Documentation for Administrators

Version 2023.06.09.SURVEY45S

Updated on

Focus School Software implemented a Florida State Reporting update, effective June 14, 2023.

If the survey is not specified, the change applies to all surveys. 

PK - 12

Assessment Extract

  • Adjusted logic to allow ASV tests with SS score type to pull. Also updated School Grade Accuracy report to pull SS scores as well.

ELL Extract

  • Fixed issue when using the Out of District Enrollment fields, which could cause the extract to output the wrong district number.

Prior School Extract

  • Fixed issue where Alternate Membership dates weren't being taken into account.
  • Fixed issue where days present was producing a number higher than expected.
  • Fixed an issue where the UNIX default date would be used for the withdrawal date logic if the school did not have a calendar set (N998/N999).

Student Course Extract

  • Added logic to validate FES FEFP on payment file is correct for the student's grade level; if the FEFP is invalid the extract will send what is listed on the students schedule.
  • Now allows 999 FEFP to override 255 for select Hospital Homebound courses.
  • Updated logic so that DJJ attendance is checked in survey 1.

Demographic Verification Report

  • Modified edit 1C to always show errors for nulls in each of the race fields.
  • Fixed an issue with edit 45 that was incorrectly flagging students at 9995.

Discipline Verification Report

  • Fixed issue with edit 3A that was not considering incidents as missing if the incident type was left blank or set to ZZZ, which will cause it not to pull in the SESIR extract.

Drop Out Prevention Verification Report

  • Fixed issue with edit 13 where some columns were displaying the select ID instead of the text value.

Fed/State Eval Verification Report

  • Fixed an issue where null records were being incorrectly flagged as errors.

Prior School Verification Report

  • Updated edit 23 to no longer flag errors during survey 5 for missing withdrawal and calendar dates.

SESIR Verification Report

  • Fixed several edits that were displaying the ID for a select field rather than the actual text value.

Transcript Verification Report

  • Fixed issue where edit 83 was flagging students with NULL credits incorrectly. Also adjusted display of credits and credits earned to display 000 when their value in the database is NULL to match the extract logic.

Staff Payroll

  • Fixed an issue where the charter primary job code did not output if user had multiple primary records.

AGE Student Course

  • Fixed an issue where the schedule Funding End Date wasn't being checked correctly.

CTE Student Course

  • Fixed an issue where the schedule Funding End Date wasn't being checked correctly.

Supplemental Information

  • Fixed an issue where AGE Cost Reporting Codes with industry certifications were not pulling.
  • Query optimizations, specifically for the district option 'WDIS - Pull log field certs from all school years (Default Pulls Current and Previous Years)'.

CTE Student Course Verification Report

  • Updated edit 43.

AGE Student Course Verification Report

  • Updated edit 27.
  • If subject code begins with 'MJ' then output 'NC' for graduation subject area.
  • If the graduation subject set for a course on the course catalog begins with 'MJ' then this will be translated to 'NC'. The course catalog is treated as a fallback when determining the graduation subject for grade records with no subject assigned.
  • In progress schedule records now take double blocked preference into account when determining credits.
  • In order to pass FASTER Edits: 89, 90, 91, & 92, now blanking the following fields if Year Entered Ninth Grade is blank or prior to 2010-2011:
    • Algebra I Assessment Met
    • Geometry Assessment Passed
    • Biology Assessment Passed
    • US History Assessment Passed
  • Added FST and BST tests.
  • FST test form translated to one character from the acceptable/expected Focus test form values (PM1, PM2, PM3, RTK).
  • When importing FST test records for incoming transcripts, now translates test form values of '1','2', & '3' to 'PM1', 'PM2', & 'PM3' respectively; 'RTK' for test form '3' when grade level is greater than 10.

Added Adult High School Credits at Entry.

Added test and part entries for tests FST, BST, GED if they did not already exist in the system.

Added new score types FLTESTID - Test ID & AEFL - Adult Educational Functioning Level for use in upcoming WDIS changes.

Added new function to generate Test IDs for tests/parts with the FLTESTID score type assigned; function will be used in upcoming SIS scheduled job.

