The Grades screen displays a student’s final grades and GPA for all applicable marking periods, exams, course information, assignments, and more. The Grades screen offers two reports: the Detailed Report and the Grades Summary; depending on the district, only one of these reports may be available.
1. Select the applicable school from the corresponding pull-down located in the header. While you can view grades for all schools at once, there may be some variations depending on the kinds of schools the student is enrolled, such as Focus Post Secondary schools like an Adult Education school or a Technical school.
2a. As a parent, click the arrow next to the applicable student, then click Grades.

2b. As a student, in the menu, click Grades.

3. If the Grades screen opens the Detailed Report, click View Grades Summary.
The Grades Summary displays GPAs, Credits, End of Courses exam information, and the student's active schedule along with grades and attendance.
If the grade displays a triangle in the corner, that means the grade was entered in the teacher's gradebook.

The student’s Cumulative GPA, Cumulative Weighted GPA, Cohort GPA, Total Credits Earned, Total Credits Attempted, Quality Points, and Cohort Year are displayed in the top left corner of the screen.

The student's EOC (End of Course) exams and Assessment requirements display in the top right corner of the screen, and indicate which requirements the student has met; for post-secondary students, this module displays program and credit hour requirements. Note: The fields displayed here depends on your district.

The Grade Summary displays the student's schedule including the Pd (Period), Course #, Course name, Teacher, course Flags, attendance information (Ex, Unx, and Tardy), and grades for applicable marking periods, such as Q1, Q2, S1, etc. and Credits earned for each course.
4. Select the Show All Years check box to display grades from all school years where grades have been posted. Click Update.
Note: Only posted grades from the student's current school display.
5. Select the Show All Schools check box to display posted grades from other schools, such as second schools where the student may be enrolled for technical classes, or online classes, etc. Click Update.
Note: If you also selected the Show All Years check box, you will see posted grades from all years at different schools, such as middle school, etc.
6. Select the Show Progress Periods check box to display progress report grades, if applicable. Click Update.

Calculated grades are marked with a blue upper right arrow. Calculations of grades are based on the district's grading scheme.
7. Select the Show Exams check box to display exam grades. Click Update.
8. Select the Show Inactive Courses check box to display dropped courses in the Grades Summary. Click Update.
9. Select the Group By Course check box to group sections by the state's course numbers. If selected, two courses with the same state given course number will be displayed as one. Click Update.
The image displayed below displays the courses before Group By Course is applied.
The image displayed below displays the courses after Group By Course is applied.

10. Click Toggle Columns to customize the columns displayed in the Grades Summary.

From the Toggle Columns pop-up window, clear the selected check boxes of columns you want to hide from the Grades Summary. For example, if you do not need to see the student's attendance on this screen, clear the selected check boxes for Ex, Unx, and Tardy. The Grades Summary automatically updates.
Hidden columns remain hidden until the applicable check boxes are selected again from the Toggle Columns pop-up window.
11. Click the View Detailed Report link to open a detailed grades screen. See The Detailed Report for more information.

12. Click Print Assignment Grades for a breakdown of assignments and grades, as well as the ability to print the page. See Printing & Viewing Grades (Assignments) for more information.

13. If the district has enabled the permission, click Print Transcripts in order to print a transcript of the grades summary.
a. Select from the Template(s) available to you from the pull-down.
b. Click Print.

c. Clicking Print will generate a print preview screen. To print, click the Print (printer icon). To download the file, click Download (down arrow icon). When finished, click Return to Focus to return to the Grades screen.
14. If applicable, click the Course link to open the teacher's Web Page. See Teacher's Web Page for more information.
15. Click the Teacher names to compose an email and/or message, which opens in Communication.

16. Click the attendance codes to open the applicable attendance information on the Absences screen.
17. Click a grade to open more information as it pertains to the grade given on the Grades (Assignments) screen.
1. Select the applicable school from the corresponding pull-down located in the header. While you can view grades for all schools at once, there may be some variations depending on the kinds of schools the student is enrolled, such as Focus Post Secondary schools like an Adult Education school or a Technical school.
2a. As a parent, click the arrow next to the applicable student, then click Grades.

2b. As a student, in the menu, click Grades.

3. If the Grades screen opens the Detailed Report, click View Grades Summary.
4. Click Print Assignment Grades to open the Grades (Assignments) screen, which displays all assignments for current courses.

