Documentation for Administrators

Version 2018.06.08.SURVEY45S

Updated on

Focus School Software implemented a Florida State Reporting update, effective June 12, 2018. 

If the survey is not specified, the change applies to all surveys.

New Changes


Added side menu to Process Assessments and Florida Reports Setup.

Students in Both Surveys 2 and 3 - Added ability to search all schools and added school of enrollment column.

Weekly Back Merges


English Language Learners Information - “District Number, Current Enrollment” is no longer a key field as of 13-14 school year.

Student Course Schedule Verification Report - Added fix for edit 2G not counting null values as ZZZ.


WDIS Teacher Course Format - Matched AGE fiscal year split logic to output additional teacher course records along with correct class lengths.

WDIS AGE Student Course Extract

  • Fixed an issue where attended hours were not counted if an attendance code was not given.
  • Fixed an issue where attended hours were higher than expected due to multiple schedule records scheduled to the same period.
  • Fixed an issue where attended hours would not pull due to the course section period not matching the attendance period record’s period ID.

WDIS AGE Student Course Verification Report

  • Updated edit 58 to reflect recent DOE change.
  • Updated edit 85 to match extract logic.


  • Excluded industry certifications that start with an underscore (local).
  • Added NGS short name in FASTER tests table.


DMV Attendance Report - Fixed excused and discipline absences counting as unexcused.


  • Fixed an issue where attendance period records were not counted if there was no associated attendance code.
  • Fixed an issue where the attendance hour threshold would be higher than expected due to not also checking against student enrollment.
  • Fixed an issue where calculated hours and days in a survey period was higher than expected due to looking at all student enrollment records rather than the scheduled school.

Process Assessments

  • Fixing an issue where blank test pull-down options would display if the test short name and subject code combination were not as expected in site test setup.
  • Fixed issue where tests would not show in drop-down.


Student Transportation - Modified extract to treat "Hazardous Walking" as select drop-down field instead of numeric.


CTE Student Schedule Verification Report

  • Added fix for edit 57 considering values past H as valid.
  • Modified edit #57 to ignore empty string values.


Converted student field “Hazardous Walking” from numeric to select drop-down field.

DMV Attendance Report - Now always inserts a new DMV log record every time a student is sent via FTP as opposed to updating the log record that is within the 90 day window.

FLEID Processes - Users are now able to manually import a FLEID file if they so choose. (ex: charter school receives from district)

Pre-ID Extracts

  • Updated FSA Summer EOC Pre-ID Extract for 2017-2018.
  • Updated NGSSS Summer EOC Pre-ID Extract for 2017-2018.


CTE Student Course Verification Report - Added a course number link for users to navigate to the course/section of the record.

Student Demographic Verification Report - Modified edit 56 to not flag errors for exit dates that occur after the survey date in survey 5.

Student Course Schedule Verification Report - Re-analyzed and rewrote verification report.

Student Course Transcript Verification Report - For edit 06, fixed an issue where home or private school was being incorrectly flagged as an error.



WDIS CTE Student Course Verification Report - Re-analyzed and rewrote verification report.

WDIS Teacher Course Verification Report - Re-analyzed and rewrote verification report.


Added appendix CC to background Focus table for use in Student Course Schedule verification report.

Added appendix GG to background Focus table for use in Student Course Schedule verification report.

Florida Reports Setup - Added file F71485 to be available to be stored in background Focus table.

K12 Extract Field Defaults Report - Added additional explanation under “Graduation Option” on Student Demographic format for grades PK-12, 30, & 31.



Student End of Year Format - No longer pulls school N999.

CTE Student Course Format - No longer pulls school of enrollment 9995.

CTE Student Course Verification Report - Re-analyzed and rewrote verification report.

CTE Teacher Course Verification Report - Re-analyzed and rewrote verification report.

Student Demographic Verification Report - Re-analyzed and rewrote verification report.

