Documentation for Administrators

Version 2021.01.29.SURVEY3W

Updated on

Focus School Software implemented a Florida State Reporting update, effective February 1, 2021.

If the survey is not specified, the change applies to all surveys. 


Demographic Extract

  • Fixed an issue where FES enrollment records did not pull correctly.

Dropout Prevention

  • Fixed a bug where the school of enrollment did not output correctly.

Exceptional Student

  • Now pulls school 3900 (FES) for Exceptional Student if the student has an ESE FEFP and has a plan date within the current or previous fiscal year before the extract effective date (McKay student logic). Change was made based on DOE manual update for 11/25/2020.

SESIR Extract

  • Output all zeros for incident date when incident type is HSN.
  • Fixed an issue where an HSN incident wasn't extracting the incident date with all zeros.

Student Course

  • No longer pulls ESE FEFP student field for students enrolled at school 3900.

Transcript Extract

  • Changed logic to allow private DE courses to pull.

Transportation Extract

  • Fixed an issue when a user would enter a non ASCII character for bus number or route that would cause the record to reject.

Demographic Verification Report

  • Added Student Identifier Local to all edits.
  • Removed duplicate language on edit 17.

Discipline Verification Report

  • Updated validation 33 to include 'Drug Description' code of 'P' per DOE database manual update 10/09.

English Language Learners Verification Report

  • Updated edits based on DOE Database Manual Update.

Exceptional Student Verification Report

  • Removed edit 27.
  • Added validation 35 per DOE database manual update 10/09.

Student Course Verification Report

  • Added Student Identifier Local to all edits.
  • Re-enabled edit 2N and updated for FES ESE FEFP logic.
  • Added edit 4I based on DOE Manual Update 12/23.

WDIS Demographic

  • Fixed an issue where certain student names could cause problems (character encoding issue).

WDIS Supplemental Information

  • Fixed an issue where industry certification records would pull for a schedule record active in the current survey window despite the certification date out of survey window.

WDIS AGE Student Course Verification Report

  • Fixed edit 60 flagging false errors.
  • Fixed edit 59 and back-merged to SURVEY1F.
  • Updated edit 31 to match DOE.
  • Updated edit 58 to not output errors for G or X.
  • Updated edit 44 to match DOE.
  • Modified edit 60 to also check against Z completion point codes.
  • Updated edit 92 to include all surveys.
  • Added validation 70 to flag errors when there are no teachers assigned to a section.
  • Fixed database error in surveys G & X found in automated testing.

WDIS CTE Student Course Verification Report

  • Added validation 70 to flag errors when there are no teachers assigned to a section.
  • Fixed database error in surveys G & X found in automated testing.

WDIS Supplemental Information Verification Report

  • Edit 23 replaced years with asterisks on the edit description, since the valid years change each year, the edit logic already accounts for this.
  • Added some AGE/CTE entries to FASTER_SCHOOLS table.
  • If diploma date is missing and AICE diploma equals Y, then FASTER will automatically output a blank for AICE diploma instead to pass the edit.
  • Added logic to prevent industry certs marked as exclude from state reporting (Log Field) from pulling for FASTER.
  • Fixed an issue where the 'Federal/State Compensatory Project Evaluation' information was not pulling correctly for Demographic records.

Bus Rosters Report

  • Added report options for 'Time of Day', 'Combine AM/PM on Same Page (Driver, Bus #, Bus Route)', 'Number of Blank Lines', 'Pages Split by School' and 'Hide Student FLEID'.
    • Time of Day - Allows the user to pick AM, PM, or Both.
    • Combine AM/PM on Same Page (Driver, Bus #, Bus Route) - Allows the user to cut down on number of pages by combining AM & PM Driver, Bus Number, and Bus Route combinations.
    • Number of Blank Lines - Allows the user to input the number of blank lines for the report to output for write-ins.
    • Hide Student FLEID - Allows the user to print a report without the student FLEID number.
    • Pages Split by School - Pages are separated by school number first with driver, route, number following.
    • Increased number of students shown on one page.

Class Size Report

  • No longer pulls school periods with a non-numeric short name. This fixes an issue where extra classes were being factored into averages if the non-reportable period was in-between spanned periods.
  • Now outputs school title when printing only one school.
  • Fixed an issue where numeric school periods were being excluded if there were trailing characters.

