Documentation for Administrators

Version 2019.01.11.SURVEY3W

Updated on

Focus School Software implemented a Florida State Reporting update, effective January 11, 2019.

If the survey is not specified, the change applies to all surveys. For back merged items, the date of the back merge is indicated in parentheses. New items are marked as new in parentheses. 


Demographic Extract

  • Fixed an issue where duplicate records were output for McKay students in multiple McKay Payment Files. (11/09/2018)
  • Fixed a bug in survey 9 where DJJ windows had an extra day. (12/14/2018)

Dropout Prevention Extract - Sped up the attendance query. (10/19/2018)

Prior School Extract - No longer outputs the withdrawal date as-is for regular year enrollment records with the same start and end dates and instead only applies the logic to DNE records. Regular year enrollment records with the same start and end dates should have the withdrawal date incremented as normal. (10/19/2018)

Student Course Extract

  • Now factors the new district option for capping blended learning courses to 250 minutes when calculating FTE rather than having it be default. (10/19/2018)
  • Added local edit to Student Course Verification Report, F1, that will display schedule records with students grades 09-12 with blended learning course set to Y and the weekly minutes greater than 250. This edit will not pull errors if the district option is checked. (10/19/2018)
  • Fixed an issue where duplicate records were output for McKay students in multiple McKay Payment Files. (11/09/2018)

All Verification Reports - Updated all formats and simplified wording on edit descriptions. (12/21/2018)

Demographic Verification Report

  • Tweaked the edit 45 description to more accurately reflect the DOE description.
  • Fixed an issue with edit 49 where the edit looked at the wrong field. (01/11/2019)
  • Edits 5A & 5B no longer pull PK students as the ELL format does not pull them. (01/11/2019)

SESIR Verification Report - Fixed edit 11 to allow code C as well since the extract will convert to code N on generation. (11/02/2018)

Student Course Verification Report

  • Fixed an issue related to edit 53 not picking up errors. (10/19/2018)
  • Fixed an issue where attendance data did not fully populate when running the report for the current school only. (FEFP/FTE due to attendance) (11/02/2018)

WDIS AGE Student Course Extract

  • Modified the program to left justify (shift over) the AGE Completion Point Code and Date fields that are actually output in the program. (11/16/2018)
  • Modified the extract to only count hours from the first day of attendance. If a student is scheduled but a no show for the first scheduled days, those no show days do not count for hours. (11/23/2018)

WDIS End Of Term Extract

  • No longer outputs Diploma Type if Adult General Education Diploma Date is blank. (11/02/2018)
  • Added some additional certificate of completion codes from the “do not pull” list for 9-12 grade students. (11/09/2018)

WDIS Supplemental Info Extract- Fixed an issue with edit 81 where the wrong syear was being used for evaluating certs during survey F. (10/19/2018)

All Verification Reports - Added speed improvements for all reports when running them for a single school. (12/14/2018)

WDIS AGE Student Course Verification Report - Modified edit F3 to no longer show errors until the current date is after the WDIS end date. (11/09/2018)

WDIS End of Term Verification Report

  • Fixed database errors from occurring if WDIS Survey Dates were not set. (11/02/2018)
  • Added edit 28. (11/02/2018)
  • Fixed an issue where a database error occurred if a user put in invalid date formats when searching for student matches in Focus. (11/09/2018)
  • Fixed an issue when importing test history where a test score was applied to the wrong administration/test. (11/23/2018)
  • The Outgoing Transcripts tab now displays a search screen interface for a more granular listing of outgoing transcripts. (*NEW*)

SAT/ACT Process - Added the ability under the FASTER menu to allow users to request SAT & ACT scores from DOE. (*NEW*)

Class Size Report - Fixed an issue where the wrong grade level was chosen if two courses had the same number of students. (10/26/2018)

DMV Extract - Fixed an issue where DMV records marked as Sent to District were not shown correctly in the interface based on date ordering. (12/14/2018)

DOE Extracts - Now unchecks all extracts if the user unchecks Select All. (12/14/2018)