Student End of Year Verification Report - Updated edit 20 to exclude N998 from flagging as an error after verifying DQ2 doesn't flag N998 as an error.

Industry Certification Verification Report

  • Added missing logic for edit 11 concerning course number 0000000 and grade levels KG-08.
  • Fixed edit 41 to exclude course number 0000000.

Prior School/Attendance Verification Report - Added WPC & WPR codes for enrollment drop code logic in edit 17.


Added long description from appendix Z to industry certification table for optional use.

DMV Attendance Report - Modified some queries for speed improvement on select SQL server implementations.



CTE Teacher Course Verification Report - Fixed an issue were some courses were being incorrectly identified as CTE courses.

Industry Certification Verification Report - Added missing edits and revamped existing edits.


WDIS AGE Student Course - Added SQL query speed improvements.


Changed PF scores of 0001 & 0002 to P & F respectively when importing test information from incoming transcripts.


Committed recent 17-18 DOE changes to verification reports, student field codes, and drop codes.

Updated industry certification table from appendix Z & ZZ; this update only adds industry certs that are not currently present in the table.

Added missing industry certification codes to appendix ZZ for WDIS.

Added Florida Appendix N background table for use in Demographic Verification Report re-write.

Download DOE & Error Reports - Added report F71174.

Pre-ID Extracts - Fixed an issue in FSA Spring EOC where first time Algebra I test takers were marked as re-takers due to PERT score.

DOE Data Verification Reports

  • Modified the reports to no longer initially load any report. This results in less time taken to get to desired report.
  • The reports also do not select “All Schools” by default on initial load despite user preference.
  • Fixed an issue where the survey would not change correctly on report refresh if dates were hidden.


Student Assessment - Fixed as issue with potential duplicate records.

Dropout Prevention Program Data - Fixed an issue where duplicate records were being pulled.

Student Demographic Verification Report - No longer displays errors for students enrolled at the following school numbers: 9992, 9993, 9995, N998, N999, 3518. The extract will always output Z as noted in the K12 Extract Field Defaults report for edit 31.

Prior School/Attendance Verification Report - Updated edit 17 with two new enrollment codes, WPC and WPR.


Added new program titled “WDIS Accuracy Reports,” which currently contains Industry Certification reports similar to the K12 School Grade Accuracy Industry Certification reports.

WDIS End of Term - Modified extract to pull from student enrollment field first and then from student field for element WDIS AGE Withdrawal Reason.

WDIS End of Term Verification Report - Modified edit 27 to account for new student enrollment field.

WDIS AGE Student Course Verification Report

  • Modified edit F1 to also exclude program code S990001.
  • Modified edit 54 to also show the schedule and course section start and end dates.


  • Fixed an issue where a PHP error occurred for an incoming transcript with an X01 error code and a FLEID provided.
  • Updated to set the Course Catalog Graduation Subject Area to NULL if the value is 0 on outgoing transcripts.


Download DOE & Error Reports

  • Users are now able to download available files from DQ2 for PK12 & WDIS.
  • Added a couple of additional FTE Re-calibrated reports.

Florida Reports Setup - Added new district option titled “Extract Append Files Type,” which indicates to the extract download/view/send processes how to use the file appended for the given format. “Separate By Mode” is the current functionality where the appended file is applied to the output of the extract based on the selected mode. “Initial Only” treats the appended file as an addition to the Focus generated Initial file and is also compared when generating batches. The new district option will only appear for districts enabled to append files.

Generate DOE Extracts

  • Users are now able to download edit/validation error files from DQ2 and store the data in background Focus tables.
  • Modified backend processes to handle the new append type district option. Note that the changes only apply to districts configured to append files.

Teachers In/Out Field Report - Modified Teacher Certification and In/Out Field Calculation queries for speed improvements.

Menu - Added new enrollment field “WDIS AGE Withdrawal Reason” for use in WDIS End of Term extract.

Students in Both Survey 2 and 3 - Now using FLEID to identify students being present in both surveys.

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