Added background table fl_fltestid_log that is used by new FLTESTID generation function to track what test IDs were assigned to which score records.

Added new user field titled "Literacy Micro-Credential".

Bonus FTE Student Detail Report

  • Added new checkbox to have the report output Y for the various validation checks (Valid Score, Valid Schedule, etc.) to make it easier to filter the report.


  • Fixed an issue where whitespace was not transferred to Sent to District FTP scheduled job resulting in records being out of alignment.
  • Fixed an issue where absences across schools weren't being taken into account when the user running the report was only running it for the currently selected school.
  • Changed column name in downloaded csv file from 'Reason for Suspension' to 'Transaction Code' to match the report interface.

Download DOE & Error Reports

  • Fixed an issue where DQ2 Validation/Exception records were not able to be downloaded.
  • Updated Dropout Match Reports to pull from TIBCO.

EWS Report

  • Fixed issue where Current Year Daily Absent % was set to zero when checking Show Alert Icons. Also removed MTSS Tier column from the report; this column isn't part of the SSS MTSS integration and was accidentally added during the rewrite recently.

FES Import Exceptions

  • Added new report "Student's FEFP Differs Between Schedule, Student List, Payment File(s)".
  • Added effective date to select reports to allow users to filter out FES students that are no longer actively enrolled at FES.

FTE Breakdown Reports

  • Added FTE type to PDF for District FTE Summary report.


  • Modified for support for PDO to fix staff search.

Florida Reports Setup

  • Added an option to Florida Files (NWRDC) titled 'Dropout Students (F61657, F61943, F62294, F62295, F70589)' which will download the aforementioned files into a background table (fl_dropout_student_information) for use by the districts.
  • Fixed WDIS Appendix O not loading into background table.
  • Fixed issue preventing K12 Appendix O from loading into background table.
  • Removed tab titled 'Contracted Module' and replaced with 'Magic Batch School Control'.
  • Former Contracted Module data has been migrated to Magic Batch School Control.
  • Districts 67 & 72 excluded school logic that was previously hard-coded has been migrated to Magic Batch School Control.
  • Magic Batch School Control allows for districts to control what schools are included/excluded based on the extract area, survey, format, and school element type.
  • Fixed issue that prevented WDIS ZZ from loading into background table.
  • Fixed typo for the option 'WDIS - Pull log field certs from all school years (Default Pulls Current and Previous Years)'.
  • Fixed issue preventing several appendices from downloading into background tables.
  • Added a new district option titled "Process Assessments - Default Effective Date (Used for ESOL Graduation Pathway & Students With An ESE Test Waiver)" with two options to display the effective date picker in the interface (current functionality) or to choose the last day of school on student basis.
  • Updated logic to pull dropout files from new TIBCO location in Florida Files.

Generate DOE Extracts

  • No longer importing edit/validation files from DOE if the first line of the file begins with ' *** ' as these records indicate no records in the file.
  • Updated o-file download logic to remove contracted module and hardcoded exclude logic in favor of Magic Batch School Control.

Generate Staff Extracts

  • Modified d-file download logic for contracted module formats that rely on the Staff Demographic D-file to help mitigate instances of file download failure (0 records).
  • Fixed an issue where the error codes did not populate when downloading the Edit/Validation files into the background tables.
  • Also replaced the commas (,) in the error code listing from the edit and validation files with empty spaces to match mainframe output.
  • Updated o-file download logic to remove contracted module and hardcoded exclude logic in favor of Magic Batch School Control.

Teachers In/Out of Field Logic

  • Now only applies ESE logic to inclusion teachers if the district option 'Teachers In/Out Field - Check ESE certifications for Inclusion (Scheduling Method 'I') Teachers.' is set.
  • Tier 3 Reading Intervention Reading endorsement only required if district option 'Teachers In/Out Field - Flag teachers missing reading endorsement as out-of-field if teaching Tier 3 Reading Intervention students.' is set.
  • Updated logic to check for the Literacy Micro-Credential user field if a reading endorsement is required.

LearnFare Attendance

  • Fixed issue where students were pulling due to their drop code, but had since re-enrolled back into the district.


