Documentation for Administrators

Version 2020.05.15.SURVEY5S

Updated on

Focus School Software implemented a Florida State Reporting update, effective May 19, 2020.

If the survey is not specified, the change applies to all surveys. New items that have not been back-merged into previous versions are marked as (*NEW*).


Demographic Extract

  • Now pulls FES payment file records in the same way as McKay payment files are used.
  • Modified order in which non-acceptable characters get translated to avoid database errors on database copy.
  • Fixed an issue where active FES students did not pull correctly if students were previously enrolled in McKay and listed on the McKay payment file.

Fed State Indicator Extract - Fixed issue where DOP indicator was incorrectly being output as Z.

Prior School Extract

  • Modified order in which non-acceptable characters get translated to avoid database errors on database copy.
  • Fixed an issue where the term dates were overriding the calendars in survey 3.

SESIR Extract - Fixed an issue where Victim of Homicide was outputting all Z's regardless of field value.

Student Course Extract

  • Now pulls FES payment file records in the same way as McKay payment files are used.
  • Fixed an issue where inactive McKay and FES students pulled based on the payment files were getting 999 FEFP and 0000 FTE due to attendance.
  • Fixed an issue where active FES students did not pull correctly if students were previously enrolled in McKay and were listed on the McKay payment file.

Additional Funding Verification Report - Modified edit 40 to add Diploma Type Code of 'WCO' per DOE Database Manual update.

End of Year Verification Report

  • Fixed spelling error on edit 3J.
  • Updated edits based on DOE database manual updates.

Prior School Verification Report - Updated edits based on DOE database manual updates.

Verification Reports - Fixed an issue where the user preference for the survey last used would not be selected on loading the page initially if the hidden dates district option was used.


WDIS AGE Student Course

  • Fixed a database error that would occur for WDIS calculated hours on the schedule interface if empty check-ins with the kiosk were recorded.
  • Fixed an issue where combined schedule records did not reflect initial function level and post test status fields.
  • Modified extract to consider new district option 'WDIS - Disable Fiscal Split Extract Logic'.
  • Now also pulls student field for element 'CTE/Adult General Education, Disability, Student' if schedule field is not populated or has a value of 'Z'.
  • Modified to include meeting patterns when calculating hours. *NEW*

WDIS CTE Student Course Extract - Modified to include meeting patterns when calculating hours. *NEW*

WDIS CTE Student Course Verification Report

  • Updated edit 47 to match DOE.
  • Fixed database error caught in automated testing.
  • Now also pulls student field for element 'CTE/Adult General Education, Disability, Student' if schedule field is not populated or has a value of 'Z'.

WDIS Demographic Verification Report - Fixed incorrect field title for edit 42.

WDIS Field Default Report - Corrected an error found by automated testing.

WDIS Teacher Course Verification Report - Fixed database error caught in automated testing.

Verification Reports - Fixed an issue where the user preference for the survey last used would not be selected on loading the page initially if the hidden dates district option was used.

  • Removed 'GE' from Test History pulls.
  • Re-added NGSSS tests as valid for output for FASTER.
  • No longer allows users access to 'All Schools' checkbox if the user isn't enrolled for all schools.
  • Fixed an issue where the logic for postsecondary institutions did not correctly parse the send requests edit report resulting in successfully sent messages rather than an error in the FASTER interface.
  • Added logic to replace invalid Race/Ethnicity Code 'P' with an 'A' in outgoing responses and requests.
  • When importing courses, prioritizes the shorter grad subject short names for a given substring of two characters.
  • Now outputs the state GPA value in place of the district GPA value if the district value is 0 and the transcript is being sent to Talented Twenty.
  • No longer displays next year enrollment information when importing a FASTER transcript.
  • Now excludes discipline when sending to Bright Futures.
  • Fixed mapping issue when importing ESE exceptionalities dates for evaluation consent and completion.
  • Fixed an issue where the District and School Number of Instruction fields did not pull correctly for in-progress courses.

Added new Discipline Incident field 'School Number, Where Incident Occurred'. This field now pulls in the SESIR & Discipline extracts as well as FASTER. Logic can be found on the K12 Extract Field Defaults report. *NEW*

Added new Discipline Referral field 'School Number, Where Discipline/Resultant Action Occurred' to be used as an override. Modified the Discipline extract and FASTER to pull new field. *NEW*

Added W60 to student enrollment codes and Diploma Type fields.

Added 'WCO' Withdrawal/Diploma Code.

Class Size Report - Fixed a SQL server specific database error caught in automated testing.

Download DOE & Error Reports

  • Fixed an issue where the file 'F62056 Job Codes and Titles' was unable to be downloaded through the Focus interface.
  • Updated filename for F71251.
  • Added F72001 & F72002 files for download.

DMV Attendance - Fixed a database error due to a missing column on FLORIDA_FTP_DMV.

EWS Report

  • Add MTSS integration with SSS. *NEW*
  • Now outputs an error to the screen if the user is a teacher with no section selected.