The screen displays the course name, period, section, teacher's name, current grade, as well as a breakdown of grade per grade category, such as Classwork, Homework, Tests, etc. The assignments display the Assignment name, Points Earned / points possible, Grade, Comment, Assigned date and time, Due date, Category, attached Resources (if attached by the teacher), Assignment Files attached, Date Last Modified, and Student Files uploaded.
If the teacher is using the Proficiency Gradebook, grades will be broken down by proficiency standard, as shown in the image below. For more information about standard grades, see Proficiency Grades.
5. Select the Include Inactive Courses check box and click Update to display assignments for inactive courses, as well.
6. Select the Include Courses from Other Schools check box and click Update to display assignments from courses at other schools the student is enrolled.
7. Click View Grades Summary to return to the Grades Summary screen.

8. Click Print at the bottom of the screen to print the grades and assignments.
The print preview displays. From this screen you have several options including page numbers, Fit to page, Rotate counterclockwise, Download as a PDF (down arrow), Print (printer icon), and More actions.
When finished, click X to close the pop-up window.
1. Select the applicable school from the corresponding pull-down located in the header. While you can view grades for all schools at once, there may be some variations depending on the kinds of schools the student is enrolled, such as Focus Post Secondary schools.
2a. As a parent, click the arrow next to the applicable student, then click Grades.

2b. As a student, in the menu, click Grades.

3. From the Grades screen, while on the Grades Summary screen, click the letter and/or percent grade link.

If on the Detailed Report screen, click the View Grades Summary link to open the Grade Summary screen.

You can also navigate to the Grades (Assignments) screen from the Portal page. Click any of the links in the Grade column of the student information block.

4. The course name, period, section, teacher's name, and current grade are displayed in a pull-down. Click the pull-down to select another active course.
5. Click View Grades Summary to return to the corresponding screen.

A breakdown of grades per grade category, such as Classwork, Homework, Tests, etc. is displayed at the top of the screen, as well as the student's Current grade in class.
The screen displays the Assignment name, Points Earned, Percent, Grade, Comment, Assigned date and time, Due date and time, date Last Modified, Category, Resources, Last Uploaded Date, and Submit Files (student uploads).
If the teacher is using a default quarter gradebook, you will see assignments from the marking period selected. If the teacher is using a full year or semester gradebook, you will also see assignments from other quarters in the current semester or year.
6. Click the Assignment title to view assignment details.
a. From the Details tab, you can review assignment information, view uploaded assignments, and add comments (if enabled by the teacher).
i. Click Comment to add a comment.
ii. Type you comment, and click Comment.
b. Click the Rubric tab to view the rubric and guidelines created by the teacher for the assignment.
c. Click the Resources tab to view and open attached resources, such as links, files, folders, etc.

i. Click the resource to open it.

d. Click Back to Assignment List to return to the previous Grades screen.

7. Click the Resources links to open the resource or to navigate to the Resources tab of the assignment information page. Note: If there is more than one file/link attached to the assignment, a numbered link displays the amount of resources which navigates to the Resources tab of the assignment. If a folder has been attached as a resource, Click to View displays as a link which navigates to the Resources tab of the assignment.

Click the modal icon to view information for the select assignment only.
6. Click the Printer icon to print the grades and assignments.

The print preview displays. Click Print.
1. Select the applicable school from the corresponding pull-down located in the header. While you can view grades for all schools at once, there may be some variations depending on the kinds of schools the student is enrolled, such as Focus Post Secondary schools.
2a. As a parent, click the arrow next to the applicable student, then click Grades.

2b. As a student, in the menu, click Grades.

3. If the Grades screen opens the Grades Summary screen, click View Detailed Report.

4. Click on any one of the tabs displayed across the top of the screen to change the data to reflect the marking period or exam period selected. The option defaults to Course History.
When a different tab is selected, it will appear in blue and move to the front of the listed periods/exams, as shown in the image.
5. When Course History is displayed, the student’s Cumulative GPA, Cumulative Weighted GPA, Cohort GPA, and the student’s credit progression is displayed, such as Total Credits Earned, Total Credits Attempted, Quality Points, and Cohort Year.

Depending on the marking period selected, different information will display on the screen. For example, the information explained about only shows when Course History is selected.
6. An assessment section in the upper right corner shows the EOC and Assessment requirements, and indicates which requirements the student has met; for post-secondary students, this module displays program and credit hour requirements.

7. Beneath the student’s GPA information is the number of Grades entered for the student in Course History.

8. Click the View Grade Summary link to view the student's grade in summary form instead of detailed form. See The Grades Summary for more information.

