Documentation for Administrators

Version 2019.07.12.SURVEY1F

Updated on

Focus School Software implemented a Florida State Reporting update, effective July 12, 2019.

Do not update to this version unless the Survey 5 site has been created for the district.

If the survey is not specified, the change applies to all surveys. New items that have not been back-merged into previous versions are marked as **NEW**.


Transportation Extract - Now outputs Z for Year-Round FTE Indicator if student has B set. B is ignored in verification reports.

Student Course Verification Report

  • Updated language for edit 4H.
  • Disabled output of errors for F2 for surveys 1 & 4.

WDIS AGE Student Course - Modified logic to reference a new district option to use the CEILING function when reporting hours.

WDIS CTE Student Course - Modified logic to reference a new district option to use the CEILING function when reporting hours.

WDIS End of Term - No longer considers grade level a key field.

WDIS AGE Student Course Verification Report - Adjusted edit 74 to match DOE logic.

  • Reworked how batches are tracked during the various overnight processes to fix some stalled sends.
  • Now pulls fields “Advanced International Certificate of Education Diploma,” “Migrant Continuation of Services,” and “Adult General Education Program Code.” **NEW**
  • Incoming transcript search pop-up now displays a column for “Birthdate” for the search results of Focus students to match with.

Added FEFP Cost Factors for 2019-2020.

Florida Reports K-12 has been updated for the 2019-2020 school year. WDIS 2019-2020 will be a future back-merge once DOE confirms changes. See "2019-2020 Changes" section below for details. **NEW**

Compatibility with Focus 9.1+ discipline changes implemented. **NEW**

Download DOE & Error Reports - Removed confusing title for CURRENT FISH file.

Florida Reports Setup

  • No longer trims whitespace for Course Code Directory cert levels field when importing into database.
  • Added a new district option titled “Process Assessments - Exam grade records created will be school specific,” which will create an exam grade record for each school a student is scheduled at.
  • Added a new district option titled “WDIS - Hours reported as next highest integer value (ceiling) rather than with regular rounding” that tells the WDIS AGE & CTE extracts to run a CEILING function instead of a ROUNDING function on the reported hours columns.

FTE Summary Report - Updated 2019-2020 Base Student Allocation to $4279.49.

Process Assessments

  • Concordant for test short name PSA will now only consider subject code SQ with a SS score type of 430 or greater.
  • Fixed a duplicate exam grade being created when a student has multiple schedule records for sections with the same marking period.
  • Modified logic to take into account Florida Reports Setup district option and change the default logic if option is not set.
  • Fixed an issue where an exam record would not be created for students concurrently enrolled at multiple schools for the exact timeframes.

Survey Accuracy Report

  • Added a new report to show students who have a virtual schedule but no matching grade.
  • Adjusted how virtual schedules are identified for the two survey 4 reports.
2019-2020 Changes

Demographic Verification Report

  • Updated edit 15 for Birth Date valid date range.
  • Updated edit 27 for ELL code LA addition.
  • Updated edit 31 for Graduation Option code P removal.
  • Updated edit 41 for Birth Date valid date range.
  • Removed edit 5H.

Discipline Verification Report - Updated edit 26 for ELL code LA addition.

End of Year Verification Report

  • Updated edit 09 for Diploma Type code WPR removal.
  • Updated edit 16 for Withdrawal Reason code WHP addition.
  • Updated edit 32 for Diploma Type code WPR removal.

Federal/State Indicator Verification Report

  • Updated edit 25 for Homelessness Cause code O removal.
  • Updated edit 26 for Homelessness Cause code O removal.

Industry Certification Verification Report

  • Updated edit 11 for updated course numbers.
  • Updated edit 41 for updated course numbers.

Prior School Verification Report

  • Updated edit 17 for Withdrawal Code WPR removal and WHP addition.
  • Updated edit 35 for Withdrawal Code WPR removal.
  • Updated edit 37 for Disaster Affected Student code B removal and addition of codes F, O, P, R, V, and X.

Student Course Verification Report

  • Updated edit 25 for Reading intervention code Y -> A & B.
  • Removed edit 26.
  • Added edit 2M.
  • Updated edit 4E for Online Course Provider codes.
  • Updated edit 84 for wording change.
  • Updated edit 96 for Reading intervention code Y -> A & B.

Teacher Course Extract - Changed column “Fund Source: NCLB Title III” to “Fund Source: ESSA Title III.”


Reading Intervention - Removed code Y and added codes A & B.

Virtual Instruction Provider - Added codes 310 & 317.

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