FES Payment Confirmation Reports - Added program which is similar to the existing 'McKay Payment Confirmation Reports'. *NEW*

Florida Reports Setup

  • Added new tab labeled 'FES Payment File Upload' for districts to upload FES payment files for use in Demographic and Student Course extracts.
  • Added new district option 'WDIS - Disable Fiscal Split Extract Logic' for use with districts that manually schedule according to the fiscal year.
  • New Florida Files program has been added to download appendix files from DOE through user downloading rather than Florida Reports update migrations. *NEW*

Generate Extracts - Now showing a red X instead of a green checkmark if the o-file or d-file failed to download to supplement the already missing Extract History record.

Health Services Reports - Fixed SQL server specific errors caught in automated testing.

Teachers In/Out of Field

  • Scheduling method 'M' is now treated the same as 'S' & 'C' primary scheduling methods when determining inclusion teacher in/out field status.
  • No longer considers a teacher to be out of field for 100% ASD sections if the course is a therapy course.
  • Now lists teacher certification type values in new report column.


  • Fixed a database error that would occur for WDIS calculated hours on the schedule interface if empty check-ins with the kiosk were recorded.
  • Fixed some program links for 10.0 compatibility.
  • Fixed spelling error on Distance Learning select option.
  • Meeting Patterns now factor in calculated hours fields in schedule interface. *NEW*
  • Fixed an issue where the schedule WDIS Survey Attended Hours Override fields did not check schedule permissions.
  • Added option 'W' to 'Basic Skills Exam' elements on section and schedule records.

Pre-ID Extracts

  • Updated the Spring NGSSS EOC and Science Pre-ID Extract for 2019-2020 school year.
  • Now respects min & max syear for schools that appear in the dropdowns.
  • Fixed an issue where the school level options in the school list drop-downs did not display correctly.
  • Modified Pre-ID Extract interface to use swiftboxes.
  • Modified 'Spring NGSSS EOC and Science' to include extra filler columns for CSV file format.
  • Excluded school 3900 from all pre-ID extracts.
  • Modified the Spring NGSSS EOC and Science Pre-ID Extract to no longer output a value of 'Y' for the field 'Regular Print - Paper Accommodation' if the test indicator is SpSc08.
  • Added 2019-2020 Summer EOC Assessments Pre-ID extract.

              *NOTE* The field previously known as 'FSA Test Accommodations' will now be pulled for EOC test accommodations based on TIDE Pre-ID.

              *NOTE* Options for Biology 1, Civics, and U.S. History have been added to the accommodations log field.

              *NOTE* The NGSSS multiple select test accommodations fields will no longer be pulled for Pre-ID extracts (Unless DOE goes back from TIDE).

Process Assessments

  • Now pulls PSAT subject code 'SG' per Appendix L and DOE for Algebra I concordant score.
  • Program changes for use with new Focus SIS scheduled job. *NEW*
  • Only pulls sections that have been marked as graded when creating exam grade records.
  • Added D5 as valid subject code for ACT concordance.

School Grade Accuracy Reports

  • The report has been entirely rewritten to add the new school grade accuracy reports. *NEW*
  • Fixed issue where test part title wasn't displaying.
  • Fixed a database error that occurred when the reports were run against an elementary school.

Students In Both Surveys 2 & 3 Report - Expanded results returned to up to 5,000.

Survey Accuracy Reports

  • Fixed an issue where the report 'Virtual Schedules With No Matching Course History Grade' could return multiple records for the same student and course.
  • Added course 1503350 to MS PE courses.
  • Added all HS PE courses for MS PE report.
  • Updated DOP report to look at the SYEAR column.
  • Fixed DOP report returning no active records.
  • Updated special skills reports logic.
  • Tweaked titles for special skills reports to clarify their usage.
  • Excluded schools 3900 & 3518 from all reports.
  • Fixed an issue when students scheduled into special skills course but missing the correct exceptionality were flagging incorrectly.
  • Fixed an issue where some reports were looking at schedules marked as exclude.
  • Fixed an issue for Active DOP records where primary flag wasn't displaying. Also added additional columns.
  • Fixed an issue with Elem Students with less than 450 mins ELA where students with no schedules at all would not display on report as missing mins.
  • Disabled 'Special Skills Exceptionality With No Scheduled Special Skills course', as the data output of this report is no longer useful after the rewrite. Also adjusted special skills course map slightly.
  • Now displays report title when printing a report with the Focus print button at the bottom of the page.
  • Added Date Entered US School to ELL Students Missing FEFP.
  • Added - Basic to end of the ESE Students report title to indicate the report doesn't include FEFPs 254 & 255.

Talented Twenty

  • Excluded FES 3900 from being marked for Talented 20, as well as transmitted through FASTER.
  • Added ability to export students not meeting criteria to CSV, and also added link to open popup window for an individual student.

Total Hours Scheduled Job - Meeting patterns now factor in hours calculations. *NEW*

Verification Reports Overview

  • Headers and leftmost columns are now tacky/sticky.
  • Highlighted all text in a cell with a red color if the report had not been run at all.
  • Removed 'Student Assessment' from surveys 2 & 3.

WDIS Verification District Overview - Added ability to export to Excel. Also fixed issue where report options would disappear until the page was refreshed.

Previous Article Version 2020.07.10.SURVEY1F
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