Documentation for Administrators

Version 2024.04.05

Updated on

Focus School Software implemented a Florida State Reporting update, effective April 1, 2024.

If the survey is not specified, the change applies to all surveys. New items are marked as (**NEW**).


It is important to review the following technical article on Zendesk: Process Assessments Update: Feb 2024 Update.

PK - 12

Demographic Extract

  • Now outputs graduation option as 'Z' for students enrolled in 3450.

Discipline Extract

  • Upper casing Incident Identifier to avoid false positive add/change/delete records in magic batch.

Exceptional Student Extract

  • Tweaked queries pulling from log records table to speed up process for very large districts.


  • Upper casing Incident Identifier to avoid false positive add/change/delete records in magic batch.

K12 Extract Field Defaults

  • Fixed typo for Course Number, Custom Field Number.

Demographic Verification Report

  • Updated edit 31 to include school 3450.

ELL Verification Report

  • Updated logic for Error 94.

Prior School Verification Report

  • Updated logic for rules 28 and 38 to take District Option 'Verification Reports - Output errors for fields with missing data that get defaults in the extracts' into account.
  • Updated logic for edit 17.

WDIS AGE Extract

  • No longer outputs post test IDs for split sections ending in June for Survey F; this will prevent false 9F errors.

WDIS Automated Processes

  • Added logic to validate levels using table under AGE edit 9G when selecting Pre & Post tests. This will only prevent new pre & post tests from being assigned, but will not remove existing invalid test IDs from student schedules.
  • Now evaluates course 9900131 for program 9900130 for Reading.
  • Fixed issue where subject area was being set, but Pre Test ID wasn't due to missing a FLTESTID.

WDIS Test Extract

  • No longer pulls students solely enrolled in CTE to help reduce edit 22 on test.
  • Added logic to respect new district option to prevent records with a missing AEFL from being transmitted when enabled.

WDIS CTE Verification Report

  • Fixed logic and description for Error 34 on CTE Student Course Schedule.

WDIS Demographic Verification Report

  • Fixed NULL values for Adult High School Credits at Entry, Error 83.

WDIS Test Verification Report

  • Added edit 12.

Updated verification report logic to limit results by district.

Staff Benefits

  • Modified extract so that most recently dated fiscal year job wages record is used when determining the amount of the deduction/benefit which then controls if a record is pulled or not.
  • Now compares Qualifying Arrival log records school year value against the chosen MSIX School Year value to determine/prioritize which QAD value is chosen when determining the School Year records to output for MSIX transcripts.
  • Updated SAT/ACT process to support new CLT & ACT formats.
  • No longer outputs a CAPE value for industry certification log records where the district & school number do not match the district & school number of enrollment.
  • If State GPA is over 4.0 then output 4.0 to avoid edit.

Added BST Writing Test Setup (if it does not exist in the system).

Added FST STAR FAST Equivalent Overall Scare Score subject parts (if it does not exist in the system).

Bonus FTE Detail Report

  • Added school of enrollment to report.

Bus Rosters

  • Updated logic for duplicate records when selecting Combine AM/PM option.
  • Updated logic that handles report headers.
  • Fixed Show Student Bus Stop checkbox.

DOE Data Verification Reports

  • Removed large empty spaces between errors.

Florida Reports Setup

  • Fixed background tables issue where footer was being displayed incorrectly.
  • Added new district option titled 'PEER Export - Max Days Ahead of Effective Date (Max 14)'.
  • Added RTI Clock & Credit hours fields to WDIS Appendix O.
  • Added new district option that when enabled will prevent test records with a missing AEFL from extracting to help prevent edit 22.

Teachers In/Out Field Report

  • Fixed a student count display issue for primary teacher records with an inclusion co-teacher on the section.
  • Now excludes teacher certification number '1999' from applying to the 'ANY' course cert code.
  • Fixed an issue where the 'Inclusion' column value would not show correctly on the Primary Teachers tab.


  • Added new field to student_report_card_grades, Virtual Grade Term (virtual_grade_term), for future use in survey 4.

Pre-ID Extracts

  • No longer excludes students flagged for alternate assessments from pulling for the SAT pre-id extract.
  • Fixed an issue where first time Algebra 1 students were not pulling for BST Algebra 1 test.
  • Fixed an issue where the 'All Tests' option from the test accommodation log field did not apply to the test indicator fields in Fall & Spring Pre-ID Extracts.
  • Now checks EOC attempts when determining if prior year scheduled Algebra 1 students should pull.

Process Assessments

  • Additional multitenant compatibility updates.
  • Modified course assessment status process to update the assessment passed student fields with a value of 'E' if there exists a course history grade earning credit indicated as credit by assessment; otherwise assessment passed is updated to 'Y' as previously.
  • Removed FSTP/BSTP logic and updated FST/BST for new subject codes according to recent DOE appendix L changes. **NEW**
  • Fixed an issue where CIV tests were not being counted as passed.

School List Setup

  • Added OTECH schools if not already existing.

Talented Twenty

  • Now counts credits of course history grade records that have been designated as Credit by Assessment (either checkbox or Grade of T) despite not being marked as affecting GPA.
  • Updated process to count course history records with a course flag of '9' and credits earned >0 despite not marked as affecting GPA.
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