Documentation for Administrators

Version 2021.10.08.SURVEY2

Updated on

Focus School Software implemented a Florida State Reporting update, effective October 8, 2021.

If the survey is not specified, the change applies to all surveys. 


Additional Funding

  • Modified to account for log field FTE Earned, Academic Dual Enrollment Associate Degree.


  • Adjusted logic to match the ESE extract when determining to pull a student enrolled at 3900 with a service plan.

End of Year

  • Added fix for summer records outputting the wrong withdrawal date when a regular year enrollment record isn't present.

English Language Learners

  • Added WKS assessment for listening and speaking.

Exceptional Student

  • Excluded exceptionality code of 1 (MTS) from pulling in the extract.

Prior School

  • Now explicitly excludes records where the school of enrollment begins with C, U, or P.

Student Course Schedule

  • Fixed an issue where records would not pull for semester schedules with full year grades.
  • Added new district option to allow non-course history grades to match to inactive virtual schedules in survey 4.
  • For students who took the EOC without taking the course, the district and school of instruction now pulls from the grade record fields if populated.
  • In surveys 1 & 4, the district option Carry over DJJ survey 2 & 3 days to summer sessions now can apply negatively (if DJJ semester 1 & 2 is less than 90 days then days are taken from surveys 1 & 4).
  • If inclusion schedule class minutes weekly equals zero, now falls back to section inclusion tab section minutes.
  • Updated to output School of Instruction as 4444 if the FES Payment file is used for the school number and the file lists the number as 0000.


  • Excluded grades 30 & 31.

Additional Funding Verification Report

  • Updated edits 02 & 11 to exclude C, U, & P schools from flagging as errors.
  • Fixed issue with edit 64 where FTE Earned, Academic Dual Enrollment Associate Degree was outputting the code instead of the label.
  • Tweaked wording of edits 02 & 11.

Prior School Verification Report

  • Tweaked edit 23 to catch edge case errors (invalid school calendar assigned to enrollment record).

Student Course Schedule Verification Report

  • Updated edit 53 based on DOE change.

Teacher Course Verification Report

  • Tweaked logic for edit F4 to increase performance.

Transcript Verification Report

  • Fixed issue with edit 9 where invalid term short names were not being flagged.

WDIS Demographic

  • Now pulls in the school of instruction from the AGE & CTE schedule records to output for the WDIS Demographic School of Instruction field as well.

WDIS Teacher Course

  • Meeting patterns now factor into class length calculation.

WDIS End of Term Verification Report

  • Fixed an issue where edits 08, 21, & 29 did not work correctly.

WDIS Teacher Course Verification Report

  • Fixed an issue where edit 10 did not correctly output all errors.

Staff Demographics

  • Added separate personnel evaluation default for non-instructional/non-administrative employees.
  • Updated date condition on separation code to match separation date.

Staff Fiscal Year Salaries

  • Corrected source of main FTE value.
  • Set default config file to use param file as suggested by FASTER.
  • Swapped SFTP server from to
  • Fixed an issue where certain characters were being stripped out when entering comments for FASTER.
  • Fixed an issue with school year records attendance queries taking too long, slowing the entire process down.
  • Tweaked queries for returning results of outgoing transcripts search screen.
  • Fixed an issue where the outgoing transcripts interface was slow for postsecondary districts.
  • Renamed TSCRIPT files to be HS.TSCRIPT going forward.
  • Modified receive process to also download the PS.TSCRIPT file.
  • Implemented FASTER cutover changes for 2021-2022.
  • Now always outputs the OPEID campus number for postsecondary districts.
  • Changed how the process reads in the total responses from the edit report when verifying the counts/errors.
  • School N997 is now allowable for Migrant School Attended.
  • Modified logic to swap N997 & N998 to 9997 & 9998 respectively if the Migrant District Attended is FL.
  • Added Florida Civic Literacy Exam as valid tests to pull.

Migrated student field FTE Earned, Academic Dual Enrollment Associate Degree from a select to a log field. Users must populate the school of instruction on the log record if it differs from students latest enrollment record.

Added Test History Setup for Florida Civic Literacy Exam if not already added.

Added options for Florida Civic Literacy Exam for Pre-ID extract override, exclusion, and accommodation fields.

Bonus FTE Student Detail Report

  • Adjusted slightly to match EOY Processing calculation.
  • Now shows students who didn't have a core course or a matching grade; two new columns will indicate which criteria the student failed to meet.

Bus Rosters

  • Added Bus Stop column to student listing.
  • Switched bus stop display to a checkbox item. When bus stop option is checked, the students will be sorted by bus stop and then student name.

Combined Student FTE Records (Claims)

  • Updated import and export processes with new file format.
  • Added Sex column to interface display and added Middle Name to student name.

Download DOE & Error Reports

  • Added new filename for F71373.
  • Added user requestable Frozen Fish file for survey 2 & 3, F70393.
  • Added file F60493 FEFP Adjusted Revenue Report.
  • Added file F71517 for download.
  • Added files F71371, F71346, F71373, and F71372.
  • Added the ability for Survey R files to be downloaded.

EOY Processing

  • Fixed issue where grade would not match when calculating bonus FTE due to mix of lower and upper case for school number.
  • Added fix for database error on SQL Server when running the Bonus FTE Process.
  • Now prevents the calculation from factoring future attendance records. All enrollment attendance fields are now cleared each time job is ran, and the process will now ignore schools that have no periods marked as takes attendance.
  • Fixed issue where FTE validate checkbox failed to restrict FTE earned to courses on the FLORIDA_EOY_TEST_CROSSWALK table.

EWS Report

  • FSA Level 1 indicators now only count once towards the number of indicators total and the two or more indicators total.

