Documentation for Administrators

Version 2022.10.14.SURVEY2

Updated on

Focus School Software implemented a Florida State Reporting update, effective October 14, 2022.

If the survey is not specified, the change applies to all surveys. 


Assessment Extract

  • Fixed issue where ASV tests weren't being pulled if using score type of ZZ.
  • Adjusted logic to allow ASV tests with RS score type to pull.


  • Fixed an issue where students were duplicated in survey 6 due to multiple instances of DOP records with reason 'G'.
  • Fixed issue where PEER only schools weren't being extracted.

End Of Year Extract

  • Fixed an issue where students that are currently active could potentially be assigned a wrong end date in the extract.

English Language Learners Extract

  • Updated valid subject codes for IPT.

Fed/State Indicator

  • Modified extract to prioritize the 180-day school year enrollment records to match the End of Year (EOY) enrollment logic to fix EOY validation 49.
  • Fixed issue where FES/McKay students weren't pulling when they were previously enrolled at regular school within the district.

Student Course

  • Now checking attendance of DJJ students during survey week in survey 4 to determine 999 FEFP.

Teacher Course

  • Fixed issue where PEER only schools weren't being extracted.

DOE Verification Reports

  • Fixed issue where some errors weren't displaying in survey 1 due to the syear that was being used for some background tables.

Additional Funding Verification Report

  • Added district 80 to edits 01, 17, & 62.

Assessment Verification Report

  • Added district 80 to edit 01.

Demographic Verification Report

  • Fixed issue with edits 15 & 38 where errors weren't displaying.
  • Added district 80 to edits 02 & 48.

Discipline Verification Report

  • Added district 80 to edits 01, & 25.

Dropout Prevention Verification Report

  • Added district 80 to edits 01 & 24.

CTE Student Course Verification Report

  • Added district 80 to edits 01 & 06.

CTE Teacher Course Verification Report

  • Added district 80 to edits 01 & 22.

End of Year Verification Report

  • Updated edits 3L & 3V.
  • Added district 80 to edit 01.

English Language Learners Verification Report

  • Added district 80 to edits 01 & 2M.

Exceptional Student Verification Report

  • Updated edit 39 age check from 6 to 10 to match DOE.
  • Added district 80 to edit 01.

Fed/State Indicator Verification Report

  • Added district 80 to edits 01, 27, & 28.

Fed/State Evaluation Verification Report

  • Added district 80 to edit 01.

Industry Certification Verification Report

  • Added district 80 to edits 01 & 06.

Prior School Verification Report

  • Added district 80 to edits 01, 4H, & 45.

SESIR Verification Report

  • Added district 80 to edit 01.

Student Course Verification Report

  • Added district 80 to edits 01, 2I, & 55.
  • Fixed issue where edit 54 was reporting false errors for students with 323 virtual instruction provider.

Teacher Course Verification Report

  • Added district 80 to edits 01 & 35.

Transcript Verification Report

  • Fixed issue where students missing district or school where credit earned weren't being flagged as errors.
  • Added district 80 to edits 02 & 05.
  • Fixed an issue with edit 5C where it could be flagging sections incorrectly.

Staff Demographic Extract

  • Fixed database error caused by decimals being entered into Personnel Evaluation Performance.

Staff Fiscal Year Salaries Extract

  • Fixed issue where Migrant Summer and Regular fields were outputting incorrectly for charters.

WDIS AGE Student Course

  • Added IET Program Number.

WDIS End of Term

  • Fixed an issue where a diploma type or certificate of completion type did not output if a student was previously enrolled as an adult or 6-12 student respectively.


  • Now pulling CLW & CAG tests and converting CAS tests to CLW or CAG depending on test form.

WDIS AGE Student Course Verification Report

  • Updated edits 08, 18, and 31.
  • Fixed issue where edit 85 was incorrectly flagging some records as errors.
  • Modified edit 50 to allow courses '1200700' & '1207300' per DOE.
  • Updated edit 49 to allow courses '1200700' and '1207300' in Survey F.

WDIS CTE Student Course Verification Report

  • Updated edits 06, 14, and 17.
  • Updated edit 17 to account for 9999 value.

WDIS End of Term Verification Report

  • Updated edits 01, 08, 21, and 29.

WDIS Supplemental Information Verification Report

  • Updated edits 06, 10, and 23.

WDIS Teacher Course Verification Report

  • Updated edit 01.
  • Updated edit 05 to allow courses '1200700' and '1207300' in Survey F.

