Documentation for Administrators

Version 2018.10.12.SURVEY2

Updated on

If the survey is not specified, the change applies to all surveys.

Focus School Software implemented a Florida State Reporting update, effective October 12, 2018. 

New Changes

Student Course - Fixed an issue where sections assigned to a virtual school but not a virtual school of instruction pulled in survey 4.

Transcript - Updated to output Semester Content value if field is populated on Course History record for next year (18-19).

EWS Report

  • Added a new parameter titled “Discipline & Attendance Year,” which will specify which year Focus pulls for the <90% days in attendance and suspensions indicators.
  • Specified which information displayed in the detail reports is current year data.
  • Made note of which specific indicators a student pulls for and the data that triggered the indicator (new columns).
  • Modified the suspension logic to also include referral codes I and H.
  • Prioritized the posted current year quarter grades over the gradebook current year quarter grades.
Weekly Back Merges

McKay Prepayment Extract - Modified the code to always output values of 99999999 for entry and withdrawal dates if a student was not found in the system and not just if the student was designated as a “Military Family Student.”


  • Re-named title for section Bill By field and modified display of available options.
  • Removed Educational Choice code of R.

Prior School Verification Report - Updated edit 36 to reflect removal of Educational Choice code R.


Demographic & Student Course Formats - No longer downloads the McKay payment file every time a report or extract is ran or generated for McKay student information in surveys 2 & 3. Instead, the process now works similarly to the O-file download, where the file is downloaded once per day to speed up the reports/extracts.

End of Year Format - No longer pulls records with the enrollment Out of District Number and School Number fields populated.

Class Size Report - Modified report/process to factor scheduling method A students differently if the district opted to instruct the class size report/process to not use rotation days.

FTE Summary Reports (Breakdown) - Fixed database error on Funding Lost To Other Schools report when using Recalibrated FTE.

Teachers In/Out Field Rules - Now checks endorsement certification scope field for 100% ASD classes.

K12 Extract Field Defaults Report - Added entries for “District Number, Zoned School” and “School Number, Zoned School.”

Menu - Fixed an issue where users are able to manually input schedule withdrawal codes without setting any up.

Survey Accuracy Reports

  • Fixed an issue where the students missing from O-file report wasn't being limited by school selected.
  • Fixed an issue where inclusion minutes were not calculating if a school was not using the Inclusion tab.

Student Course Verification Report

  • Edit 51: Now counts NULL schedule minutes as zero.
  • Fixed an issue with edit 96.
  • Fixed an issue for verification report edits regarding FEFP where the student ESE FEFP was not overriding the schedule FEFP field if the Dual Enrollment schedule field was NULL.

Bus Rosters - Fixed an issue where second school enrollment records were being used to display school number on report.

FTE Null Students Report - Fixed an issue where the changing the survey did not update the date fields.

FTE Summary Report

  • Fixed an issue where the dollar amount was 0 if the District Option District Cost Differential was set to 0.
  • Fixed an issue where the survey dates would not update once the user changed the survey drop-down.

Teacher Course Verification Report - Fixed an issue where blank teacher cert IDs were not being flagged as errors for edit 2B.

Bus Rosters

  • Updated output PDF files based on new technical assistance paper from DOE.
  • Now able to search by Bus Routes in addition to or in place of Bus Drivers.
  • Fixed an issue with duplicate bus driver names in drop-down caused by the AM/PM student field split.

Teachers In/Out Field Report - Fixed an issue where co-teachers not marked as “Report to DOE” were pulling on report.


  • Added AGE Institutional Setting to course sections.
  • Added the Certification/Licensure/Qualification Status codes T, L, & P to co-teacher field.

Survey Accuracy Reports - No longer counts students coded as LF as missing a 130 FEFP. Modified the code for better readability.


Student Course Verification Report - Added fix for edit 53 pulling false errors for courses beginning with three alphabetic characters.

Download DOE & Error Reports - Added the ability to download the Class Size Reports from the TIBCO SFTP server.

EOY Processing - No longer calculates FTE for APT subscores.

FASTER - Fixed an issue where users attempted to create outgoing requests for all of zero records.

Florida Reports Setup - Added file F71452 to be available to download in background Focus tables.

Print FTE Detail - Fixed an issue where inclusion schedule records did not output the correct meeting days.

Teachers In/Out Field Report - Now lists all reasons a teacher is out of field rather than one if there are multiple out of field reasons.

LearnFare Attendance

  • No longer matches students to LearnFare records with zero-filled SSN.
  • Fixed an issue when a student matched multiple LearnFare records where the absence query pulled incorrectly.

Survey Accuracy Reports

  • Now only checks schedule for FEFP 130 for students missing 130.
  • Now checks both the schedule and Inclusion tab for minutes to determine if a student has less than 450 minutes for ELA.
  • Reformatted queries for better maintainability.

