
The Communication screen allows students and parents to compose messages to select teachers. Messages can be saved as a draft and all incoming and outgoing messages are also housed here, as well.

Composing Messages

The Compose tab allows students and parents to create new messages (previously Messenger), to selected teachers.

1. In the menu, click Communication.


2. Click the Compose tab.


3. Select the teacher recipient(s) from the To pull-down.


4. If you have more than one student assigned to the selected teacher(s), you must select the Regarding student from the corresponding pull-down, so teachers know to which the student the message is referencing.


5.  Select the Secure Email check box to flag the messages as secure and require users to log into Focus in order to view the message.


6. Enter the Message in the provided text editor. There are a variety of tools available, including text formatting and the ability to add links and images.


7a. Click Send to send the message. Once sent, the message displays in the Sent tab.


7b. Click Save Draft to save the message as a draft. If saved as a draft, the message will be saved with all attached data in the Drafts tab.


7c. Click Discard to to discard the message if you do not wish to save it or send it.

8. Click Print to print the message.


The Inbo tab displays all incoming messages sent from teachers and other users. The Inbox tab loads by default when accessing Communications. Message threads are in order of most recently received and display the sender's name and the number of unread messages (if any).

New messages display as an Alert on the Portal page. Click X new message(s) to open your Inbox.


1. In the menu, click Communication.


2. Click the Inbox tab.


All incoming messages are displayed along with the sender's name, their associated school, and the regarding student name. The number of unread messages displays next to the sender's name.


3. Click the sender's name to open the messages.


Use the Filter to quickly search for a message by typing the the sender's name or part of the sender's name.


Click the pencil icon to create a message from the Compose tab.


Once selected, all incoming and outgoing messages between you and the selected user displays. The date and time is displayed along with all messages.


4. To respond to incoming messages, type your message in the provided text area. There are a variety of tools available, including text formatting and the ability to add links and images.


5. Click Send to send the message.

Sent Messages

The Sent tab displays all outgoing messages sent from you to teachers and other users. Message threads are in order of most recently sent at the top of the list and display the recipient’s name.

1. In the menu, click Communication.


2. Click the Sent tab.


All outgoing messages are displayed along with the sender's name, their associated school, and the regarding student name.


3. Click the recipient's name to open the messages.


Use the Filter to quickly search for a message by typing the the recipient's name or part of the recipient's name.


Click the pencil icon to create a message from the Compose tab.


Once selected, all outgoing and incoming messages between you and the selected user displays. The date and time is displayed along with all messages.


4. To send additional messages, type your message in the provided text area. There are a variety of tools available, including text formatting and the ability to add links and images.


5. Click Send to send the message.


The Drafts tab displays all messages saved as drafts.

1. In the menu, click Communication.


2. Click the Drafts tab.


Drafted messages are displayed with the date and time saved.

3. Click the drafted message to view details and make changes.


Use the Filter to quickly search for a message by typing the the date and number of recipients or part of the date and number of recipients.


Click the pencil icon to create a message from the Compose tab.


4. Once selected, the drafted message displays. Complete composing your message and prepare to send the message or save it as draft again. For details, see Composing Messages.