WDIST Test Verification Report

  • Updated edits 06 and 11.
  • Updated edit 10 to include '27R','28R' for 'CLW' test.
  • Fixed issue where several edits were reporting false errors.
  • Optimized discipline export queries for speed.
  • Fixed an issue where the days absent element allowed decimals to be output.
  • Implemented a word-wrap when printing a pdf of the raw transcript via the 'Print' button as requested by CR.
  • Limited the max number of transcripts to be resent/deleted under outgoing transcripts to 250 per operation/button click to avoid server error until process can be overhauled to allow for more.
  • Fixed an issue with in-progress schedule records pulling with no associated course section (deleted section -> orphan schedule record).

Added new student field for FASTER titled 'Paid Work Hours (FASTER)'.

Bonus FTE Student Detail Report

  • Updated logic to calculate Bonus FTE for DE Summer Schedules, and also added section short name to the DE report.

DMV Attendance Report

  • Modified Submit to District queries so that the created_by_id and updated_by_id columns on the florida_ftp_dmv table are populated.

Download DOE & Error Reports

  • Added ability to download MCTEMP suffix files for 'Student Course Schedule', 'Teacher Course', and 'F71181 SESIR: Bullying and Harass by Basis Catg'.
  • Added logic to grab Dropout Match files from new location on TIBCO.

EOY Processing

  • Updated logic to calculate Bonus FTE for DE Summer Schedules.

EWS Report

  • Rewrote report to be able to use datatable features (Toggle Columns, Page Size, Column Freezing), Student name is now frozen when scrolling.
  • Fixed database error for districts without SSS installed.
  • Fixed issue where effective date was always being set to the date the report was ran on instead of the date being supplied.
  • Fixed an issue where request variables would not follow the user through student lists.

FES Enrollment/Scheduling Process

  • This process will allow districts to upload the FES Student List EO & UA files under Florida Reports Setup, and using those files this process will create/update demographic data and insert enrollments into school 3900 as well as scheduling them into course 2222222.
  • Added logic to set local id with the students student_id. Also added logic to prevent a student from being created if their FLEID didn't match exactly due to whitespace in the FLEID field.
  • Added validation to prevent the process from being ran if grade levels within the FES Student List file are missing their leading zero.
  • Added logic to correctly set the prior district number on enrollment.
  • Now setting FLEID Verified field to Y.
  • Fixed issue where the private school number wasn't being set correctly for some students. In addition to correcting the issue for any future students enrolled by the process, this update will look for anyone that has already been imported and push the private school in the student list file to the FES Private School field if missing or it doesn't match the list file.
  • Fixed issue where a false error could be thrown for a missing default attendance calendar.
  • The process will now no longer import students who are found to exist in Focus based on First & Last Name, Birthdate, & Gender but with a different FLEID than what the FES Student List file currently has. A new check box has been added "Import Near Matches." If you wish to import these you can do so by checking this new box at time of import. Also fixed an issue where students that already existed in Focus weren't having their private school number set.
  • Added check to skip updated race field for existing students when the student list files has N for all races. Also new students (Students that didn't previously exist in Focus) will now have their home language survey dates set using the effective date provided when importing through the process.
  • Students without a YES for one of the four payment files will be excluded. Also added payment file drop down to select which payment file(s) a student must be in in order to be scheduled by the process. If more than one file is selected the process will schedule them if they have a YES for at least one of the files selected in the drop down.
  • Fixed issue where the count of students displayed at the completion of the process was showing slightly higher numbers than the actual number of students that were updated/imported.
  • Disabled PHP errors and Warnings.
  • Added ability to schedule with a course greater than 7 characters in length.
  • Fixed an issue that could allow a student already active at non FES school to be scheduled.

FES Import Exceptions

  • Added new report to identify students missing their private school number in the current FES Student List file.
  • Added days present & absent to the Active Students Enrolled At Non FES (3900) School report.
  • Fixed issue where students that had dropped from FES and enrolled into a district school were showing as actively enrolled in FES.

FES Confirmation Reports

  • Removed surveys H & I, and also removed pre-payment checks.
  • Added ability to select surveys 2 or 3 independent of the FES survey.
  • Modified reports to allow end user to select the specific FES file number to run the reports for.


  • Fixed an issue where the DOB_Y, DOB_M, and DOB_D fields were outputting blank regardless of DOB value.
  • Added some changes to increase performance while importing.
  • Modified so that leading zeros are not prepended to local student id for select districts.
  • Modified to prevent the import select box from displaying non importable files.
  • Fixed an issue where FLEID records for import were not being matched to students in Focus due to trailing whitespace in the local id.
  • Now allows students in a school marked as PEER only regardless if it's marked as Exclude from state reporting.