Pushed last year Appendix Y data into 18-19 until DOE makes the 18-19 file available.

Exceptional Student Extract - Now pulls students where placement date IS NULL and placement status is R, I, N, or E.

SESIR Verification Report - Fixed edit 64 from showing incorrect errors.

WDIS CTE Student Course Verification Report

  • Fixed an issue in edit 16 where the Full Time Student Indicator student field did not properly output the Focus label.
  • Added schedule and section start and end dates to edit 65.

Generate Extracts Screens - Modified how Extract History pop-up window displays for clarity.

Teachers In/Out Field Rules - Fixed an issue where student population counts weren't being checked against correctly.

LearnFare Attendance - Modified the matching and attendance processing for speed for SQL server clients.


WDIS End of Term - Now pulls diploma codes and dates for dates within the reporting year rather than the fiscal year.

WDIS Teacher Course

  • Added fix for edit 10 where class hours were not being rounded before being checked within the hour value range.
  • Now outputs class length of 1 for sections that have student schedule records pulling based on completion point code dates but class length would have been zero.

Download DOE & Error Reports

  • Added support for WDIS DQ2 Production. Specified DQ2 Preflight checkbox.
  • Added DQ2 Exception and Validation Record in Error files.

Florida Reports Setup - Added “Rollover Florida Options” to the District Options tab, which takes the current year options and copies them over to the next year.

Generate Extracts Screens - Clicking the “Download O/D-file(s)” button will force the file to be downloaded regardless if a file was downloaded earlier in the day.

Teachers In/Out Field Process

  • Fixed an issue where a database error displayed on section creation/editing related to the auto cert update.
  • Modified logic to update the Certification/Licensure/Qualification Status to N if the teacher has Florida Educators Certificate Number set to 0000999999.

DOE Data Verification Reports - Fixed Testing Date Range showing in non-WDIS surveys.

WDIS Extract Field Defaults Report - Updated for 8.8 compatibility.



Discipline Verification Report - Fixed edit 09 to pick up discipline records that are missing an incident ID entirely.

WDIS AGE Student Course - Fixed an issue where records split by fiscal year and with a funding end date had different hours than expected.

WDIS AGE Student & Teacher Course - Modified how the section number is created for a record split by fiscal year.

Teachers In/Out Field Report - If a teacher is determined to be “O” out-of-field and the teacher does not have a Florida Certificate Number or the value is 0, then Focus updates the section with a code of N for the Certification/Licensure/Qualification Status.

FTP Process - Fixed an issue where districts were unable to send to WDIS DQ2 Pilot.

DOE Data Verification Reports - Fixed an issue where “Survey Dates Not Set” error would display in surveys 6 & 8 if the effective date was set as the current date.


Pushed 2017 Industry certs to 2018 in WDIS Industry Certification background table until DOE makes new file available.

Teacher Course Verification Report - Updated logic for edit 2F to match DOE.

Download DOE & Error Reports - Prepended “Staff” to Staff files for grouping.

Teachers In/Out Field Process - If a teacher has a scope of U, the process will update the Certification/Licensure/Qualification Status field on the section with a code of S.


  • LCP & OCP code list now contains an explicit Z value rather than listing N/A in the interface when the code is set to Z in the database. N/A is now a NULL in the database.
  • Moved the Distance Learning fields from Florida to WDIS tabs on course sections and student schedules.

Prior School Extract - Fixed an issue where a student enrollment record considered regular year with a missing end date could potentially have an end date set that occurs before the start date depending on the user extract dates.

Student Course Schedule - Now only looks at the school of instruction field when determining if a record is virtual even if the school of enrollment is virtual.

WDIS AGE Student Course - Added fix for Fiscal Year split records when survey is F and user school year is the same as fiscal year.

WDIS Supplemental Information

  • Modified extract to output Industry Certification Date Earned as 00000000 if the Industry Certification Outcome does not equal P.
  • Modified edit 21 to not flag errors if a date is provided and the outcome does not equal P.

WDIS Supplemental Information Verification Report - Fixed an issue where edits concerning district number of instruction would have missing data for the field for industry certification records that originated from the student log field.

WDIS Teacher Course - Added fix for Fiscal Year split records when survey is F and user school year is the same as fiscal year.

DOE Data Verification Reports - Fixed an issue where there was a negative percent displayed.

Menu - Moved FAFSA menu fields over to Florida Reports.

Pre-ID Extracts - Fixed an issue where students without 504 were being considered as 504 when outputting the “Testing Accommodations Listed on IEP or 504 Plan” field.


Added SQL to migrate the single character LCP codes to the two digit codes as part of the 18-19 changes for AGE programs 9900010 & 9900099.

Exceptional Student - Fixed an issue where summer school secondary enrollment records did not pull in surveys 1 & 4.

