The Class Schedule screen is used to view the student schedule, export, or print the schedule. The student's schedule can be viewed in a course list or weekly planner format.
1a. As a student, in the menu, click Class Schedule.

1b. As a parent, click the arrow to open the applicable student's screens, then click Class Schedule.
2. Click Course List to view the Class Schedule in the corresponding format.
The Course List format displays the Course, Period - Teacher, Course Number, Section, Meeting Days, Room, Term, Enrolled date, and Dropped date (if applicable). The Teacher Photo column may also display, if enabled by the school for your profile.
3. Click Print Schedule to print the class schedule.
Clicking Print Schedule generates a print preview screen. From this screen, click the Printer icon to print or click the arrow icon to download the file. Click the X to close the window.
4. To view the schedule in a weekly planner format, click Weekly Planner.
Hover over a class for the start time of the class. The time in yellow on the right side displays the time as you move your mouse through the day.
5. To export the schedule to Excel, click the Export icon above the schedule.

6. Click Message to open Communication in order to send messengers to the selected teachers. See Communication for more information.
7. Click Customize Columns to customize the columns displayed in the student's Class Schedule. To remove a column from the schedule, click the column name in the Customize Columns pop-up. When clicked, a line will strikethrough the column indicating the column has been removed. To display the column again, click the header again. Click Save to apply changes and Cancel to keep the Class Schedule the same.

If you hide a column from the schedule, the column will be hidden until it is re-selected in the Customize Columns pop-up.
8. If looking for specific information housed within the resulting data, type the information in the Search text box provided and press Enter.
9. Click the expansion icon (four arrows) to make the schedule full screen. Click the expansion icon (four arrows) again to remove full screen.
10. You can sort data by clicking on any of the headers. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results.