before the change will take affect, which will cause the pop-up shown below to display.

1. In the student's record, click the Addresses & Contacts category on the left side of the screen.
2. Click on the contact within the Address block or click on the Contact block.

3. In the Edit Contact pop-up window, edit any of the contact's information or details.

4. At the bottom of the window, click an address block to move the contact to the selected address.
5. Click Save when finished.
If the district elects to enable editing permissions for parents, you will have the ability to delete a contact as needed. However, the district may also require approval to changes made before the change will take affect, which will cause the pop-up shown below to display.

1. In the student's record, click the Addresses & Contacts category on the left side of the screen.
2. Click on the contact within the address block or click on the contact block.

3. In the Edit Contact pop-up window, click Delete at the bottom of the screen.

4. Click Confirm.

The Family Documents section of the Addresses & Contacts screen displays documents that have been uploaded by a school or district staff member. These documents are accessible for all students that are linked together as being a part of the same family. Parents and students can view and download these documents.
1. In the student's record, click the Addresses & Contacts category on the left side of the screen.
2. Scroll down to the Family Documents section of the screen.
3. Click on the file name to open and view the file in a new browser tab.
4. Click the download icon to download the file to your computer.
1. To view your child's enrollment information, click the Enrollment tab along the right side of the screen from the panel.
2. The student's enrollment information is displayed, with the most current enrollment record at the top and the oldest enrollment record at the bottom.

3. To customize the columns that are displayed on the screen, click Toggle Columns.
a. In the Toggle Columns pop-up window, select or deselect the columns you want to view or hide.
b. Click the X when finished.
4. To view an enrollment record in detail, click View next to the record.
a. Click Return to Enrollment to go back to the list of enrollment records.