Documentation for Administrators

Version 2024.07.05.SURVEY45S

Updated on

Focus School Software implemented a Florida State Reporting update, effective July 11, 2024.

If the survey is not specified, the change applies to all surveys. 

PK - 12


  • Updated logic for determining lunch status to include schools 9992 & 9993 when outputting a Z.

Fed/State Indicator

  • Updated extract logic to include students with local values in District (Out of District) and School (Out of School).

Student Course

  • Upper casing school number since DOE does it to avoid sending records multiple times over batches.
  • Updated logic for Survey 4, FEFP Program Number to include Grade 06 when record is flagged as EOC.

Additional Funding Verification Report

  • Fixed an issue with edit 15 where students with a value were being treated as having a nullfor FTE Earned, Early Graduates.

Demographic Verification Report

  • Updated edit 35 to no longer check for schools 9992, 9993, & 9995 as the extract outputs Z every time.

Discipline Verification Report

  • Fixed an issue where the action duration did not display correctly in the interface.

Exceptional Student Verification Report

  • Updated edit 2G to no longer always pull null values for 'Evaluation Consent Date' and instead check the district option first.
  • Fixed an issue where the District and School of Enrollment fields would not match extract logic for edits 01, 02, 07, 20, & 2B if the Out-of-District enrollment fields were empty string values.

Fed/State Indicator Verification Report

  • Added new local F2 edit to Fed/State indicator report to catch students with local values in District (Out of District) and School (Out of District) columns.
  • Updated edit 61 to fix an issue where students would flag as errors despite not having student course records.

Prior School Verification Report

  • Updated logic for Prior School/Location:Country, Edit 16.
  • Updated edit 17 to include withdrawal code 'WMA'.

Student Course Verification Report

  • Updated edit 10 to accept the '-' character as well as the normal '-' character for SQL server compatibility.

Teacher Course Verification Report

  • Updated edit 06 to accept the '-' character as well as the normal '-' character for SQL server compatibility.

Transcript Verification Report

  • Updated edits 14 & 15 to ignore empty string values for Course Flag fields.

Verification Reports

  • Fixed issue where error percentage chart was not loading.
  • Fixed issue for Chrome with new gauge that didn't properly display all errors without requiring users to scroll.

Automated Processes (Assign LCP)

  • Fixed database error that could occur for select clients.
  • Fixed issue where job wasn't updating students when running it under syear 2022 for Survey F.
  • Added logic to validate existing test IDs on schedules being processed by the job; if an invalid test ID is identified it will be removed to prevent error 9G. Please note that this validation process is not enabled by default and will require a JIRA branch (FOCUS-43256) to be installed to allow the new option on the job to be activated that will enable the validation functionality.
  • Fixed bug that was preventing select pre test IDs from being removed when the new option to validate test IDs was enabled.
  • Added logic for New CASAS STEPS (CST) & CASAS GOALS 2 (CG2) tests; this update will also install these tests if they aren't currently present.
  • Fixed issue where a CST or CG2 test could overwrite an existing Pre-Test ID on a schedule.
  • Improved display of job results output; also reformatted some code to help assist with troubleshooting.
  • Fixed issue where a student could be assigned the wrong level when processing some TABE scores. Also added logging functionality to track updates to schedule fields.
  • Fixed issue where a post test wasn't assigning in select cases.
  • Fixed issue that was preventing CST/CG2 from being assigned to select schedule records.
  • Also fixed bug introduced in a recent update that could cause the test short name to be set incorrectly on the student's schedule.
  • Now requiring the test administration date to be greater than the schedule start date for post tests; previously a test could be considered a post test if it was greater than or equal to the schedule start date.
  • Updated valid Pre/Post levels for programs 9900000, 9900130, and 9900500 to match current values listed on AGE Edit 9G.
  • Added logic to support a future update allowing CASAS and TABE Interval to go up to 4 years; the current maximum value is 2 years.

AGE Student Course Verification Report

  • Removed Edits 86 & 87.

Test Verification Report

  • Fixed database error for MSSQL districts on edit 12.

Verification Reports

  • Fixed issue where error percentage chart was not loading.
  • Fixed issue for Chrome with new gauge that didn't properly display all errors without requiring users to scroll.
  • Fixed an issue where user preferences for default all schools and default include inactive students were not being respected on outgoing transcripts search screen.
  • Fixed an issue where search options did not apply to search functions on select screens.
  • Fixed an issue on the outgoing transcripts search screen where values would wipe in one dropdown when selecting values in another dropdown.
  • Modified background logic to prevent issues with new Focus Search screen.
  • Added a FASTER schools entry for Suncoast Technical College if it did not previously exist.
  • Fixed an issue where searching for students when creating send requests or outgoing transcripts would redirect to incoming requests in the popup window.
  • Fixed issue preventing requested records from displaying in SAT/ACT/CLT Process.