9. To view a legend for Comment Codes, click the corresponding link. In the Comment Codes pop-up, you will receive a description of each code.

10. If your district has given you permission, you have the option to print transcripts from this screen. Select the kind of transcript you'd like to generate (letterhead template set up by the district) for printing from the pull-down, and then click Print.
Clicking Print will generate a print preview screen. From this screen you have several options including, Rotate clockwise (circular arrow), Download as a PDF (down arrow), Print (printer icon), Fit to page (small inner arrows), Zoom in (plus sign), and Zoom out (minus sign). When finished, click Return to Focus to return to the Grades screen.
By default the following columns display in the Detailed Report: Year, Marking Period, Course, Course Number, Percent, Grade, Grade Scale, Cred. Attempted, Cred. Earned, GPA PTS, Weighted GPA, Affects GPA, Teacher, Grad Subject, Comments, Report Card Comments, Course History, and Last Updated.
11. Click the Show Florida fields button to display additional columns such as School, Gradelevel, course flags, etc.

12. To hide the additional fields, click Hide Florida fields.

13. Click Toggle Columns to customize the columns displayed in the Detailed Report.

From the Toggle Columns pop-up window, clear the selected check boxes of columns you want to hide from the Detailed Report. For example, if you do not need to see the student's District, School, and WDIS information on this screen, clear the selected check boxes. The Detailed Report automatically updates.
For a complete list of columns, be sure Show Florida fields is selected, then you can clear the selection for any columns you do not want displayed.
Hidden columns remain hidden until the applicable check boxes are selected again from the Toggle Columns pop-up window.
14. If one or more letters has been generated, the Grade Report column will display a Grade Report button for one selected letter and a Grade Report pull-down for multiple letters. Click the Grade Report button or select the letter from the pull-down to open the letter in a PDF print preview screen. From here, you can download or print the letter. Note: The Grade Report option only applies to post-secondary schools.

Clicking Grade Report generates a print preview. From this screen you have several options including, Rotate clockwise (circular arrow), Download as a PDF (down arrow), Print (printer icon), Fit to page (small inner arrows), Zoom in (plus sign), and Zoom out (minus sign). When finished, click Return to Focus to return to the Grades screen.
1. Select the applicable school from the corresponding pull-down located in the header. While you can view grades for all schools at once, there may be some variations depending on the kinds of schools the student is enrolled, such as Focus Post Secondary schools.
2a. As a parent, click the arrow next to the applicable student, then click Grades.

2b. As a student, in the menu, click Grades.

3. If the Grades screen opens the Detailed Report, click View Grades Summary.
The Grade Summary displays the student's schedule including the Pd (Period), Course #, Course name, Teacher, course Flags, attendance information (Ex, Unx, and Tardy), and grades for applicable marking periods, such as Q1, Q2, S1, etc. and Credits earned for each course. See The Grades Summary for detailed information.
4. Click a grade to open more information as it pertains to the grade given on the Grades (Assignments) screen.
5. The course name, period, section, and teacher's name are displayed in a pull-down. Click the pull-down to select another active course.
6. Click View Grades Summary to navigate to the corresponding screen. See The Grades Summary for more information.
The student's current grade displays along the top of the screen along with the colored grade bar, and any notes added by the teacher.
The progress indicator code bar displays red for 2 or lower, yellow for 3 or lower, green for 3 and above. I.e. 50% or lower is red, 51%-75% is yellow and 75% or higher is green.
7. Student grades are displayed by proficiency Standard. Click the + (plus sign) to expand the standard and view assignments and grades.
Click the -- (minus sign) to collapse the standard and hide the linked assignments and grades.
8. Click + Expand All to expand all standards in order to view all linked assignments and grades.
Click -- Collapse All to collapse all standards and hide linked assignments and grades.
9. Click the assignment title to view assignment details.
The assignment information displays including Details, Resources, Standards, possible Points, Assigned Date, Due Date, Questions, Description, and more.
a. From the Details tab, you can review assignment information, view uploaded assignments, and add comments (if enabled by the teacher).
i. Click Comment to add a comment.
ii. Type you comment, and click Comment.
b. Click the Resources tab to view and open attached resources, such as links, files, folders, etc.

i. Click the resource to open it.

c. Click the Standards tab to view the standards linked to the assignment that determine whether you've met the criteria for the assignment.
d. Click Back to Assignment List to return to the previous Grades screen.
1. Select the applicable school from the corresponding pull-down located in the header. While you can view grades for all schools at once, there may be some variations depending on the kinds of schools the student is enrolled, such as Focus Post Secondary schools.
2a. As a parent, click the arrow next to the applicable student, then click Grades.