  • Added Adult Fee Status option '3'.
  • Added the schedule fields:
    • Adult Educational Functioning Level Subject Area 1
    • Pre-Test ID 1
    • Post-Test ID 1
    • Adult Educational Functioning Level Subject Area 2
    • Pre-Test ID 2
    • Post-Test ID 2
    • Adult Educational Functioning Level Subject Area 3
    • Pre-Test ID 3
    • Post-Test ID 3
  • Updated title for district 69.
  • Updated Adult Fee Status Code O description to 'Fee Exempt: Adoption from DCF'.

Pre-ID Extracts

  • Added new entry for the Spring B.E.S.T. Writing Field Test Pre-ID Extract.
  • Adjusted Spring Retakes Pre-ID extract Algebra I logic to match the Fall EOC and ELA Retake Pre-ID.
  • Modified the Progress Monitoring Assessments extracts to add an additional administration titled 'PM3 (Retake Students)'.
  • The Progress Monitoring, PM3 (Retake Students), administration limits to students in grade levels 11, 12, 30 and which have not passed the FSA/FST ELA requirement.
  • Updated Summer EOC extract for 2022-2023.

Print FTE Detail

  • Added logic to allow FES Attending School (CUSTOM_200000026) to output as the school of instruction if populated and student is enrolled at 3900.

Process Assessments

  • Fixed an issue where the BST Geometry test was not being used for Algebra I concordant score.
  • Updated the Algebra I equivalent tests to replace FSA with BST.
  • Modified logic so that the date range provided to the Course Assessment process only applies to the students pulled and not if the EOC is evaluated or not (fixes issue with concordant test information pulling even though EOC taken and passed).
  • BST Algebra I Overall Score part subject code changed from '5F' to '5D'.
  • Fixed an issue where a database error would occur for the scheduled job if an effective date had not been set for use with the ESOL Graduation Pathway logic.
  • Added FST PM3 evaluation logic.
  • Updated logic so that:
    • ACT Math Score of 19 counts for reading requirement prior to 2020-2021 cohort (was previously 2019-2020).
    • SA4 EBRW Score of 430 counts for reading requirement prior to 2020-2021 cohort (was previously 2019-2020).
    • SAT Reading subtest counts for reading requirement prior to 2020-2021 cohort (was previously 2019-2020).
    • Added PERT score of 114 counts for Algebra I requirement for cohorts prior to 2020-2021 (Score of 97 for prior to 2019-2021 still in effect).
  • Changed FCAT/FSA ELA Cohort selection to swiftbox.
  • Implemented logic change for ESOL Graduation Pathway/ESE Test Waiver last day of school effective date district option.
  • Changed sort order for ACT Reading to pick the earliest passing score instead of the latest when updating the Reading Pass date & select fields.
  • Added new district option that when enabled will allow Process Assessments to populate ALG passed date & passed indicator for students with an ESE Test Waiver for ALG.
  • When running ELA, the process will now update any students that initially passed with a concordant score, but later passed with FSA/FST score.
  • Now also accepts FST Reading test with a test form of 'RTK' (previously was just 'PM3').
  • Added support for Algebra 1 out-of-state tests (set to concordant), designated as 'ZZZ' and 'ZA1' for the test short name and test part subject code respectively. Score types of PF and AL will be checked in order to meet the requirement.

School Grade Accuracy Reports

  • Fixed issue where refresh button wasn't working.

School Setup

  • Converted Districts/Categories select to a swiftbox to allow users to search through list of districts and categories easier.

Survey Accuracy Reports

  • Added button to the "Students scheduled into a Special Skills Course without Special Skills Exceptionality" report to show the course/exceptionality relationship used for generating the report.
  • Added course 5010017 as a valid ELA course for the report: "Elem students with less than 450 mins ELA".
  • Added new report titled: Multiple Virtual Schedules that are being matched to one grade.

Survey R

  • No longer excludes records for a prior month if the month was never sent. (District misses sending one month; records will pull for next month).

Talented Twenty

  • Double blocked preference is now taken into account when determining in progress course credits.

Verification Reports

  • Added district 81 as valid. Also simplified the process of adding additional district numbers going forward.
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