FES Prepayment Extracts

  • Updated to include file categories Educational Options (3A) & Unique Abilities (4D) for the DOE file split.
  • Also now keeps track of file names uploaded as DOE requires the exact same file name when re-uploading.

FLEID Processes

  • Modified so that program is compatible with SSH key authentication.
  • Fixed issue where on select browsers the FLEID export file would save as a PDF file instead of text.
  • Modified import process to also attempt to match students from incoming file to Focus based on the SSN field.

Florida Reports Setup

  • Added FLEID to the report F71452 Recalibrated Individual Student FTE Reported by District.
  • Updated background tables to support changes for 21-22 WDIS G & S appendices
  • Updated background tables for appendix CC & GG.
  • Added new district option Verification Reports - Max Number of Error Records to Display per Edit, which limits the number of displayed error records for each edit to number specified.
  • Added new district option that when enabled will allow process assessments to also check test_level for the appropriate grade level when running FSA ELA.
  • Added K12 appendices A & B to background tables.
  • Added appendix HH to background tables.
  • Updated K12 Appendix CC background table.
  • Files F71346 and F71371 can now be imported into the background table DOE_REPORTED_FTE, under the Florida Files (NWRDC) sub menu.
  • Updated FES Payment File Upload tab to include a category select dropdown to accommodate the different payment files from DOE.
  • Updated FES payment file format field mapping to account for two characters of filler.
  • Fixed database error when attempting to update appendix Y.
  • Updated description for district option Include all students that have taken an EOC course and have not taken the test (Geometry, Biology I, Civics, U.S. History, Civic Literacy).

FTE Summary Report

  • Updated the BSA for 2021-2022 school year.

HSN Incident Process

  • Added default of Z for School Personnel - Incident Outcome. Any incidents that were created prior to this change for the current year are also updated.

Teachers In/Out Field Report

  • Modified so that licensure status of V is not overwritten by check for certificate number.
  • Clicking checkboxes no longer automatically refreshes the report; Instead the Refresh Report button will need to be clicked.
  • An Export Report button has been added which works the same as Refresh Report but instead downloads the results to a CSV file.
  • Reconcile Certification Status has been moved to the left of the screen.
  • Replaced instances in the interface of checkmark or X images with Y and N respectively for filtering and exporting.
  • The file generated by the data table export button is now called inoutfield.csv
  • Fixed an issue in reconcile process where expired certifications could sometimes get overlooked if the certification ordering was changed due to scope.

K12 Extract Field Defaults Report

  • Added new FTE earned fields to Additional Funding format.

Mckay Extracts

  • Fixed an issue where a record would not output from the prepayment file if there existed multiple records with the same Record ID in the file; the extract now uses a concatenation of key fields to determine unique records.


  • Added 320 to list of valid virtual instruction providers.
  • Changed total clock hours schedule function to be SIS compatible.
  • Adjusted all schools permission check to consider user enrollment records that have a future end date.

PEER Import Job

  • Fixed bug that could prevent records from being imported into Focus.
  • Fixed an issue where data was flipped for two columns for the 504 classroom log field; this update will correct any data that has already been imported.
  • Now only updates date fields (IEP/EP Plan Date, IEP/EP Expiration Date) if the date in the file is newer than what is currently in Focus.

Pre-ID Extracts

  • Updated Fall EOC and ELA Retake extract for 2021-2022.
  • Updated APM Extract for 2021-2022.
  • Updated APM and Fall EOC & ELA Retakes Pre-ID extracts to default an N for Primary Exceptionality and Section 504 Status fields.
  • Updated ACCESS for ELL Pre-ID Extract for 2021-2022 date certain.
  • Modified Fall EOC and ELA Retake Extract to make use of Process Assessments functions for better determination of assessment passing/concordant status for use in determining which students pull.
  • Fixed an issue with the Fall ELA Retake and EOC Pre-ID Extract where adult students did not pull for ELA if pre-ID option was set.
  • Updated Winter EOC and Florida Civic Literacy Pre-ID Extract for 2021-2022.

Process Assessments

  • Now updates the Met Math Requirement student field for algebra passing scores instead of just the old FCAT math.
  • Updated PSA concordant subject codes based on 2122 appendix L.
  • Modified so that the FSA ELA process also checks for students with an ELA Assessment Passed value of Z rather than just a null value when determining to update the student.
  • Added functions to determine a given set of students assessment status (FSA ELA, Algebra 1, Geometry, Biology, U.S. History, Civics) that can be used in other programs.
  • Updated assessment status function for use with Florida Civic Literacy Exam.

School Grade Accuracy Reports

  • Added ability to include WDIS only schools, and added Total Clock Hours Awarded to end of DE Courses Report.

Survey Accuracy Reports

  • Fixed issue with ELM Students with less than 150 mins PE where students that hadn't reached their enrollment start date were reporting as having scheduled no PE mins.
  • Added ESOL English courses as valid ELA courses for Elm Students with less than 450 Mins of ELA report.
  • Updated therapy course list.

Survey R

  • Changed SFTP directory from SESIRMonthly to SESIR.
  • Fixed an issue where send process did not work.
  • Added .txt to end of file name sent to DOE via SFTP.
  • HSN incidents now pull for SESIR Survey R.
  • Now displays total number of records for the given month and extract selected.
  • Fixed an issue where duplicate records would be created on generate for a month that had already been sent.
  • Added the ability to download the extract files as either CSV or TXT.
  • Added the ability to append/import files for each extract for districts with file append needs.
  • Added generate, send, and append confirmation dialog boxes which display the number of records added/changed or the status of the upload of each extract to DOE.
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