Documentation for Parents/Students

Grad Reqs

Updated on

The Graduation Requirements Report provides an overview of student progress towards satisfying the graduation requirements set up in the student's assigned graduation program.

Viewing the Graduation Requirements Report

1a. For parents, click the down arrow next to the applicable student, then click Grad Reqs.


1b. As a student, click Grad Reqs from the menu.

Grad Reqs

2. The report defaults to Course History. For data pertaining to Full-year Grades, Semester Grades, or Quarter Grades, click the corresponding tabs.

Grad Reqs

3. To set a different Effective date, which defaults to the current date, enter a new date in the provided text box. Once a date has been entered, click the Change button to update the data.

Grad Reqs

4. Click the school year tabs, such as 2022-23, to view credit requirements per year that the student would be expected to complete while working towards the fulfillment of requirements in their assigned graduation program. This allows you to actively monitor students 'progress toward meeting the benchmarks associated with each year of the students' attendance in school.

Click the Graduation tab to view all requirements needed and met for graduation.

Grad Reqs

The report displays each graduation requirement, the number of credits required to graduate, the credits remaining to be taken, and the currently enrolled credits. At the top of the report, additional information is displayed, including the student's GPA, class rank, cohort year, total credits, online course requirement status, reading and math assessment statuses, and EOC assessment statuses. Note: The Class Rank/GPA may or may not display depending on the distrcit's preferences.

Grad Reqs

5. To hide the data mentioned above including the GPA, Credits, and EOC information, click Show Simplified Report.

Grad Reqs

a. To display the information again, click Show Detailed Report.

Grad Reqs

At the bottom of the screen, Merit Designation Requirements and Scholar Designation Requirements are listed, along with the completion status.

Grad Reqs

6. Hover your mouse over a check mark or credit field in the graduation requirements section to view the course title, the grade the student received, the number of credits, and the term for completed courses. The course title, the number of credits, and the term displays for enrolled courses.  

Grad Reqs

A "W" on the report indicates the credits were earned through a waiver.

7. To check the student's academic and test history against a different graduation program than the one assigned on the student's enrollment record, click Evaluate other programs at the top of the screen.

Grad Reqs

Each of the graduation programs are listed, along with the student's progress for each graduation requirement in the program.

8. Hover your mouse over a check mark or credit field to view the course title, the grade the student received, the number of credits, and the term for completed courses. The course title, the number of credits, and the term displays for enrolled courses.  

Grad Reqs

9. To return back to viewing the student's assigned graduation program, click Return to current program at the top of the screen.

Grad Reqs

10. You can also export the data from specific sections of the graduation requirements report by clicking the Excel icon in the Export section.

11. To print data pertaining to specific sections, such as the Scholar Designation Requirements section, click the Printer icon.

Grad Reqs
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