Florida Reports Setup

  • FES Upload student list now displays total students inserted into the table and the syear and category that the records were inserted under.
  • Updated background table column names for 2022-2023 for WDIS Appendix D.
  • Fixed background tables issue that prevented WDIS D & Z appendices from loading under 22-23.
  • Added F71535 Non Funded Industry Certs for import; it populates the new table: doe_non_funded_industry_certs.
  • Added WDIS Appendix P (AGE, Integrated Educational Training Program Numbers) to importable background tables; also fixed issue with WDIS Appendix D.
  • Updated background table for appendix CC for 2022.
  • Added a validation to check that all grade levels in the FES Student List file are exactly 2 characters in length; if one or more rows contain a grade level with less or more than 2 characters an error will be thrown.
  • Updated background tables for K12 appendices CC & GG.

FTE Detail Report

  • Fixed issue where some records were duplicated when using the Scheduled Into option under more search options.

FTE Summary Breakdown Reports

  • Added a new report: FTE Earned By Teacher and School, also added an error message when viewing a report and one of the required tables is empty.
  • Fixed issue where subtotals for grades on FTE Summary were off.
  • Fixed issue where FTE Summary (district and school) weren't doubling the FTE amount when the double option was selected.
  • Now excludes schedules with FEFP of 999 from the total mins sum in the FTE Earned By Student, FTE Earned By Teacher, Less Than Full Funded, and More Than Full Funded Reports.
  • Fixed database error that occurred when a user switched surveys and their currently selected report doesn't apply for the new survey they selected.
  • Fixed issue when pushing PDFs to school folders; the process could push to inactive schools if they had the same first four characters of a currently active school, potentially preventing the active school from getting the PDF pushed to their folder.

Teachers In/Out Field Report

  • Now checks the district option 'Teachers In/Out of Field - Require Inclusion teachers to meet any additional course requirements' for Primary Teachers with an inclusion scheduling method for ELL requirement.
  • Updated so that the error message Course ######## not found in the catalog reflects the course actually being searched for.
  • Now considers a 'Certification/Licensure/Qualification Status' value of 'A' to be considered in field on the report.
  • Fixed an issue where a section would be out-of-field for an ACCESS course inclusion section.


  • Corrected spelling error in enrollment attendance fields.
  • Fixed an issue where the schedule FTE estimation for PK-03 students was lower than expected if viewing the schedule prior to the first day of school.
  • Updated schedule field Adult Test Name to remove CAS and add CAG and CLW.
  • Fixed database error with all schools function when a user had no profile set on a user enrollment record.

PEER Export

  • Added a new school checkbox: Peer Only School; if checked this school will pull even if exclude from state reporting is checked. Also added logic to prevent DE courses from being transmitted to PEER to prevent reject errors.
  • Modified logic to allow students enrolled at Home School or Private School to upload to PEER.

PEER Importer

  • Added new fields to background table fl_peer_active_ieps, also now importing Extended School Year services.

Pre-ID Extracts

  • Added 2022-2023 Fall EOC/ELA Retake Assessments Pre-ID Extract.
  • Added 'Progress Monitoring Assessments' Pre-ID Extract.
  • Added Pre-ID extract for PSAT/SAT.
  • Added Fall FSAA Makeup Performance Task Pre-ID Extract for 2022-2023.
  • Added new parameter titled 'PSAT/SAT Administration' to be used for the PSAT/SAT Pre-ID Extract which enables users to pick which test administrations should pull.

Process Assessments

  • Modified scale score setup set dropdown to default to an existing set rather than a new set.
  • Fixed an issue where the Non-Reportable test history parts were not pulling correctly when calculating test pass information.
  • Fixed a potential database error being caused by the length of the name of a certain temporary table.

School Grade Accuracy Reports

  • Added new report: Has ASVAB Score 65 or Higher AND 2 Credits of JROTC.

School List Setup

  • Clicking the 'Update Schools from DOE' will now incorporate Florida Appendices G & H when making district/campus FASTER school entries. Districts must download the appendices from the DOE for the year via Florida Reports Setup -> Background Tables first to make use of this addition.

Survey Accuracy Report

  • Now hides virtual reports from the menu if the user doesn't have access to the FTE Breakdown Reports (Reports Redirect to Breakdown Reports).
  • Added I (Visually Impaired) exceptionality to the two therapy reports.

Survey R Extracts

  • Fixed issue that prevented districts using key based authentication from transmitting Survey R.
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