Fed State Indicator - Fixed an issue where the extract always output a code of N for PE Waiver if the field was null or had a code of Z.

Teacher Course - Fixed an issue where the district and school of instruction fields were outputting as all 8s.

WDIS AGE Student Course - Fixed an issue where records that were split by fiscal year had duplicated hours instead of correctly calculating based on generated records.

WDIS AGE Student Course Verification Report - Added Grade Level column to FLEID Edit.

WDIS CTE Student Course Verification Report - Added Grade Level column to FLEID Edit.

WDIS Demographic Verification Report - Added Grade Level column to FLEID Edit.

WDIS End of Term - Fixed an issue where the AGE Diploma Date was outputting for Diploma Type of ZZZ.

Florida Rules - Modified process to set the Cert/Licensure/Qual Status field to L or T for the respective scope code on the teacher's certification log record.

Teachers In/Out Field Report - Added Cert/Licensure/Qual Status codes of L & T to be considered in-field.

Pre-ID Extracts - Added ESE Test Waiver field check back into Pre-ID extracts.

School Grade Accuracy Reports - Fixed a database error that occurred while running the reports at a school with no calendar.

DOE Data Verification District Usage - Fixed an issue in Focus 8.8+ where the school type drop-down did not populate as expected.


Rolled over 17-18 industry certifications to 18-19 until DOE provides relevant appendices.

CTE Student Course - No longer pulls adult grade level for latest enrollment record.

Demographic - No longer pulls adult grade level for latest enrollment record if CTE Student Course records exist for the student.

Dropout Prevention

  • When calculating element “Dropout Prevention Length of Program Participation,” the attendance data will be limited to the district and school number assigned to the Dropout Prevention log record if supplied.
  • Fixed an issue where DOP program end dates were less than entry dates.

English Language Learners

  • Now also pulls GEN test with appropriate subject content codes.
  • Added new subject codes to GEN test.

Industry Certification

  • Fixed an issue where duplicate records did not output.
  • Edit 18 modified to say "Duplicate error" instead of "Reject."

Teacher Course

  • Automatically outputs Florida Educators Certificate Number with value 7777777777 if Certification/Licensure/Qualification is A or T.
  • Automatically outputs Florida Educators Certificate Number with value 8888888888 if Certification/Licensure/Qualification is L.

Transcript - Locked in a consistent ordering for course sequence.

Transcript Verification Report - Added fix for edit 05 leaving country codes AA-AE & ZB out.

Download DOE & Error Reports - Added DATA file for F71423.

EOY Processing

  • Fixed a database error that occurred when there were multiple codes, but only one was currently active based on the max syear. Also now displays grade level when updating PE waiver.
  • No longer assigns PK students a N for promotion status.

FASTER - Semester Content now pulls in place of term if Semester Content is set.

FLEID Processes - Now outputs the prior district of enrollment attached to the latest enrollment record for the Prior School of Enrollment field.

Generate DOE Extracts - Added a hover color change on the extract list to assist users in selecting the correct format.

Teachers In/Out Field Report - Fixed database error for brand new course sections.

Menu - Added new “Apprenticeship Sponsor Code” to sections, which cascades to schedule records.

Pre-ID Extracts - Updated Fall NGSSS EOC Retake, FSA Fall ELA/Writing Retake, and FSA Fall EOC Pre-ID Extracts for 2018-2019 school year.

Process Assessments - Adding concordant scores for 2018-2019 cohort.

Survey Accuracy Reports - No longer allows users to select all schools if they don't have all schools set in user enrollment.


Exceptional Student - Fixed an issue where the placement status of another ESE record was being pulled instead of the primary if the placement dates were equivalent. Changed the logic so that the placement status will only be overwritten by the other ESE record if the placement date is earlier than the primary ESE record.

Student & Teacher Course Verification Reports - Fixed an issue where section numbers displayed in verification reports did not match what was output in extracts if the course number had trailing spaces.

EOY Processing - Now clears bonus FTE fields automatically before calculating current students. If any manual data entry is to occur for bonus FTE fields, please do it after running the bonus FTE process.

FASTER - Fixed an issue where invalid characters were included in outgoing transcript files.

FLEID Processes - Now orders FLEID export file by local student ID.

Teachers In/Out Field Report - Modified report to match the student enrollment and schedule logic to the rules class uses.


Added missing program and industry cert relationships for program T640400.

WDIS Test Verification Report - Hardcoded dates in edits 15 & 16.

EOY Processing - Fixed an issue where the withdrawal code would not output due to deleted codes with the same short name.

FASTER - Fixed an issue where JCL jobs did not run correctly for districts with usernames longer than six characters.

FLEID Processes - Fixed an issue where the Import File button was disabled indefinitely on the page despite a file successfully being imported.

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