The Purchase & Pay module can be used to search for and purchase courses as well as other items. When a course is purchased, users will automatically be enrolled in the course. Users also have the option to pay for outstanding invoices via Purchase & Pay.
1a. As a student, in the menu, click Purchase & Pay.

1b. As a parent, click the arrow next to the applicable student, then click Purchase & Pay.

1c. If you have View access to Purchase & Pay, and the student has outstanding balances, a Portal Alert displays. Click the following portal alert, You have an outstanding invoice to be paid! Please review them here. to automatically navigate to the Purchase & Pay screen. Note: If you do not have View access to Purchase & Pay/ Make a Payment, but you do have access to View Customer Ledger, click the alert will navigate to the Customer Ledger screen. Note: If the invoices aren't past due, the alert will display as You have available invoices! Please review them here.

2. If the Purchase & Pay menu doesn't display, be sure the correct school is selected from the pull-down.
Be sure the correct student is selected from the student pull-down before purchasing classes and enrolling the student.
3. From the Search tab, conduct a search for the classes you wish to purchase. The filters displayed depend on district settings.
If you have outstanding (past due) or available invoices (due in the future), click View Now to review available invoices and pay outstanding balances.

4. Enter a Keyword, such as Language for language classes.
5. Enter a Class Start Date range in the two provided text boxes to pull classes that begin within a specific time frame.
6. Select the Courses of interest from the pull-down.
7. Select the Categories of interest from the pull-down.
8. Select the applicable Schools where you would like to attend the classes to be purchased from the pull-down.
9. Enter your Zipcode to find classes closest to you.
10. Review the courses that matched your search criteria. When you find courses that meet all of your needs, click Add to Cart to proceed with the purchase.
If the class is full, i.e., the seat count is met, the class will be grayed out and state that the course is at capacity in place of the + Add to Cart button.

If the class is Already Full and your school district has enabled the Class Waitlist, you may have the opportunity to click + Add to Waitlist in order to wait for a seat to open in the class in order to be enrolled later.

You cannot purchase classes unless you or the student in question have passed prerequisite classes set by the district.

11. Once items have been added to the cart, you can remove items as needed before paying. To remove all items from the cart, click Empty Cart. To remove specific items from the cart, click the Remove from Cart button for the class.
To add different classes to your cart for different students, change the student selection in the student pull-down and add the class to your cart. All added classes will be in the same cart in order to be purchased for different students.
12. Once classes have been added to the cart, to pay and be enrolled in the course, click Checkout. The number of items added to the cart is displayed next to the Checkout button along with the cart total amount.
13. In the Checkout, review your order, the items added, the Sub-total, and the Total to be collected. Select the Optional Add-ons when applicable.
If more than one add-on can be purchased, enter the number of items you'd like to purchase in the text box or click the green addition button. If too many items have been added, click the red minus sign to delete an item.

If only one item can be purchased, a check box displays. Select the check box to add the item to your purchase.

If an add-on item has been marked as required by the school/district, the add-on item will automatically be added to the cart when the main/parent item is added to the cart and cannot be deleted. Depending on district settings, you may be able to add more of the item, if needed.
14. If you have been provided a discount code, enter the code in the Coupon Code text box, then click Apply Coupon. Note: Codes are case sensitive and must be entered exactly as the original code when shared with you.
Once the coupon is applied, the Discount total displays as well as the new Total to be collected.
If the coupon is unable to be applied, an error message displays "That coupon is not valid."
15. Click Cancel to cancel the purchase. To proceed with the purchase, click Continue.
The Available Voucher Total displays along with the Sub-Total and the Total to be collected for reauthorization invoices, which displays the student voucher amount for fee template fees, if a student voucher has been applied. Note: If the voucher amount covers 100% of the invoice, you will be able to select the checkout button just as you would when purchasing a course for $0.00.
If an invoice allocation is over-deferred and causes a negative balance, it will be skipped in the payment process; i.e. it will not display in the cart.
16. If you have outstanding invoices, you can select the check box for the Invoice to include the outstanding amount in the total to be paid. Click the More Details button for the invoice item numbers, descriptions, prices, quantities, and more. Click Close to close the invoice details pop-up.
If partial payments has been enabled by your district, you can enter the amount you'd like to pay towards the selected invoice. Note: If Convenience Fees apply, the fee will be recalculated based on the payment amount entered.
If a Convenience Fee displays, take note of the footnote explaining the fee.
17. If Optional Add-ons are added to your cart, upon clicking Continue, you must enter the Shipping Address.
Once your complete address is entered, the Address Suggestion will apear and can be selected to use which will update the address inputs upon selection.
Once entered, click Continue.
18a. To complete your Checkout, enter your Card Number, the Name on Card, the Expiration date (MM/YYYY), and the CVC. As you enter card information, it displays on the card image example above.
If applicable, enter your Electronic Check information as a payment option, which includes the Name of Bank, Name on Account, Account Type, Routing Number, and Account Number.
18b. If you have credit card(s) saved in your Wallet, the cards display at the top where you can click the card you'd like to you for payment. The selected card is highlighted in green.
If the student qualifies for free and/or reduced classes, the discount for free and reduced classes displays on the initial Purchase & Pay screen included in the price of the class. If the student utilizes a voucher, the price will not be adjusted until the parent/student is ready to complete the checkout. If the Total to be collected is $0.00, you can simply click Complete Checkout to complete the purchase.