2b. As a student, in the menu, click Grades.

3. From the Grades screen, while on the Grades Summary screen, click the letter and/or percent grade link.

If on the Detailed Report screen, click the View Grades Summary link to open the Grade Summary screen.

You can also navigate to the Grades (Assignments) screen from the Portal page. Click any of the links in the Grade column of the student information block.

4. The course name, period, section, teacher's name, and current grade are displayed in a pull-down. Click the pull-down to select another active course.

5. If the teacher is allowing assignment uploads, hover over the Submit Files field with the computer mouse for uploading options.
6. To scan the document from your scanner, click Scan.
7. To upload a file from your computer, click Upload.

a. Search for and select the file, then click Open.
8. Click Take Photo to take a photo your computer camera.
9. Once uploaded, you can view the title, Size, User, and Date and time.
a. Click the uploaded file to open the file.
b. Click the download icon to download the file to your computer.
c. Click the delete button to delete the file.

1. From the Grades Summary, click the Course link to open the teacher's web page.
You can also access the teacher's web page from the Portal page in the student block.
The teacher's web page displays.
2. Click the News tab to view the web page description (if available) and news posts added by the teacher. You can also view comments added to posts by the teacher or other students.
a. Click Comment to add your own comment to a post.

b. Enter your comment in the Post content text box.
The post text box allows you to bold, italicize, underline, and strikethrough text, as well change the font type and size, format in bullets, add background color, add a table of information, add a link, picture, video, and more.

c. To post the comment on your post, click the Comment button.
Click Cancel to discard the reply.
d. Once posted, your comment will immediately display. To edit the comment, click Edit in the header of the post.

3. Click the Grades tab to view your grades in the class including category and assignment break downs. For more information on the information displays here, see The Grades Summary.
a. Click View Grades Summary to open the corresponding screen.
4. Click the Resources tab to view attached resources such as links, documents, or folders.

a. Click the resource to open it. The resource provided here is a link, which navigates to a blog post about the 14 longest words.
If the teachers has attached Units and Lessons to the web page, you will see them displayed in a panel on the right of the web page.
5. Click a Unit to view unit information or click a lesson to view lesson information. Each Unit and Lesson are set up just like its own web page, which contains the About (or News) tab, Grades, Resources, as well as attached Assignments.
a. Click the About tab for information about the Unit or Lesson.
b. Click the Grades tab to view your grades in the class including category and assignment break downs. For more information on the information displays here, see The Grades Summary.
c. Click the Resources tab to view attached resources such as links, documents, folders, or Google meetings.
d. Click the Assignments tab to view linked assignments.

i. Click the assignment to open assignment details including general information, grades, rubrics, and resources.

ii. Click the Details tab to view general assignment information including category, assigned and due date, description, posts and comments created by the teacher or other students.
iii. Click the Grades tab to view your grades in the class including category and assignment break downs. For more information on the information displays here, see The Grades Summary.
iv. Click the Rubric tab to view the rubric used to grade the assignment.
v. Click the Resources tab to view attached resources such as links, documents, folders, or Google meetings.
vi. Click the Standards tab to view the standards linked to the assignment that determine whether you've met the criteria for the assignment.

1. You can sort data by clicking on any of the headers. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results.
2. If the report contains several pages of information, Page numbers will displays along with Prev and Next buttons. Utilize these buttons to sift through pages. Click the Page text box to enter a page number. Press Enter to jump to that page.

3. To export data to an Excel spreadsheet, click on the Excel icon in the Export section.

The export to Excel icon displays as a floppy disk icon on the Grades (Assignments) screen.

4. To print data, click on the Printer icon in the Export section.

5. Use the Filters feature to further breakdown data. Click on the word Filters or OFF to turn them on.

Once enabled, you can begin filtering data. To add more than one filter to a column, click on the green plus sign. To delete an added filter, click on the red minus sign. Select the gray arrow for more filtering options. For more information click on the following article: Filters.
6. To change the amount of grade records displayed, click in the text field for Page Size. This is defaulted at 20 records a page. Enter the number of records you would like displayed per page and press Enter. Notice that when the Page Size is changed to 100 records, the Page numbers disappear because all records are displayed on one page.