DOE Reports - Added F71251 Title 1 School Eligibility. (11/30/2018)

Download DOE & Error Reports - Fixed an issue where file 05108 did not push to school folders. (10/26/2018)

EOY Processing - Added a process to calculate the sum total present and absent days and place the totals on the enrollment table/screen. (*NEW*)

Florida Reports Setup - Added new district option labeled “Cap FTE to 250 minutes for 09-12 Blended Learning Courses over 250 Class Minutes, Weekly.” (10/19/2018)

Print FTE Detail - Fixed an issue where a second school student was not displaying. (10/19/2018)

FTP Direct

  • Added Staff formats and Industry Certification. (10/19/2018)
  • Assessment reduced to just survey 5. (10/19/2018)

Teachers In/Out Field Report/Process

  • No longer considers teachers in-field for courses marked with “ANY” certification if the teacher certification has a scope of A, L, or T. (10/19/2018)
  • If a group cert is matched, the scope will now populate the Cert/Licensure/Qual status field for scopes A, L, T. If a teacher does not have a Florida certificate, then the Cert/Licensure/Qual status field will be N if the teacher is out-of-field or there is no corresponding scope. (11/16/2018)


  • Added N/A option to Dual Enrollment on the Course Catalog so users can NULL the field. (10/19/2018)
  • Updated W & Q select option wording for Disaster Affected for clarity. (10/19/2018)
  • FTP Direct will use a separate Florida Config Variable from the append files functionality. (10/19/2018)
  • Fixed an issue in the schedule interface where AGE programs just over 10 attended hours were not showing the scheduled hours. (10/26/2018)
  • Fixed an issue where daily hour values were truncated when calculating WDIS Survey Hours. (11/09/2018)
  • Fixed a database error for students with multiple program codes when the total hours preference to calculate from Course History is not being used. (11/16/2018)
  • Modified schedule interface Survey F, W, & S calculations to only count hours from the first day of attendance for AGE schedules. If a student is scheduled but a no show for the first scheduled days, those no show days do not count for hours regardless if the AGE minimum threshold is met. (Does not apply to districts opting to not use AGE threshold hours) (11/23/2018)
  • Updated Online Course Provider Section field based on active providers listed in appendix GG. (12/14/2018)
  • Modified schedule interface to list Total Hours column as Total Scheduled Hours. (*NEW*)
  • Modified schedule interface to show new Total Survey Hours column which displays the total hours reported in all surveys. (*NEW*)

Pre-ID Extracts

  • Updated Winter NGSSS Pre-ID Extract for 2018-2019. (10/26/2018)
  • Updated FSA Winter EOC Pre-ID Extract for 2018-2019. (10/26/2018)
  • Modified Winter NGSSS EOC Extract to not pull retakes for Biology and U.S. History. (11/09/2018)
  • Updated ACCESS for ELLs Pre-ID Extract for 2018-2019. (11/09/2018)
  • Added “Testing Accommodations listed on IEP or 504” field to logic for FSA Winter EOC and Winter NGSSS Pre-ID Extracts. (11/09/2018)
  • Updated FSA Spring ELA Reading/Writing, ELA Reading/Writing Retake, and Mathematics Pre-ID Extract for 2018-2019. (12/14/2018)
  • Fixed an issue with FSA Winter NGSSS Pre-ID extract where prior year schedules were pulled. (12/21/2018)
  • Students in grades 4-6 now also default to “P” test indicator per format in the FSA ELA Spring Pre-ID Extract. (01/04/2019)
  • Now outputs “P” for mathematics test indicator for students in grades 3-6 in FSA Spring ELA/Writing/Math Pre-ID Extract. (01/04/2019)

School List Setup - Fixed an issue where not all the schools under a category would display in the school list. (11/09/2018)

School Grade Reports - Added a new program that displays reports related to school grade. (*NEW*)

Survey Accuracy Reports - Now only pulls active schedules as of run date for “Elem students with less than 450 mins” report. (11/16/2018)

Total Hours Scheduled Job - Modified process to calculate a Total Survey Hours value for each schedule record. (*NEW*)

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