Class Size Scheduled Job

  • Fixed an issue where selecting the current date option would not work if a prior effective date was used.

Combined Student FTE Records (Claims)

  • Modified program to append '.txt' when user is downloading a copy of the export claims file.
  • Updated process to import/export/match student FLEID.
  • Updated expected import and export formats for FLEID.

Download DOE & Error Reports

  • Fixed an issue with report 62644 not pushing to school folders.
  • Added F71335, F71465, & F71466 to be available for download.
  • Reverted regular expressions for certain reports for 2019-2020 compatibility when pushing to school folders.
  • Added RPTC for F70844.
  • Report F70553 now able to be pushed to school folders.

EWS Report

  • Updated report to check for new SSS Focus Setting location for clients on newer versions of Focus SIS.
  • Fixed an issue where the upper headers did not align with the column headers.

Florida Reports Extracts

  • Modified extracts to be able to download O-files from prior to 2020-2021 with the 'Student Identifier, Florida' and 'Student Identifier, Alias' fields intact when using 2020-2021 Florida Reports version.

Florida Reports Setup

  • Added new option 'Include all students that have taken an EOC course and have not taken the test (Geometry, Biology I, Civics, U.S. History)' under Pre-ID tab.
  • Added date last updated column to Background Tables tab.

FTE Null Student Report

  • Fixed database error.

HSN Incidents Process

  • Added a new process to use the recently added HSN school field to insert discipline incidents for Hope Scholarship Notifications.

Teachers In/Out Field Logic

  • Reading endorsement not required for course '5010020'.
  • Added tracking table for use with scheduled job for prioritizing schools.
  • Updated some logic for efficiency.

McKay Extract

  • Excluding DNE records when mapping withdrawal & entry dates.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented some records from pulling.

McKay Verification Reports

  • Fixed issue where error percentages were displaying NAN instead of a numerical value.

Pre-ID Extracts

  • Added the Winter EOC Pre-ID Extract for 2020-2021.
  • Tweaked Winter EOC Pre-ID extract for speed.
  • Updated Pre-ID Extract 'ACCESS for ELLs 2.0' for the 2020-2021 school year.
  • Fixed an issue where the student log field 'Pre-ID Extract Overrides' was not working correctly with the Winter EOC Pre-ID Extract.
  • Pre-AP Algebra I 1200386 course added to pull for Pre-ID Extracts.
  • Modified the ACCESS for ELL Pre-ID Extract to output blank for column 'AZ - Alternate ACCESS for ELLs Tester'.
  • Added the 'Spring Writing, Reading, Math, Science, and EOC' Pre-ID Extract.
  • Fixed an issue for the Spring Pre-ID Extract where the flat file record lengths were varying.
  • Modified Spring Pre-ID Extract to only output field 'ELA Writing - Writing Typed Response - Online Accommodation' for grades 4-6 instead of the other way around based on updated format.
  • Fixed an issue where students were pulling as taking both Algebra I and Math tests if the student was not actively scheduled in Algebra I for the current year.
  • Modified Spring WRM, Science, EOC Pre-ID Extract to no longer output 504 indicator if ESE value is other than blank or L.
  • Added the 2020-2021 Spring Retakes Pre-ID Extract.

Process Assessments

  • FSAA Geometry will now factor as a concordant score for the appropriate FSAA Algebra I test.
  • Pre-AP Algebra I 1200386 now added to list of EOC courses.
  • Fixed an issue where scale score wasn't showing up in the drop down for a limited number of districts.

School Fields

  • Added field Number of Hope Scholarships for future use by new process to create HSN SESIR records.

School Grade Accuracy Reports

  • Fixed database error when user has enabled preference to use the nickname for the student listing.

School Grade Scheduler Reports

  • Added M/J Intensive Reading courses 1000000 & 1000010.

Survey Accuracy Reports

  • Slight adjustment to No Placement ESE report to prevent bad log field data causing errors.
  • Fixed database error found during automated testing.
  • Fixed database error that occurred when users had display nickname preference selected.

Survey Production Discrepancies

  • Fixed an issue where the report would pull dismissed ESE students.
  • Fixed issue where students who withdrew before survey week were being pulled for all formats.
Previous Article Version 2021.06.11.SURVEY45S
Next Article Version 2020.10.09.SURVEY2