19. Click Cancel to cancel the purchase. Click Complete Checkout to complete your purchase.

Once a purchase is made, you can still cancel the transaction for same day transactions from the Customer Ledger screen. When the transaction is cancelled, the schedule record is also removed.

If purchased online, the receipt's Cashier displays as Online.

Your school or district may allow students and parents to make donations. You will add the donation to the Shopping Cart and specify the donation amount during the check out process.
1. As a student, from the menu, click Purchase & Pay.

As a parent, click the arrow next to the applicable student, then click Purchase & Pay.

2. Locate the donation item and click + Add to Cart.

The amount of the donation will display as 0.00 in your cart until you enter the desired amount during the check out process.

3. Click Checkout at the top-right corner of the screen.
4. On the summary screen, enter the amount of the donation.
5. Click Complete Checkout.
6. Enter your payment details or select a card from your Wallet in the Pay by Saved Credit Card section and click Complete Checkout.
Your receipt will display.
The Purchase & Pay screen allows parents to purchase items available at their students' schools, and pay for items for multiple students in one check out. Parents can also pay outstanding invoices from this screen.
The Customer Ledger screen can be used to view all of the billing transactions for the student, including payments and outstanding balances that are due.
For each of your linked students, you can add items to the Shopping Cart. After adding items for one or multiple students to the Shopping Cart, you can check out and pay from one checkout screen.
1. On the left side of the screen, click the student.

2. Click Purchase & Pay.

If you have View access to Purchase & Pay, and the student has outstanding balances, a Portal Alert displays. Click the following portal alert, You have an outstanding invoice to be paid! Please review them here to automatically navigate to the Purchase & Pay screen. Note: If you do not have View access to Purchase & Pay/ Make a Payment, but you do have access to View Customer Ledger, click the alert will navigate to the Customer Ledger screen.

The items available for purchase at your student's school are listed.
3. To add an item to your cart, click + Add to Cart beneath the item.

At the right side of the screen, the added item is displayed.
4. To remove an item from your cart, click Remove from Cart beneath the item.

5. To remove all items from your cart, click Empty Cart at the top of the screen.
6. To search for a specific item, enter a keyword in the Search box.
The products listed will filter based on the keyword entered.
7. To add items to your cart for a different student, click the student in the menu on the left side of the screen, and click Purchase & Pay.

The Purchase & Pay screen is displayed for the other student. The item(s) you added to the cart for the previous student remain in the cart.
8. Continue to add items to the cart by clicking + Add to Cart beneath the item.
At the top-right of the screen, the number of items and the cart total are updated as items are added to the cart.
9. When you are ready to check out, click Checkout at the top-right corner of the screen.
The summary screen displays all of the items in your cart.
Your district may require you to pay any outstanding invoices when making new purchases. If you have outstanding invoices, you may see them listed here, along with the items you have selected to purchase.
10. If you have been provided a discount code, enter the code in the Coupon Code text box, then click Apply Coupon. Note: Codes are case sensitive and must be entered exactly as the original code when shared with you.
Once the coupon is applied, the Discount total displays as well as the new Total to be collected.
If the coupon is unable to be applied, an error message displays "That coupon is not valid."
11. Click Continue.
12a. To complete your Checkout, enter your Card Number, the Name on Card, the Expiration date (MM/YYYY), and the CVC. As you enter card information, it displays on the card image example above.
If applicable, enter your Electronic Check information as a payment option, which includes the Name of Bank, Name on Account, Account Type, Routing Number, and Account Number.
12b. If you have credit card(s) saved in your Wallet, the cards display at the top where you can click the card you'd like to you for payment. The selected card is highlighted in green.
Your receipt will display.
Your school or district may allow parents to make donations. You will add the donation to the Shopping Cart, and specify the donation amount during the check out process.
1. On the left side of the screen, click the student.

2. Click Purchase & Pay.

3. Locate the donation item and click + Add to Cart.

The amount of the donation will display as 0.00 in your cart until you enter the desired amount during the check out process.

4. Click Checkout at the top-right corner of the screen.
5. On the summary screen, enter the amount of the donation.
6. Click Complete Checkout.
7. Enter your payment details or select a card from your Wallet in the Pay by Saved Credit Card section and click Complete Checkout.
Your receipt will display.