ARMS Tracker

  • Added categories/options for Date of Birth and Student Name to be tracked by scheduled job.

Bonus FTE Student Detail Report

  • Fixed issue that allowed duplicate records to show for students who had more than one enrollment record under the current year; also added Teacher to output on AICE report.
  • Fixed an issue where report FTE Total wasn't matching the total being calculated by the EOY Calculation process.

Download DOE & Error Reports

  • Removed 2013-14 verbiage from F70191 file.

EOY Processing

  • No longer calculating attendance for students with no schedule(s) for their enrolled school.

Florida Reports Setup

  • Fixed K12 Appendix O failing to load into background table.
  • Added ability to load Subject Code Names (F61707) into a background table: fl_subject_code_names.
  • Fixed issue preventing K12 appendix Z from loading into background table.
  • Added columns "djj_improv_year_status", "djj_prov_options", and "classical_school" to master_school_identification.

FTE Summary Reports (Breakdown)

  • Modified report interface for debugging tools.
  • Modified queries used in pushing/printing the report 'FTE Earned By Student and School' for speed.
  • Fixed issue with Virtual Reports not showing records when a student wasn't primarily enrolled at a virtual school. Fixed report and PDF not matching.
  • Fixed report and PDF not matching in certain cases; also fixed an issue where overall FTE total could display incorrectly.
  • No longer pulling inactive schedules by default for both virtual reports, but a new option was added to enable the report to pull inactive schedules if desired.

Health Services Report

  • Fixed issue with I-D.1 & I-D.2 reports that prevented them from displaying properly.

Teachers In/Out of Field Report

  • Fixed database error that could occur when saving a section if that section's school's district_id was NULL.
  • Added a column to display 'Teacher Literacy Micro-Credential'.
  • Fixed a display bug for grade level columns not showing information when filtering/paginating.

K12 Extract Field Defaults

  • Updated field defaults for Prior School Attendance.
  • Removed duplicate field defaults for Prior School Attendance.
  • Updated Student Demographic report.
  • Updated Drop Out Prevention field defaults.
  • Updated info for Student Course Schedule report, Term field.

LearnFare Attendance

  • Updated logic to populate created_by_id and created_by_class columns in florida_ftp_learnfare.


  • Added new adult test names to appropriate schedule fields in preparation for future updates to Assign LCP job.
  • Added Districts 81 & 81 to Prior District & District (Out of District) Enrollment Fields.
  • Updated Co-Teacher Team Teacher Training dropdowns to include N/A.
  • Updated label for N999 to NON-PUBLIC FLORIDA SCHOOL.
  • Updated Industry Certification Outcome options.

Pre-ID Extracts:

  • Modified PM Pre-ID extract to no longer pull 'T' primary exceptionality records.
  • Removed order materials checkbox from ACCESS for ELLs Pre-ID interface.
  • Added option and logic to exclude B.E.S.T. Writing.

Process Assessments

  • Updated the logic when processing Geometry, Biology, US History, and Civics FAA/FA1/FA2 exams to update the student passed and date fields as they weren't being updated previously.
  • Fixed an issue where the new SA5 & PS1 tests were not evaluating.
  • Removed Provisional Algebra & Geometry BST from being considered equivalent tests; this way districts have to specify for EOC-30 and Course Assessment Status.
  • Fixed an issue where FST ELA subjects were not being evaluated.
  • Fixed an issue where selecting BST or BST Provisional was not evaluating the other BST test as well.
  • Modified interface to prioritize tests and parts with scores attached in case of duplicate test setup when displaying tests in dropdowns for score breakoff and eoc30 process.
  • Changed student APS determination for BST tests.
  • Re-enabled support for test short names and test parts with longer than expected values.

School Grade Accuracy Reports

  • Fixed database error that occurred for Industry Certification reports with the pull from grades district option set.

School Grade Scheduler Reports

  • Added new option to use previous year's GPA; this option is helpful when scheduling for the upcoming year and GPAs aren't available under the new year.

Survey Accuracy Reports

  • Fixed an issue where the all schools checkbox did not function correctly for the Full Time Hospital Homebound report.
  • Updated logic in Sections with Invalid Characters report for cross database support.
  • Fixed issue with test reports not displaying Alpha score types.
  • Fixed issue with Multiple Virtual Schedules that are being matched to one grade report where it could report a higher schedule count than actually exists.

Survey - Production Discrepancies

  • Added columns for different student names and date of birth values.

Talented Twenty

  • Course history grade records with a grade title of 'SB' can now pull despite not being marked as affecting GPA.
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