The student Portfolio screen gives students the ability to add Posts, create Pages in the Portfolio, and add Resources. The Portfolio isn't viewable by others, which allows students to use their Portfolio to add notes, stores resources, and create Pages for classes where they can store additional data.
1. As a student, in the menu, click Portfolio.

2. To begin creating your new Portfolio, start by entering a title in the Page Title... text box.
3. To add an image to your portfolio, click the blue pencil in the image section.

You can select from the existing System Images, upload an image, or take a photo with your webcam. Click Choose a file or drag it here to browse for an image on your computer. You can also drag and drop the image into the Your Images section. Click Take Photo to take a photo using your computer's webcam.
4. Enter a Portfolio Description in the provided text box.
The description text box allows you to bold, italicize, underline, and strikethrough text, as well change the font type and size, format in bullets, add background color, add a table of information, a a link, picture, video, and more.
5. Click Save.
The Posts tab allows students to create as many post entries as preferred. If students create resources, they can be attached to posts. The image displays the Posts tab for an additional created page (from the Pages tab).
1. As a student, in the menu, click Portfolio.

2. To add a post, click + New Post.
3. Enter the Post Title in the provided text box.
4. Enter the post in the Post content text box.
The post text box allows you to bold, italicize, underline, and strikethrough text, as well change the font type and size, format in bullets, add background color, add a table of information, a a link, picture, video, and more.
5. Select Resources to link to the post from the pull-down. Selected Resources display at the bottom of the post when viewed later. Note: The Resources pull-down is only available if Resources have been created from the Resources tab.

a. Once posted, hover over the resource link to view more information.

b. Once posted, click the resource link to open the resource file, link, folder, etc.

6. To post the entered information to your portfolio, click the Post button.
Click Cancel to discard the post.
7. Once posted, your post will immediately display. To edit the post, click Edit in the header of the post.
8. Click + New Post to add another post.
As posts are created, they display with the newer posts at the top.
The Resources tab allows students to create resources attached to the portfolio, such as files, links, and folders.
1. As a student, in the menu, click Portfolio.

2. Click Resources tab.

3. Click Create Resource to post a resource to your portfolio.

4. In the resource pop-up, enter a Title in the provided text box.

5. Select whether the resource provided is a Link, Folder, or File from the pull-down.

6. Depending on the type of resource selected, the following steps will vary. See the appropriate step for each type of resource.
a. If you selected Link, enter the Web Address in the provided text box.

b. If you selected Folder, you will upload multiple resources to the Folder, such as a file or link; therefore, nothing will be uploaded here.

i. Click on the created Folder to add resources.

ii. Click Create Resource to add links, files, or additional folders to the folder.

c. If you selected File, click No File to browse your computer and select the document to be uploaded as a resource.

i. Once the file is uploaded, the file displays along with two additional icons. Click the cloud to download the file. Click the red x to delete the file and upload a new one.

7. To display an image for the resource link, folder, or file, click Select Image.

You can select from the existing System Images or upload an image. Click Choose a file or drag it here to browse for an image on your computer. You can also drag and drop the image into the Your Images section.

8. Once all selections have been made, click the Save button to post the resource to your portfolio. You can also click Cancel to return to the Resource screen without saving the resource.

9. Click the resource to open the link, file, or folder. To edit the resource, click the blue pencil located in the lower right corner of each resource.

10. You can also click the four arrowed icon in the right corner of each resource to rearrange the order of the icons. For example, if you wanted the School Calendar first, click the four arrowed icon and drag the icon to the left.

11. To add more resources, click Create Resource.

The Pages tab allows students to add additional pages to the portfolio. These new pages appear in a right side menu. Once created, each Page contains their own information page, which allows students to enter a description, create Posts, and add Resources.
1. As a student, in the menu, click Portfolio.

2. Click the Pages tab.

3. Enter a page Title in the provided text box.
4. Press the Enter key to save the page.
5. Click Save.
Once saved, the Page displays in the right panel under your Portfolio.
You can add as many pages as needed; for example, you can add a page for each subject.
1. Click the page title link, in this case, Eng 3, to open page details.
From here, you can edit the page image, title, add a description, add posts, and resources.
2. Click the title to edit it.

3. To add an image to the page, click the blue pencil in the image section.

You can select from the existing System Images, upload an image, or take a photo with your webcam. Click Choose a file or drag it here to browse for an image on your computer. You can also drag and drop the image into the Your Images section. Click Take Photo to take a photo using your computer's webcam.
4. Enter a Page Description in the provided text box.

The description text box allows you to bold, italicize, underline, and strikethrough text, as well change the font type and size, format in bullets, add background color, add a table of information, add a link, picture, video, and more.

5. Click Save.

To navigate back to your Portfolio, click the title of your Portfolio at the top of the right panel.
1. Click the page title link, in this case, Eng 3, to open page details.
From here, you can edit the page image, title, add a description, add posts, and resources.
2. To add a post to the page, click + New Post.

3. Enter the Post Title in the provided text box.

4. Enter the post in the Post content text box.

The post text box allows you to bold, italicize, underline, and strikethrough text, as well change the font type and size, format in bullets, add background color, add a table of information, add a link, picture, video, and more.

5. Select Resources to link to the post from the pull-down. Selected Resources display at the bottom of the post when viewed later. Note: The Resources pull-down is only available if Resources have been created from the Resources tab.

a. Once posted, hover over the resource link to view more information.

b. Once posted, click the resource link to open the resource file, link, folder, etc.

6. To post the entered information to your portfolio, click the Post button.

Click Cancel to discard the post.
7. Once posted, your post will immediately display. To edit the post, click Edit in the header of the post.

8. Click + New Post to add another post.

As posts are created, they display with the newer posts at the top.
To navigate back to your Portfolio, click the title of your Portfolio at the top of the right panel.
The Resources tab allows students to create resources attached to pages, such as files, links, and folders.
1. Click the page title link, in this case, Eng 3, to open page details.
From here, you can edit the page image, title, add a description, add posts, and add resources.
2. Click the Resources tab.

3. Click Create Resource to post a resource to your page.

4. In the resource pop-up, enter a Title in the provided text box.

5. Select whether the resource provided is a Link, Folder, or File from the pull-down.

6. Depending on the type of resource selected, the following steps will vary. See the appropriate step for each type of resource.
a. If you selected Link, enter the Web Address in the provided text box.

b. If you selected Folder, you will upload multiple resources to the Folder, such as a file or link; therefore, nothing will be uploaded here.

i. Once saved, click on the created Folder to add resources.

ii. Click Create Resource to add links, files, or additional folders to the folder.

c. If you selected File, click No Fileto browse your computer and select the document to be uploaded as a resource.

i. Once the file is uploaded, the file displays along with two additional icons. Click the cloud to download the file. Click the red X to delete the file and upload a new one.

7. To display an image for the resource link, folder, or file, click Select Image.

You can select from the existing System Images or upload an image. Click Choose a file or drag it here to browse for an image on your computer. You can also drag and drop the image into the Your Images section.

8. Once all selections have been made, click the Save button to post the resource to your page. You can also click Cancel to return to the Resource screen without saving the resource.

9. Click the resource to open the link, file, or folder. To edit the resource, click the blue pencil located in the lower right corner of each resource.

10. You can also click the four arrowed icon in the right corner of each resource to rearrange the order of the icons. For example, if you wanted the Practice Test first, click the four arrowed icon and drag the icon to the left.

11. To add more resources, click Create Resource.

To navigate back to your Portfolio, click the title of your Portfolio at the top of the right panel.